We are paying a fortune for awful compounds. Who can help us? Where can we complain?.

My compound is extremely dirty, in the pool that we have near in my house there are usually plastic bags, papers, leaves and some times even the deck chairs of the pool. Dogs are entering often in the compound at night. Furniture from the people that have left is left rotting at the yard. The air-conditions of the gym are not working, so it's impossible for us to exercise ourselves. Our watchman is using the table tennis with friends of his that are not living in the compound and he is asking money in order to throw out the garbage (150 QR for each bin per week!!!!!).
I called the person who is "responsible" for the compound who is a noxious guy who is doing nothing and he is actually the reason that the compound is in such an awful condition and I complained. The result: when I told him that the compound is dirty and the airconditions are not working (in the gum) and we are reporting that and nobody is doing anything about it, he hung up the phone. When I called him again he said that I was rude because I am the only one that is complaining which is not true as I know that there are people that are reporting damages and complaining all the time.
I dont know what to do, who can help me? is there any organisation that can protect us. I mean I am paying a fortune for my house (and I am comparing this rent with the rents that you are paying in Europe) and they dont even cover the basic hygiene. Please inform me where can I be addressed for this problem and if I do so, if I am going to get in trouble...
Get the pictures of what ever is F***d up in the compound and try getting to the landlord showing him the pics. Becuase they do pay for that not every thing is a tenant responsibility.
in the contract has to be written that the Landloard will do the maintanance, if it is written make a list with all the problems and make some pictures and even a list with all the tenants how are living there and have the same problems. Try to make a appoitment with the respossible person or try to find the landlord and meet him. If they does't lisen to you go direct to lawyer and ask him to help you.If you need one I can give you a number.
Stop paying and get everyone else to do the same, might get him to wise up. There seem to be loads of compounds coming onto the market, I think oversupply will eventually get rid of these sort of people.
Try finding out who the landlord is and go to him with pictures and a full report.
If he doesn't care, or if all he cares about is the monthly rent it's time to take your business elsewhere.
When you moved in, did you sign a contract?