what we change...............?
Have you ever been excited about making a change in your life … only to feel completely deflated by someone’s reaction?
Or have you ever faced a difficult change … and had it made worse by someone else’s reaction?
The people around us – friends, family, colleagues – aren’t always as supportive as we might wish, especially in times of change. They might offer lots of advice – you know they mean well, but it drives you crazy. They might be very negative about the change, telling you it’ll never work out.Now my Q is as we a human never satays in one condition we always like change should we change our self according to people or according our own...........?
How can others determine what is right or wrong for YOU?
You know yourself best, therefore you must decide for yourself.
If others do not agree, that is ok, that is THEIR choice. everybody makes their own choices. :)
I hav changed my sim card, fedup of answering Luv Lee Yung's calls ! :(
You are right like always.:)
If you we are 100 percent determined and interested to change then yes, no doubt we can do it with no difficulty.
spybot : for the second time around I agree :)
(We change for ourselves and not for others, as long as it has a impact in our own lives and if you have a family, then all good.)
Yes some time it's very funny when the changes happening around you and you know that it will be discomfort for you but you accept it and people wants you to do same and you know how difficult it is
Depends how best you can explain the Why's of change to your family and if you were right the first time, I mean in selecting an educated and understanding partner, things would be understood and supported. Else one has to either forego the change or do it at their discomfort and its discomfort. Others really don't matter.
Right but some time it's very hard and we need to surrender even we don't want to just keep the relationships
hummmmmmmmm you can say.......;)
Yeah well sometimes we do change certain aspects of our character and behavior to suit that of those around us, but again we must only do so if it makes us better and our alterations will bring about good and/harmony. Never be pressurized to becoming a person you are ashamed of being, rather only make those changes that are required in order to better your life and relationships.
Lawa...What did you change?... anybody's face structure?...lol
No tht is not wht i mean, If change benefits u and ur immediate family...nd no agreeing to everything is like a puppet being moved on a string!!!!
if you have a family, then all good.Now at that point you have to agree for any thing is it you mean..........?
1st of all it's good to see you again here
It's absolutely right that for the positive change you always have hurdles but who cross them he or she becomes a person of example but i am talking about the situation where you don't want but pressure came to you change yourself now the condition is either you accept it or either go against of it
We change for ourselves and not for others, as long as it has a impact in our own lives and if you have a family, then all good.
Life is abt choices, our choices, good or bad we must deal with it.
I'm thinking right now...
When I made my decision to emerge as a practicing Muslimah, I faced much opposition, contempt and ridicule from many of my family members, including my own parents.However I cannot say it dampened my resolve.It just made me more determined to not only remain steadfast in my chosen path, but to also prove to them that my conversion had not in any way made me a lesser person.Rather I was now a better daughter,sister,niece,cousin,etc than what they had known me to be.
Happily today not only have they accepted me,but they also love and trust me today far more than they did in the past.
Change in general is inevitable.But we must strive to make our alterations positive and for our betterment.
In some circumstances we really do as you said but some time it's so difficult to stop impose that change on you which you don't want but you have to
we should be open to any positive - upwardly change by both .. means by self and others around us.
Beware from some cunning foxes who may try to impose their cheap - wayward thoughts .. which may bring your own philosophy up side down.
We shall change only Bad Habits and only that which is not accepted by Almighty.
Coz if we change for some human being then again he/she likes us to change and we can never satisfy them..