What happens when plumbers act as doctors

Asian girl dies during abortion performed by plumber
An Asian girl was found dead in her flat in Dubai nearly five days after a plumber tried to abort her
Police said they found the body of the girl, in her 20s, and medical examination showed she had undergone a failed abortion attempt by a plumber using sharp objects
They said the plumber used sharp objects to pull out the fetus but that it got caught in the womb, leading to its death and to severe hemorrhage.
“The girl had lost much blood before she stopped breathing…we believe this had confused the plumber
They said the victim had come on a visit visa and that she had illegally stayed for nearly 1.5 years.
What the hell he was thinking!
That's very sad, may the girl rest in peace, she was been through hell.
Plumper is a plumper, why did he tired to act a doctor, I wish he get what he deserve.
Don't just blame the poor girl and the plumber.. its because of their outdated rules and laws in this places that people there are so afraid even to go the hospitals or to get some medical care knowing fully well that they will get into more trouble. Unforseen circumstances like this need to be dealt with compassion and understanding by the higher authorities. The guys who got the poor girl into this should be caught and given a severe punishment
Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilahi Rajioon (To Him We Belong and To Him Is Our Return) hope Inshallah the UAE authorities catch the culpritS responsible for the death and also all those illegal migrants better surrender themselves to there embassies and get exit in a peaceful way.
Just reading this..Audubillah.. What a terrible way to go! The plumber and all those involved will surely get their penalty, but I hope more than anything that this story will serve as a warning to others to never attempt such procedures ever again.
How can she ret in peace when she herself tried to kill her child. BritExpat are you crazy? She died , that is her punishment.
Donot kill your children for fear of authorities, fear of hunger, fear of poverty, for being a girl. You will die one day and you will be raised as a murderer infront of your Lord.
Be careful.
Any way I pray to God to forgive her as she might have committed this crime to fear of authorities.
What a terrible and horrific way to die. May she rest in peace. I hope that "the plumber" is caught and pays the price for murder.