What's that sign all about?

OK. I'm driving about and can't believe what I think I see. A bumper sticker stating no women drivers. I have seen this twice on different vehicles, male driver, of course. It's the icon of the sillhouette of a woman with the red no sign over top of it. (At first glance, I really thought it was an icon of a "disdasha". But then I thought no, that doesn't make sense.) What's up with this, other than ignorance?
yes qatari is right. I've read about it in a qatari online forum too. It's a stupid joke nothing more.
I've seen it several times on cars!! hating it.
maybe there gay men and dont want any women on board :o)
A friend of mine was just telling me about this last night. I've never noticed it but I'm going to look out for it now. I'm curious to know what it means as well. My sign would have a landcruiser with a line through it.
I've seen one with with a line through a lady icon but always thought that it was just a boyish joke....like when kids put a sign outside the tree house saying "boys only - no girls allowed"
Perhaps banning men from driving would be a better idea. The standard of driving could hardly be any worse than it is now where the vast majority of drivers are men. Women seem to have more consideration and are definately less homicidal.
I would be quite happy to have a woman drive me around. Any volunteers?