We cannot forgive her,.......

.... God tells us to finish her.
"As she sits with her back to the crowd a bearded man is seen reading verses from the Koran condemning adultery, before saying: "We cannot forgive her, God tells us to finish her. Juma Khan, her husband, has the right to kill her."
The video then shows a man in white being handed an AK47 rifle..."
Welcome to the dark ages!
Update: Some are now reporting that the two main protagonists have also been killed. Conveniently, saves karzai a headache..
and I'm sure some of them can sure cast a mean stone!
I agree with that saying EMC, let him without sin cast the first stone. The only problem with that is only the babies qualify and their throw is useless.
Dear Nite Rider, can you, please, explain to us Qlers why that part of last sentence in the verse is in bracket? Why? You are quoting from the translation of Dr Muhsin Khan and Hilali, right?
Life is so sacred that Allah Says in His book chapter 5 verse 32: " On that account We ordained for the Children of Isra`il that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole humanity..." That verse was not in bracket, was it? Why did not Dr Muhsin Khan and Hilali put any part of this verse in bracket?
Don't you think that such an important matter as life would have been clearly Explained by Allah? Allah Made his Book clear to us. Why would he miss that one out when "Surely Allah disdains not to set forth any parable — a gnat or anything above that." Chapter 2 verse 26.
In Chapter 4:15-16 the Qur`an says: "As for those of your women who are guilty of lewdness, call to witness four of you against them. And if they testify, then confine them to the houses until death takes them or God appoints for them a way. And the two person who commit it , punish them both. But if they repent and act righteously, leave them alone. Surely, God is ever forgiving and most merciful." Allah is Giving them a chance for repentance.
In Chapter 4 Verse 25, Allah Says:"And after they (slave women) have been taken in wedlock, if they commit illegal sexual intercourse, their punishment is half that for free women which is 100 lashes in Chapter 24 Verse 2.
Now in Chapter 33 verse 30, Allah Says:" O wives of the Prophet! Whoever of you commits an open illegal sexual intercourse, the torment for her will be doubled, and that is ever easy for Allâh." Allah did not say Death by Stoning as you cannot double death, can you?
Death by Stoning is mentioned in Hadiths which were collected only 200 years after the death of the Prophet. The Sahabas who are mentioned in Hadiths books were not alive when the collectors of Hadith compiled their books. Imagine how many changes could have happened over 200 years when they were transmitted.
Okay, don't bother too much, just remember a story that were told to you when you were a kid and narrate it exactly the same to a young child now. See how much you would have missed. Or, imagine you are the mother or father and your daughter is to be stoned, which one would you choose? Qur'an or Hadith?
Allah is Most Merciful and Man is cruel and ruthless, dear. Who are you to say "she must be stoned to death?" You did not give life to her in the first place.I am referring to the guy who said this as reported in the article.
As a Muslim, I really love this saying of Jesus: "Let him without sin cast the first stone"
tinkerbell10 - Thank you for your opinion, it expresses my thought succinctly. For everyone who believes this is propaganda, yes it is, it's taliban propaganda fashioned to keep the wider world at odds with Islam and to keep war mongers like the taliban on the headlines.
For those that believe people should define Islam different from such stories, you need to understand that people's mind are subjective to what they see and hear, that is why you go out and buy your Toyota truck based on what your neighbor said about it or based on the advert you saw on TV with the truck defeating fantastic obstacles, no one will give you the truck to use for a few months to help you fashion your opinion, you views must be based on how the truck is marketed to you.
The world's view of Islam will alway be based on these negative reports, moderate Muslims should clearly reject this fringe elements, moderate Muslims should not debate if the conditions allows such beastly behavior or not. Say it clear and say it loud - NOT IN MY NAME.
Very true. As the o'l saying goes "The one who remains silent from ordering the good is a mute devil.” and same be the one who remains silent from condemning evil!
Tinks: Your most welcome,habibthy.As always,appreciate the feedback!
haha QL needs to be taken with a pinch of salt..stopped reading/participating in the forums when i first saw all the negativity..and just used the site for the classifieds..but then decided the loss would be mine if i let slip all the good posts and opinions just so i could avoid the bad ones lol..plus i love feeling the pulse of the city i live in lol and the opinions in these forums give one at least some inkling of the prevailing mindsets of the diverse populace:-)..anyways..thank you all for the great friendly discussion and yes; no offence taken nor any intended..it's all in good spirit and it's all about tolerance and understanding..catch you guys later:-)
Well said FathimaH but it is not only the Muslims. The Christians need to fight against people like the Koran burning pastor or the Hindu's fight against there own kind who wage virtual war against the muslim communities.
If you, we, do nothing then evil will succeed.
Are by far the bigger enemies of Islam.They are truly Satan's agents in disguise.Why? Because due to their evil and misguided actions, people around the world actually believe that perhaps what they claim is true, and that Islam actually condones their deviltry.
This will then drive people away from wanting to know the truth about Islamic teachings, and causes them to intentionally and/or unintentionally discriminate even those Muslims who condemn the evil themselves.
We as Muslims face many trials in our lifetimes but the trial of these monsters claiming to be of us is truly an enormous tribulation indeed!
But I believe as long as we fight against them, and do all we can to spread the true word of God minus the misquotations and lies, these demons will not triumph.. at least not all the time!
1) Moza: stating that you rely on normal muslims like fatimah for insight has left me with no choice but to apologize for any harshness and for maybe making some assumptions as to you being anti-religious.
2) Tinkerbell: from the non muslim viewpoint; yes even i'd slowly grow to hate what islam has come to represent today..but as you state; you are allowing yourself to be conditioned by what you are being 'fed' and 'shown'. The people feeding you are winning whatever their motive may be. You are being unfair to Fatima's sane posts everytime you feel prejudice against islam/muslims..her sanity too is from an islamic perspective..focus on the good people we meet..i had this kashmiri hindu friend once who openly hated muslims because they burned his family home in the wars..we got close and one day while drunk he got emotional and said he didn't hate muslims anymore since i, his friend, was one too..that's the attitude we all need..everytime we bash qataris and their culture, we also show the finger to every qatari who has ever shown us their usual kindness..everytime we hate a religion and its followers, we spit on the friends we have from those groups..the love of God, our creator, does not need to tear us apart..if anything it should bring us all closer..and the atheists could just accept believers as intelligent humans too albeit with different convictions..no need to get on the high horse and proclaim them to be closed minded, book toting hymn chanting zealots regardless of which religion it is. Love and compassion can win anything and it will win in spite of what you may see around you.
As for QL, it's a very limited source for you to be drawing conclusions from; again a few people's comments feeding your bias and rendering fatima's efforts useless. However, thank you so much for openly expressing yourself and hopefully making others behave more like fatima on QL too haha..good day and let's all keep 'being human'
I have already written to the ICC and Court of Human rights. As soon as Romney becomes President, we will try to indict Obama ..
The women is a victim of global politics. LOL. America is to blame for her death put Obama on trial the woman murderer!
Global politics didn't make them shoot a woman in the back of the head on the trumped up charge of "adultery"
It seems NATO has offerd to track down the criminals. Yet, it also says tyhat the terrain is difficult and problemsome. Karzai has said that his own forces will spare no effort to capture them..
All in all, it seems it will be forgotten in a few days :O(
That is not what I said Mohdata, I did not say Islam condones this activity I said it is liked to this crime because the people responsible for the act says it is in Islam's requirements.
Big difference.
I listen to reasonable people like Fatimha, not too idiots who murder women.
again buddy; you answer your own question..you will believe islam condones all this because those shooters said so..but you do not believe that islam strictly prohibits these crimes when i say so..you have not ever picked up islamic teachings and read them..in another post you didn't even know that muslims are no longer all the same and unfortunately divided into sects..yet you have allowed these cruel violent people to colour and flavour your views of a whole global religion based on what they said and did..where's the justice and where's the objectivity on your part then?..it's like calling a lamborghini a bad car because some rich guy with no skill, speeds and kills himself/others..anyways..we can debate all we want but the attitude has to change from within..no outside influence can do so..have a great day everyone:-)
Sorry Max no I do not judge the people of a religion by the action of a few, I was just responding to the person who said why are people linking this to Islam and the answer was because that is what the people in the video are saying!
The Afghans certainly believe this is true but then I guess they are all puppets of the west and everything is propaganda. Please produce the woman alive and well as its was obviously a fake.
For the idiots on here that think she deserved death and execution for adultery is acceptable--you wonder why the world looks down at you as barbarians and mocks you. You give your religion, nation and race a bad name for which the decent majority among you suffer. It's videos like this that fuel western disdain and desire to eradicate you.
Well, Hamid Karzai certainly believes the video is real. Maybe you have some "inside information" that he doesn't?
with a lot of questions:
1. Who said they are talibans? Australian reporter. They are not look like taliban at all, see bow taliban looks in many media coverage, they are different look
2. Who said that woman is alleged for adultery? The reporter
3. Why almost all of the statements from the locals there were dubbed? to hide something?
4. Why the shooting moment was blanked? to hide the unhumane act? or to hide the truth, that maybe it's only a fake shoot. It maybe only a reconstruction/show requested by the media for so many reason & the final report will be deviated, while all the villagers will not be able to see what is broadcasted in Australia...
5. If it is a punishment for adultery, why shooting her? it is not Islamic way at all. Another clue that it is only a made-up video.
I am sure it is only a propaganda video for some reasons. Remember Australia is in the way to make burqa banned law, so to pass it easier they may make such a way to embarrass muslims with the Islamic law & tradition, to make them feel so inferior if they implement Islamic way of live, etc... etc...
for sure incomplete & bias. It is normal for the western media to raise this issue to defamate Islam & make muslims hate or even curse each other.
Shame for muslim who blindly believe to this propaganda... without counterchecking from trustworthy sources
Moza u r gonna judge a religious group by the action of few?
They continue to shame us in the eyes of the world, they continue to tell the world that enforcement of Islamic laws is subjective and generally at the detriment of women.
Mohdata. It's hard not to link these crimes to Islam when the person doing it says he is doing it in accordance with Islam. Please take the issue up with these people starting with this afghan who killed this woman.
But as we have discussed before the conditions for a person to be stoned to death are by itself hard to fulfill according to Islam. For one thing the act of intercourse itself has to be witnessed by four pious people, which of course is close to impossible as no man or woman would have sex in the full view of four people!
And for another thing there has to be if not a self confession and the person confessing has to be sound of mind and ask the punishment to be carried out on themselves. Which again hardly ever will happen.
And if the requirements are then met then it's only up to the ruler of the land to decide the penalty, which the Taliban are certainly not!
All in all what happened here was pure murder and no one can justify it to be remotely Islamic.
The Noble Qur'an An-Nur 24:2-9
The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allâh, if you believe in Allâh and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment. (This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of the above crime but if married persons commit it, the punishment is to stone them to death, according to Allâh's Law).
The difference is that the death penalty for adultery under the Levitical Holiness Code has not been applied since the first century CE. It cannot be enforced without the Jewish Temple still standing.
i appreciate most of your posts which deal with issues in society in general; however i also have noticed a distinct bias against islam as a religion in your posts. please try to keep perspective and treat these crimes as separate incidents from the religion itself. each of these incidents which seem to be encouraged by islam are in fact in direct conflict with its teachings..judge the players not the game..its just not fair. i'm muslim too but that's not the reason im reacting; id do the same for any other religion..religion isn't to be blamed for peoples' idiocy and is a way of life for whoever believes in god..please respect the closeness people have with their faith and accept it as their way of life. thank you and have a good day:-)
Did they kill or indeed punish him in any way? No - he was and indeed still is an elder in the local Taliban tribe so of course they didnt punish him.
As ever a continuing exhibition of hypocracy from devout fundamentalist members of the wannabee No 1 global religeon.
Thank god for moderates.
Bible says:
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."
Proverbs 6:32 "But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself."
Leviticus 21:9 "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire."
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 "If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity."
Welcome to the Dark Ages indeed.
It is NOT justified by the book they claim it's justified in..they are just twisting the words of God to make it seem like it is. I can challenge anyone of em Taliban guys to come and show me where in the Quran it is made permissible to accuse a woman of adultery, then condemn her to death without a fair trial, and shoot her as a means of assassination!
Mandi is right..this has all the makings of a so called honor killing and is cold blooded murder indeed.
So maybe they murdered her to protect themselves?
Honorable indeed.
Cold blooded murder justified by a book. How low humanity has come.
I'm sure the vast majority in Afghanistan find this sickening too and have no wish to see the taliban back.
I think you missed the point. Most news services say that these charges of adultery were false, trumped up by the Taliban commanders who had a dispute over this woman. Their "honor" demanded she die and one of her her accusers killed her. It's cold-blooded murder.
Did they kill the man, or just blame the woman for seducing him?
Surely he wasn't forgiven and allowed to live, while she was executed?
Sickening to say the least. What happened was pure murder! Where's the fair and legally accepted trial? Where are the evidences? Who died and made these barbarians decide who deserves to die and live?Are they the governorship of Afghanistan? And did she commit adultery with herself? How come no male culprit? Terrible!
Since the article mentions the government themselves "strongly condemns this un-Islamic and inhuman action by those professional killers and has ordered the Parwan police to find the culprits and bring them to justice". Well they had better and pronto!
Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon..May her killing be martyrdom for the poor lady and may her death be avenged..Aameen!
thats all brainless people.god will never forgive.may be curse be upon them.
Didn't we go through this two days ago :O(
yes i said both . now why he isnt killed u need to go Afghanistan and ask them
Who is killing him? You said: BOTH!! Don't try to sneak away. Why isn't HE killed, too?
ur army killed millions ? where was ur justice he atleast is killing his OWN wife not others
They killed ONLY her! where is your justice?
its nonsense for u , when one is committing adultery stone to death whoever it is husband or wife
They kill ONLY her. Breaking YOUR law, Uday. Do something about it instead of uttering nonsense on QL.
Welcome to the dark ages!
that's the punishment for adultery since ages - death for men and women both