What is wrong with picking up people!

By realsomeone •
I have tried to pickup some people several times, one question most of them asked me was "How much?" I noticed in this country lifting people is really in bad shape.
Either people will think you want money or have other agenda, instead of end result being "Thank You".
can we really fix the bad image of lifting people and encourage picking up those without cars for free.
But its true that if an accident happens and you turn out to be at fault then you have to pay the passengers for all damages.
There was a Bengali guy who gave lift to 2-3 other Bengalis, he had an accident and 2 of them died. Court ordered him to pay like 200,000QR to families of deceased.
your dad must have gotten wrong info. ny source is from Central Security Division. More reliable than your dad
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Myspace Ange
How is an offense not illegal?
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
I dont think my dad will lie to me about such things.
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
you will be charged if you use your car to transport people for money like taxis. otherwise no.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
charged QR5000???
Myspace Ange
It is not illegal. You have been given a false advice by our Great TheXonic
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
"HITCH HIKING", which is an offense.
Prove it Prove it don't Run away
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Myspace Ange
You can't teach experience
Myspace Ange
"I dont know what r u arguing about anymore."
I am not arguing. I am saying not to jump the gun with half baked truth every time. learn the whole truth and then speek. God gave Us 2 eyes, 2 Ears but only 1 mouth. know the meaning of that
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Pas them to me next time. you know my mobile No. :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
"needy people should take Karwa taxis not private taxis which are illegal but authorities turn a blind eye."
U proved my point. I dont know what r u arguing about anymore.
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
i try to stay away now :D dont wana do that agaaaaain unknown females
So DaRuDe its not only guys who try to hook up with you...lol
"So people looking for taxi are not needy?,"
needy people should take Karwa taxis not private taxis which are illegal but authorities turn a blind eye.
"I don't get your point. Secondly its called "HITCH HIKING", which is an offense. Weather its for poor needy or greedy people"
Prove it
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
if you give a lift to people, then you had an accident ... your 'passenger' can sue you for damages.
I would have suggested that you entitled your post as "what's wrong in giving people a lift". At first glance, "picking-up people" has bad connotation. Anyway, in the body of your post, it was explained.
I remember that post regarding "accident in one round-a-bout" wherein the possibility of giving a helping hand to a victim, it also applies here in this situation. It will either end at "you are a hero or you are the villain". Better to stay safe than sorry. Wait "til they signal that they want a lift. No signal, your instinct.
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
well its usual when i am on the highways mostly like from the Farm house i do give lift to 1 or 2.
but with in Doha i was standing near by a shop 2 females came Plz its hot can you take us to the Souq i was kinda shocked then laughed and then said ok fine come. were nice chickas dont know maybe leb or syrian.
What if I met with an accident while I am driving with my colleagues inside my car????
"Picking up people for Money like a taxi is an offence. not giving a free ride to the needy people"
So people looking for taxi are not needy?, I don't get your point. Secondly its called "HITCH HIKING", which is an offense. Weather its for poor needy or greedy people.
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
your back...
"Picking up" people can also be seen as "kerb crawling" or "soliciting"..
The main reason here for not picking up people is that if there is an accident, YOU can be held responsible or their injury or death.
""picking up people" is 5000 riyals fine in this country"
Picking up people for Money like a taxi is an offence. not giving a free ride to the needy people
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Because some people are just scary looking...
╬ Sotally Tober ╬
Nothing is free in this world. Get the money and say thank you. after all you help them.
Live, Laugh, Love and Get Laid.
awww thexonic you just burst his bubble :(
Someonenew people, esp. women are wary of "free lifts"...and in this country you should be. But nice deed anyway, too bad thats the way things are.
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama
yes why i thought this is really because of the lack of cheap taxi in this country and for the bus you have to wait hours.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Its illegal ? Thats news to me too. However, in many western countries the practice stopped long ago becuase of the risk that you as a driver will be murdered or robbed, or that you will be accussed of "interferring" with these people.
Nice idea however, especially given the desparate taxi situation in this town.
wow really its a fine... i didnt knew about that.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
But my mamma taught me not to accept lifts from strangers.
"picking up people" is 5000 riyals fine in this country, thats whats wrong. Perhaps, people could be possessed or have a ghost in them. Do good in the world, but don't do something that will put u in trouble.
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.