Unbelievable! What's wrong with people ?!

By Cornellian •


Ok so I've been off QL for a few days cause I was really busy and was trying to prove to myself that I'm not addicted to it. Anyways, I couldn't help but write now because of what happened today.

I was at Jarir's Costa Coffee in the morning, infront of me was a Qatari guy with his indian driver/employee/i dont know, so he orderes his coffee and a bunch of other stuff and then rudely yells at the poor indian guy to wait for HIS stuff and bring it to the car. I felt like smacking that Qatari so bad. The indian man was much older than the Qatari dude and he looked in bad conditions. The Qatari didn't even offer the poor guy some food or coffee or anything! I don't understand why people do such things. I mean why do they have to be so cruel ? Have any of u encountered such things? Not to mention how badly I see maids are treated here,it really pisses me off!

Something else about Great ole Qatar, I was driving and this guy just cutting infront of me (without any signals ofcourse) and goes at the slowest pace possible, so I change lanes and he changes lanes too!! How old are we ?! 5 ?! Can u guess what car he was driving? Yep...u guessed it...the wonderful landcruiser!

So today I'm not a big fan of this country!

Anyone have such stories?

By angelwings• 18 May 2007 10:49
Rating: 3/5


If you're still out there and looking to 'do your bit' for the underpaid/overworked/abused/abandoned, just give us a ring.

My number is 5206824 - but I'll be away for a month from May 24th, so hopefully before then.

We are always happy to have folks who are willing to help the underdog.

If you've already contacted Trinity and Nath, then well and good, if not - get in touch verbally, and we'll put you in the right direction.



By han19• 10 May 2007 19:52
Rating: 5/5

miteryclub is like a charity organisation. they collect donations, food, clothes to distribute among labourers and stranded workers.

you can email the id and check how you can help.

you can also contact the qatar charity centre, becasue they too collect stuff and they have offices where they collect old items....not just the stalls we see at various places.i remember there was one near the muntaza health centre.

you can contact the indian women's association, indian cultural and benevolent fund, they again do the similar job of collecting and distributing among stranded and helpless individuals.

alternatively you can contact nepalese embassy, srilankan embassy, philipine embassy and the likes, where they usually have labourers/maids stuck for some or the other reason, these places will have contacts for their respective charitable setups who can guide you from there.

when there is a will there is a way, i have tried showing you various ways....hope you are successful. be prepared that although you may wish to do a lot, but when you approach these places, they may not appreciate your gesture (could be becasue they dont care or they have just too much to handle that they cant bother with one lady volunteering, sometimes it doeasnt register) and may just send you off.but keep on at it.

happy heart

DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home

By anonymous• 10 May 2007 14:07
Rating: 2/5

with the Arab mentality in general, it would appear that as soon as you earn a bit of cash you then go out get some "help" and treat it poorly. Not just here the Lebanese have an unenviable reputation when it comes their treatment of Sri Lanka maids. really don't know why this is being a Muslim is supposed to teach kindness charity and equality.

By anonymous• 10 May 2007 02:36

Better yet is the kids having a soccer game inside the department store, banging everything around the store with their football!! The ball hit me, I pick it up and set it on his proper shelves. The kid gave that look like "What the F*())ck" I just smile and walk away.

Today I got hit by a supermarket cart in the left door of my car. I got out and told the people in the car "Thank you for your courtesy" as the guy got inside his car. I did the unpredictable, to roll the cart back into their bumper.. I got inside and drove away smiling and giving them a peace out sign with my hand.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our minds..

By anonymous• 9 May 2007 23:31


How about go to your country and see how Amirecan treats Arab in Guatemalah. Or how they treat Arab at your airport.

Try to see yourselfs first and your countries before judge Qataries.

By Cornellian• 9 May 2007 23:05

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'll get in touch with nath69 and trinity to see what could be done and I'll try to visit Qatar Charity asap. Han, what's the miteryclub ? I just checked it out now, and the conditions seem horrible!

By han19• 9 May 2007 20:56
Rating: 4/5

cornellian, what happens on QL isnt awareness anymore.its byheart to most members if not majority and each one tries their best to handle such situations.

the 10K + members of QL all know about it and feel bad about it too, there may be a few handful of those members who would blatantly say that the qataris are right in their behaviour towards labour class people or they have the right to cruise their landcruisers in which ever way they feel becaseu its their land.

you asked about helping and donating, check this thread out, only one comment, and this guy...prem has been activley working for the mitery club which is gathering stuff for the labourers.


this is not the firt time he has posted here, so there are people who want to help and when i opened your thread, prem's thread was hovering just below someplace, but only one comment for his post.did you check it out?

are we just words?

and we are doing whatever we can as QL group to help the needy, maybe not great work but whatever is possible from us, we try to do it.

moreover sometimes what appears neednt be the real story.

happy heart

DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home

By novita77• 9 May 2007 20:45

I do dedicate some of my free time helping out Trinity and Nath69, but i can't commit full time.

I dont want you drop bomb, money preferred lol.

By DaRuDe• 9 May 2007 20:41

can i drop time bomb in the mail box :p

well thats pretty if they are helpin around donating and participating in charities. i also would like the QLers to make a mass donation anything they got to one same mosque under name OF QATAR LIVING.


By novita77• 9 May 2007 20:38

drop a pm to 2 ladies in this forum Nath69 and Trinity. I know them both personally. They helping out the nepalese worker. I am sure they more than happy to get an extra hand in doing this work.

By DaRuDe• 9 May 2007 20:13

so when next time u enter any mall open ur purse have donate Qr5 that will do better :) i do pay Qr.10 and Qr.5 at any mall when ever i go :D


By diamond• 9 May 2007 20:07
Rating: 3/5

I think the Spanish Speaking Ladies Group have a program to help labourers, also Qatar Charity next to 'The Mall' should be able to help. Cornellian, do you speak Arabic because if so then these guys who sit in malls and supermarket entrances receiving monetary charitable donations (which they give ticket receipts for) work for various charities and they will be able to help you. Also you can ask the Imam of the larger mosques as ofetn people give food to mosques for them to distribute.

By diamond• 9 May 2007 19:58

Cornellian, with reference to your comment about maid in the emergency room, I've seen that here in Qatar, I've seen that in a restaurant in New York, a park in Paris, a shop in London...it's a worlwide thing and it's really weird and makes one wonder why parents have children in the first place. I can't stop myself from commenting to people I've seen do this. I think everyne should. Human abuse is a worldwide problem. We had neighbours in California who had five maids and they were treated like dirt but they stayed because they needed the (pitiful amount of) money. I employ staff from all corners of the world and it is my policy to of course pay them a decent wage with good conditions but also to pay for their children's education and pay for the wife or husband back home to train to become employable. Often the whole family come here, the parents work and the children go to school here. I believe that everyone can do something, however little, to change the wrongs of the employer who uses his power over his employee. Here in Qatar being an example of how to treat people has worked for me with some other locals and they have picked up on some of the things I do for my employees. Discussions too. I do believe things will change but it wn't be quick...however as an eternal optimist I always say that many dripping taps a flood makes. In the meantime, don't be shy about coming forward with a few quiet words in someone's ear who is being a moron!

By vishal• 9 May 2007 19:57
Rating: 2/5

Your concern is appreciated.

I think QL - voluntary group should be able to help you. That is, one of the reason all these groups are formed. Atleast, they should be able to enquire around and guide us in this.

Guess, Aisha is busy!!!!!

By Abusafwan2007• 9 May 2007 19:55


By Cornellian• 9 May 2007 19:53

If u noticed we're trying to find a solution. Please read properly.

By stealth• 9 May 2007 19:51

Its easy to find faults( even if its blatantly obvious). Everyone finds a sort of enjoyment in going on with the criticism. Thats why these kind of threads keep getting more responses.

By Cornellian• 9 May 2007 19:42

Yes i agree it happens everywhere, but we can change it. If we all had mir83's attitude, life would be very miserable for most, we can't sit and watch and say we can't change anything because in fact we have the power to. Ever heard the saying "if there's a will, there's a way" ?

I don't know whether HR & labour depts help but i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. What are we doing to change it ? First by raising awareness and that's why it should be posted here and talked about (without nonsense blaming and bashing), when we all realize that there's a problem we can then work towards finding a solution. I asked where there's a charity organization or some volunteering we can do but I got no response so I'm asking again, if anyone knows, please share it with all of us. Where can we donate clothes, food and money ? Are there any visits to industrial area to first hand contact with those workers ?

By han19• 9 May 2007 19:15

i appreciate your concern cornellian, but i dont get how we are helping by posting it here.

its always the same story and it ends up with most venting out their frustrations about how the locals behave, drive etc.

it never ends.

i agree with mir83, this things happens everywhere.whats going on has been acknowledged by everybody, thats why we have the so-called humans rights department here and the labour department, has it really helped?

question is, what are we doing to change it?

the thing is, in every society there is good and bad, we have to live with them.thats a choice we make when we decide to live in any society, not just qatar.

happy heart

DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home

By anonymous• 9 May 2007 19:01

This sh*** happens everywhere I have seen even in the cilvilized world of the west how indian nurses are treated and racially abused in the UK ... Not very apprecaible.. It happens everywhere and no bum can change soceity

Bullying of the west..

By Cornellian• 9 May 2007 17:53

Han it's not about "bashing qataris", it's about acknowledging that there is something very wrong happening and that we should take a stand to stop it. Personally, when I see someone being ill-treated I wont just smile and say oh well it happens everywhere in the world, I'll try to do something about it. We can't just live our lives here saying "that's just the way it is". Yes there are many good people out there, and that's wonderful, but there are also those people who are abused and it's our job to help.

By han19• 9 May 2007 17:18
Rating: 3/5

atleast once in two day we all have to suffer from "bash qataris" syndrome.

i thought just a few days back e46 praised strangers in whichthere was a qatari as well and that thread didnt go as far as this.

happy heart

DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home

By Gypsy• 9 May 2007 15:45

I know a couple of Khaleeji kids who don't have any relationship whatsoever with their parents, but they would do anything for their maids because it was the maids who raised them.

[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]

By Cornellian• 9 May 2007 15:42

Oh yeah I've seen maids holding children in the emergency room while the mother is all dressed up with her pretty purse and make up on. Once I saw the kid was crying so bad and the maid was trying to shush him while the mother was just looking. I asked her isn't that ur child ? She was like yeah, I was like then why aren't u holding him? And she was like hmmm...because he'll keep crying with me and she yelled to the maid to give her the child. What an excuse?! Children have been like an accessory item to some parents. How sad.

By e46M3• 9 May 2007 15:29
Rating: 4/5

This servant culture is despicable. I just got back from taking our 6-year-old to the Pediatric Emergency Center.

Out of 9 people ahead of us 2 had the maid carry the child into the Center and the examination room.

Now if the parent doesn't have the time to hold the child at such a moment why would they treat a strange servant as a human being.

By Cornellian• 9 May 2007 14:37

Here's a story that really touched my heart.

When I first got here I went to driving school to get things sorted out for my lisence.While I was waiting for someone, I met an indian worker who asked me for the time and I told him and he was like u know I've been waiting here since 6 pm ( it was 9 pm!). He was there for three hours just waiting. I was like why? where are the people who are supposed to come? He was like Boss always makes me wait for three hours, maybe more. I was like what do u do here ? and he told me his story. And here's how it goes:

He came to Qatar three months ago, and was supposed to work as a driver, but his sponsor told him that if he worked around the house for three months then he'll take the indian guy to driving school to get the lisence. Also, the guy only gets one meal a day, hasn't had any contact with his family since he reached here, hasn't been paid a single riyal, isn't allowed to eat anything other than that one meal and has worked like a slave for the past three months. And when his Boss finally takes him to driving school, he makes him wait three (or more) hours till someone would come and take him home. What human heart would allow such slavery?

I helped the guy out by giving him some money, but what more could I have done? It's the worst feeling to see something terrible happening and being unable to stop it. It's about time we all woke up and realized that all those cruelities are happening, yes they do happen around the world but right now we're in Qatar and it's happening and we should do something to help. So guys when u see someone less priveledged than u please give them something, be it money, food, anything. We were blessed with a comfy life, others were not so let's help out.

So where are their charity organizations here to help? Where can I go volunteer to try to make a difference ?

By Colt45• 9 May 2007 13:39
Rating: 4/5

There have been numerous instances when I've seen people from all walks of life treat their domestic help as their slaves. I know a few of the "so called" families here who have employed Indian guys as drivers, but make them do all kindsa work, which includes daily washing of the car, cooking and doing some of the laundry...

Not only are these helpless people on low wages, some of them are abused to the very limits and get only ONE meal a day from their employer.

It's sure is a pity and I personally despise employers like that.

There are employers on the other end of the scale as well... I guess it's all a part of LIFE.

THANK GOD for being fortunate enough to lead a comfy life and bitch less...lol!!!

By boss• 9 May 2007 13:33


By iman0493• 9 May 2007 13:26
Rating: 4/5

I completely agree with you but it is fighting a losing battle. And in this country and elsewhere, they do have the right to treat other like slaves. I mean, for God sakes, workers (maids especially) don't even get a day off. I even spoke to an American woman who has a live in maid and she is not allowed out of the house without her. No days off. No freedom of movement. The sponsor buys her a phone card once a week to call back home. She simply explained "That's the way it has to be." It really is closer to slavery than employment.

By Cornellian• 9 May 2007 13:25

I will laugh at such "roosters" when they are going around just flashing their feathers. But when they hurt someone else, when they mistreat people and when they cross the borders of human rights, I will not stand and laugh. I will give disapproving looks, I will complain, I will lecture and I will shout aloud to let them know that it is not acceptable and should not be tolerated no matter what.

By boss• 9 May 2007 13:21
Rating: 4/5

The rooster phenomenon is not limited to any culture or nationality. You can find jerks anywhere, and you will. I think the trick is to LAUGH at them; don't lecture, don't give disapproving looks that they can set themselves against, just LAUGH. Let them know what silly little peasants they are.

As for the "this is my country" bit, just imagine going to YOUR country and trying to explain to the cops why you should be allowed to break the law... That's what these people are doing when they park on the sidewalks or drive aggressively. They are breaking the law and it is NOT okay with law-abiding Qataris. It is only okay to the degree that corruption is tolerated.

By Cornellian• 9 May 2007 13:04

The point is not whether men in thobes are Qatari or not. What I'm trying to say is why are some people like that over here. The guy who was yelling at the indian man was definitely a Qatari and I don't care whether it's his country or not it gives him no right whatsoever to treat that indian guy that way...he is not a slave! So what if it's their country ? That doesn't give them the right to treat people like trash especially drivers, maids, etc. Yes it's their country, but the truth is without the expatriate's help, they wouldn't have progressed the way they did.

And by "they" I'm not talking about all Qataris, I'm talking about the arrogant ignorant Qataris who think they're better than everyone else and have the right to treat others like slaves. And we all know they exist.

By azilana7037• 9 May 2007 12:43
Rating: 5/5

These men wearing the thobbs may not be qatari after all.

Encountered many of them in my line of work and they are extremely rude. Most if not all Qatari I met are courteous and well-mannered.

The "Man in thobb" that you saw might be trying to impress those around me and like a "rooster" showing off....lol

By iman0493• 9 May 2007 12:42

True. Imagine a Qatari being in a Western country and telling off a "native" about, oh, I don't know, how much more efficient it is just to cut in front of the line. Someone would naturally think, "this is our country, how dare you lecture!"

By anonymous• 9 May 2007 12:42
Rating: 4/5

plz don't judge a whole country from one or 2 individuals ... u might be right ..and i've seen such things .. but to be frank .. i've met with really really nice guys ... and i was so sure they r qatarians not expat arab with "thob" and i was really happy to be treated as a real human being ... each place is having the good people and the bad people ... don't judge the country .. judge the man himself .. wether if he is a qatari or other nationality...

live in peace and have fun ...

"Strength is not about how strong u can kick, it's about how strong the life is kicking u and u standup again to keep on going"

Sylvester Stallone in the movie (The Rocky)

By SeaHeiress• 9 May 2007 12:38

Well lunch time yesterday I drove down Abu amour street in the direction of the medical commission, and I had to flashed my lights at least ten Looneytics over taking slow traffic, nearly crashing into me head on!! I was sooooo mad!!! I’m starting to understand why I wasn’t allowed to bring my gun!!!!

Wh@t wE see....... dePeNds m@inly 0n wHaT wE l0ok foR....

By killerbee_qa• 9 May 2007 12:36
Rating: 3/5

it's nothing but arrogance on the part of the local yokels. tell 'em anything and they'll tell ya it's MY country and I'll do as I please.

Which come to think of it, sounds logical in a very warped sorta way

By iman0493• 9 May 2007 12:26
Rating: 5/5

My favorite act of defiance is when I am driving in the left lane, at speed limit or a bit over, and some yahoo comes barreling up behind me with lights flashing. I continue as I am and refuse to change lanes. Just let him ride my tail in fustration. Jerk offs.

On another note, don't assume a guy in a thob is Qatari. Many Arab expats dress in the thob and as a matter of fact I heard Qatari men are getting quite irritated by all the non-Qataris who wear "their" traditional garb!

By scmasse• 9 May 2007 12:22
Rating: 2/5

We all have days like this here. I've had the Landcruiser actually stop, block traffic and get out of the car to yell that I was going too slow! Last time I checked there were multiple lanes. And if the guy was in so much of a hurry why stop?!?!?

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