What if people never lied?

What if people never lied?
Then bad things & peoples wouldn't have begun, right?
Now-a-days, we see that Bad people are bad rooting from their lies. And a true good person never lies.
But what if nobody lied? Then would everybody be good?
Or would even then the Bad & The Good could be separated?
It's in our genes from the people behind us. But if we teach the next generation that there is no such thing as a "lie", what would happen?
not right! we have to lie. We are human beings :P
Oh well, such is life.
Take care...
"Die Freiheit der Meinung setzt voraus,dass man eine hat."
(Heinrich Heine)
"Freedom of opinion assumes that you have one."
He is an intelligent person with inferiority / superiority complex...for example read his comment at;
...employers will find it difficult hiring people.
a lie which brings smile on someones face, is kind of blessed thing.
You liked him & his sense of humour which the MODs didn't like.
i'm reading all of his replies and post, that guy possses knowledge like no one else.
Its either he was removed by the mods or he deactivated his account.
what happen to qhris? why he is blocked?
If everyone told the truth, there would be more fights..
If no one ever lied, everyone would know the truth; the world would be at peace; no one would have to break their heads thinking & appropriate actions would be taken!
If people never lied?
...no more WIKI-LEAKS! :)
No movies, no dramas, no theaters, no OBL, no terrorism!!!
if the people didnt lied...then i think, all of us are GOOD!
I dont think it will be a better place.. The world will be a bunch of rude people.
Life would be dull.
he is a boxer becareful else he will knock you out in one shot.
@qhris: hahahahah, you are funny guy.
agree with you 100%, lol!!! c",)
there are god lies and there are bad lies the good lies are lies that are good and bad lies are the lies that are bad lies so ppl can tell good lies but they should refrain from bad lies but good ppl do tell lies and the badest ppl dont tell lies coz every body know them so they have nothing to lie about
There would be less expat marriages ;O(
will, you want the answer,... see the show "The Moment of True" at it's end... :)
No Lies?...I'm seeing a lot of divorces & break-ups :P
hmmm dont know
i never told i lie......
There would be no Politicians, Lawyers or Real Estate Agents :O)
the bad ppl will still exist but they will be rude also, coz they will tell the truth about the bad things which they have made
If people never lied
how would they go to sleep
you have to lie in bed