Watch out for this user!

Subject: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 08/06/2009 - 4:10pm
I am very sorry to contact you through this media but I believe that it is the wish of GOD that I contacted you after my 7 days fasting and prayers
I am ALIMAT ABDULRAHMAN from KWA ZULU-Natal in SOUTH AFRICA ; I am the wife of MR. YOUSEF ABDULRAHMAN a cocoa and gold well known businessman It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in motor accident in our country south Africa on 19th.JUNE 2007.
I know that the sudden death of my late husband was been masterminded by his brothers and that is why they fight to take everything that belongs to my husband
My only daughter also died in the motor accident because the father was taken her back to school then after the death of my husband and daughter, his family came after me and pushed me and my only son out and took over everything that belongs to my late husband saying that I killed him.
It is the lawyer of my late husband that called me and asked me to leave the country immediately to Abidjan cote d' Ivory where my husband deposited the sum of (fourteen million five hundred thousand united states dollars) us$14,500,000.00 in one of the international banks and also gave me all the documents to the deposit of the money.
I am contacting you with the mind of GOD that you will help me as the beneficiary of the money in the bank so that I will send you all the documents and you will contact the director of the bank and ask him to transfer the money to your account in your country or you come down here so that we will go together to the bank so that the bank will transfer the money and I will follow you back to your country so that you can help me to invest the money in a good business
I will like us to know each order very well and build trust so send me your telephone and fax numbers so that I can send you my pictures and also the pictures of my family and I am giving you 20% of the total money for your help to me and also you will help me invest the money in a good business in your country.
Contact me on my private email address / abdulrahmanalimat/-a-t-/ so that we can discuss better
try this site.
The best Romanian anti virus and spam blocker! Trust me...what's your e-mail address? :)
these 419 from nigeria have been around since ages!!!
my parent was a victim of them so please be careful of falling in their trap.
thay are very good at convincing u when they show u a whole case full of money and then wash out one black one and u test it at the bank.
if u were never awear of them its very easy to believe them like my parent did.
in the end u will find ur self with a big grape of black papers instead of real money and will be indepted with 100s of thousands.
its freaky frustrating!!!so please be warned!!
action speaks louder than words
i get lot of such junk mails ... just ignore .... dont even bother to read the conetnts once u donno the sender ...
bleu...don't have gmail but checked my spam folder in the hopes someone.....just someone would be offering their cash to me...but nope, no manual for the enchancing drugs or devices...nada.......and I would have followed the instructions! ;)
smile lots laugh more
i recieve tons of this emails
i dun believe laundry maybe
If you have gmail, you'd have to look at them in the "Sacred Power And Money" link, it is marked as the acronym SPAM. You will find many good offers to very nice things. Be sure to get the manuals for the enhancing drugs or devices, all my friends tried them and they don't work for them, they probably didn't know how to follow the instructions.
2 weeks ago one user mail me that "iam from africa and my father died of accident and i wont my money so help" me,when i call her she told me that give mr ur account number when i heard this i call my friend who works in doha bank he told me these r fake user ,so plz dont do anything wrong
be careful
Got the same thing today... I'll back off and let you take the money . just buy me a new KIA:(
Thanks Mr nisar for the warning! REALLY?
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
why is it I never get these one wants to give me their money :(
smile lots laugh more
this post is totally fake
thanks for the info
i want to learn until i die, if u have some knowledge then share it with me.
hahaha...Good one...beast:P
Bleu & lilbopeep sorry guys you are late... I already got the money:) and I the first one to buy that ugly looking
Some related subject - for Information sharings:-
[Extraction from The Star Malaysia Newspapers - June 02 2009]
How the Black Money scam works
KUALA LUMPUR: The Black Money scam, also known as the Nigerian 419 scam, was reported by Interpol to have surfaced in Malaysia in 1998.
(419 refers to a section of a Nigerian law that deals with fraud.)
Most of these con artists enter the country on a social visit pass which allows them to stay up to 30 days.
They tend to enrol in local colleges, some even reputable ones, just to obtain student visas so that they could extend their stay here.
These so-called students are believed to pay off college staff to mark their attendance.
They would then send out random emails and SMS, promising huge piles of money. Usually a “processing fee” is required in advance from their targets.
In some of the cases, the victim lost big amounts of money without realising it until the fraudster goes missing.
They are such smooth operators that a number of victims took loans from Ah Longs to pay them.
In the Black Money scam, victims are told about a stash of bank notes which had been dyed black to avoid Customs detection. The money was supposedly kept in a safe somewhere and the victim should purchase a type of chemical to wash off the dye which would then unveil “genuine” US dollars.
‘Easy’ money: Yet another press conference by Commercial Crime Investigation Department director Comm Datuk Koh Hong Sun on the Nigerian 419 scam
The victim would be promised a share of the money.
The supposed origin of the riches varied with each new victim. The most popular version is that the money is the lost fortunes of former Nigerian dictator General Abacha which need to be transported out of Nigeria without the Customs knowing it.
Commercial Crime Investigation Department director Comm Datuk Koh Hong Sun said the con men, upon meeting their target, would produce a small vial of washing liquid called “Universal Automatic Washer” and ask the victim to select any black bank note at random.
The black banknote would be washed but with a sleight of hand,the con man would substitute it with a real note.
Victims are given the “washed” bank notes and are encouraged to verify their authenticity at a money changer.
Black magic: With sleight of hand, a real note will appear when a black note is ‘washed.’
“They would ask the victim to buy the chemical in order to process more money and that the costs of the chemicals are very high,” he said.
These con artists modus operandi of “layering,” where a different person is sent to each meeting with the victim.
According to sources, places like Puchong Prima, a hotel in Ampang and several areas in Kepong are regular meeting spots for such transactions.
Using laptops along with a special software, the con men are also able to forge government documents.
Comm Koh, who confirmed this, said that raids on the “students’ residence” found no textbooks but merely computers and laptops.
In a raid conducted by the police recently, police arrested 29 Nigerians at their office at Metro Prima in Kepong.
All those arrested claimed that they were undergraduates in the Klang Valley, showing their student cards instead of passports. A check by The Star showed that some colleges here had about 70% African students.
These places provide hassle-free enrolment for foreign students who pay application fees ranging from US$170 to US$330.
Investigations also revealed that these so- called students did not have a clear financial source, yet they had no problems paying tuition fees and sending money home to their countries.
In fact, some of them live in posh condominiums and drive luxury cars like the BMW X5.
They are also known to use local women to carry out their deception, targeting single mothers or college students and using their bank accounts to conduct their shady business.
Some of them, when caught by police, would falsely claim to be Muslims and recite verses from the Quran to gain sympathy, said sources.
Most of these con artists are deported to their home countries as authorities usually lack evidence to charge them.
However, a number of them would return to Malaysia under different passports.
Comm Koh said the authorities were using biometric systems as a measure against such the conmen to prevent them from returning.
“But as long as there are Malaysians who are fuelled by greed, there will be someone to take advantage of them,” he said.
Lol bleu - already sent my bank details! They confirmed I would have the money tomorrow!!
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
NO!!!! I contacted her first!!! This is MY MONEY.
Black......I agree! Sods use the name of GOD too! Should be shot!!
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
why do they do this??what do they get??
i want to learn until i die, if u have some knowledge then share it with me.
lol thanks for the heads up Lil... i get those kinds of e-mail all the time.... :P
Somebody will I reckon;-)
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
Yip! PCG - was just hoping to get the money before I left.........Lol. Please dont tell me, people fall for this?
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
Had the same mail.................booked my ticket there already, haven't you??? ;-)))))))))))))))))))))
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
Used to be Uganda, Nigeria and Senegal.... now they coming from our home country.... Must have thought you would be more inclined to bite if they said SA;-)
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
Lol......Novita!! CANT WAIT!! My luck has changed! :-(
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
you going to be rich !!!