UN calls for immediate cease-fire in Gaza
The UN Security Council called for an "immediate" and "durable" cease-fire in Gaza in a resolution Thursday night even as fighting between Israel and Hamas raged — with early morning airstrikes killing seven Palestinians and pushing the death toll to about 760 in the near two-week conflict.
UN action came hours after the world body suspended food deliveries to Gaza and the Red Cross accused Israel of blocking medical assistance after forces fired on aid workers. It also followed concerns of a wider conflict which flared as militants in Lebanon fired rockets into northern Israel.
The vote was 14-0, with the United States abstaining. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the US "fully supports" the resolution but abstained "to see the outcomes of the Egyptian mediation" with Israel and Hamas, also aimed at achieving a cease-fire.
PM... serenity has been granted to you...
Scarlett... guess senility has not been granted.
(for mehek)
sorry, about obama, i like him, dont worry..(yes, we can!) i just thought he could have said somethin better during that interview.,
call me ONE.
I know...but it was SO like shooting fish in a barrel for me yesterday..was on one of those moods, you know.
As far as Obama is concerned...give him a bit of time..geez folks...he's not even set his toothbrush down on the White House bathroom counter and you expect him to stop the world's problems? Why not ask Bush what he's going to do...he's still technically in the hot seat.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Mehek... thanks for the entertainment you never fail to showcase.
scarlett, stop wasting your time with that gremlin., (oooppsss! mod sorry for the name calling)
why do i find barrack rather having a lame start., i remember him saying "i'll more to say once i have done my oath." or something like that, (happening i think on the 20th.)
PM... always looking at the brighter side,., ah.,
call me ONE.
In today's world it is..... Unfortunately. Power is ruling the world, not values and rights. We are still at the same point where we were in the stone ages....
Some people could have interpreted a vote *against* the motion as saying that the US wants to allow Hamas to continue firing rockets into Israel.
A vote *for* the motion could be interpreted by some as saying the US wants Israel to stop bombing Gaza.
So instead Rice kept he usually offensive mouth shut.
I can't help but recall the comments from Ayman al-Zawahiri (Al Qaeda) that Barrack Obama is just a 'house negro'. Seeing little Condi there, doing Israel's bidding at the UN... the same feeling came to mind.... a helpless little black woman being forced to do the dirty work of her owners.
reminds me of King Solomon's dilemma....grab the sword and each take half.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Right mother, Like demand that Israel stop its bombardment and Hamas stop shooting bottle rockets!!
That would really create anti-American resentment!
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
how dare they do something that they will get blasted for either way...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Well duh... What kind of precedent are they trying to set here? America cannot sit back on it's hands and allow other nations to unite against their percieved interests globally!!
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
if it was only located in India, but might be kind of a noisy know, like that mindless background noise that occurs...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
You mean it should have ben a veto ??
Only an abstention??? What's going on here??
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
but then again...they might have the dual purpose as a hatrack...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
so this is what happens when someone posts something other than what YOu want to read? Seems you posted your thread when you were upset about India getting hit by terrorists. Interesting...your reaction is quite different when another part of the world is involved.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
mehek posted what she did because it didn't pertain to anything that is related in any form or fashion to India. As per her own comments..nothing matters to her unless its in India. So therefore world politics are nonexistant.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Mehek why read threads, and the post on them, about things that don't interest you.
Go and find a thread that interests you rather than posting remarks like the above. No one is forcing you to read these threads. QL is user generated content, so if you don't like the content, go and generate some of your own.
oh plz now enough of politics,in tv,newspaper,radio,net............ everywere politics.can u plz stop posting such things.everyone is aware of wats happening so plz again n again dont post the same things which spoils our interest.we watch all these in the news daily so plz dont post in QL atleast..
Did I see the news correctly (Sky News) just about an hour ago, when I saw the report that said no sooner than the resolution was passed and immediately the first act of aggression to be carried out was the sending of two rockets by Hamas into Israel.
Oh, of course, I'm wrong. It's all Zionist manipulation of the media, yet again. How foolish of me to be taken in by such a report.
When is there going to be any balance whatsoever in these discussions?
Israel always carries out these "incursions" with the knowledge that in the background there will be calls for a cease fire. It knows it has to work to short timescales. The USA and other friendlies exert all effort to ensure that the timeframes are elongated as much as possible. Hence the vetos and abstentions and games.
Everyone knows that a ceasefire will happen. The only question is when ?
Well the good news is that the US abstained. No one would ever have expected the US to vote *for* the resolution, but at least they didn't vote against it. The US, along with the other permanent members of the UNSC, have veto power to block any resolution that is brought to a vote by voting against it. They have vetoed scores of resolutions that condemned Israel or called for a halt to Israel's illegal activities.
The bad news is that this is just a binding resolution of the United Nations Security Council. When did Israel ever take any notice of what the guys around the horseshoe table thought?
Nothing astonishing. Like always the US do.
What is important is what the rest of the world do, and how the resolution reflects on the ground. This morning, even after the resolution was passed, the bombardment from Israel Military is going on..
What a farce the U.N is. I wonder if anyone actually takes them seriously. These are people who travel around first class, stay in 5 star hotels, produce a lot of hot air and actually do bugger all for humanity.
All funded by taxpayers. So, isn't it about time to get rid of them ?