
This is to warn u all from these part-time job advertisements, they dont have a place, they are sales men trying to promote useless products with a price that is a lot higher than they deserve.
a friend of mine had a very bad experiment with those guys, he called the number mentioned in the advertisement, then this guy set him an appointment in a restaurant " can u beleive this?" and he told him that this is a home based job and it has nothing to do with sales or marketing, then my friend believed the guy and when he reached the restaurant, the guy asked him to have a seat and then he surrounded my friend with an old ugly woman and a kid pretending they are his family, he did this to make my friend trust him.
then he started the whole thing by saying, I need u to stick with me for one year, 2 working hours / day, and he asked him to pay 4000 QR as a price of some products and a "user name" to start the fake job
then he grapped a paper and started drawing stuff and trying to convince my friend that he will be able to make hundreds of thousands in two years only. At this moment my friend found out that he is talking to a cun man who is trying to sell some stuff through a fake job offer. My firend wanted to be polite, and he said give me atime to think about ur offer and I will call u back if I am ok with it, and when my friend said that, the guy started acting in a rude way and he said," I told u it is going to work, why do u need to think, dont u trst me, dont u beleive me, see these families around, we r friends and we are sharing the same ammazing job"
then he started calling the families and in seconds a number of ugly old males and females gathered around my friend trying to make him change his mind and asking him rudely about his personal information and family members and work place, but my friend gave them false information and walk out of the restaurant.
I am sorry for making it too long on u all, but this is to warn guys and girls to be careful whom they r interviewing and whom they are submitting their CVs to.
Thanks for the warning.. i will avoid all men with ugly companions from now on!
na they aint talking about me
He will only get upset and start beefing like a big girl :P
A lot of old ugly people.. there goes my lunch again. :(
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
network marketing stuff ...
lol....old doesn't necessarily mean ugly! Having said that, Madonna is old and she looks like she's been dead for weeks........
huh what?? this means war
i cant see paula name there
He's the ugly old woman Mr. Paul. ;)
Visit www.qatarhappening.com
loool, well, if they were old and ugly, then they r..
lots of ugly people in this story!
thank you for the warning-duly noted------
psssst, better out the front than out the back......heheehehhehehhe
thanks for the info... ;)