Whats next for George W

By the black prince •
As the esteemed leader of the American people will no longer be able to follow his choosen profession soon, just wondered what he could do next.
Maybe he could do a Ronald Regan in reverse, I mean GW is a great actor already
Any ideas would be welcome, make sure you copy to [email protected]
on it...
yes..those are the voices telling him what to do or not to do
from Texas...and we don't claim him!! We had him as governor...and gave him away...
and Alexa..I'm not sure its him that has those conversations..its the religious right and then they TELL him what to do...
Hopefully he drinks himself into oblivion....opps...forgot, he has already done that in the past :p
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
He hasn't done much for the world at all! Our people are struggling to survive. Both Husband and Wife have to work to get by, while children are being raised by sitters and daycare, debt is increasing, the dollar hit an all time low today, and crude oil is at another record high!
Anything positive he has done has far been exceeded by his Fuk ups.
"Milk and Cookies go together like Champagne and Doggie-Style."
hes a one man show himself.........he just opens his mouth and you start laughing
he could a nice sidekick for some comedy shows.
Obviously he is not fit for any profession. He will definately go back to his wild life in TX, driving Dodge or Ford trucks, cutting grass, eating steak (rare) and back to alcohol. No entity will invite him for a speech since his English is "NO GOOD".
No Alexa, thats not GOD, thats Condelesa Rice