UN probes Indian abuses in Congo

The UN has found that its peacekeeping troops from India may have engaged in abuse and exploitation while serving in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was deeply troubled by the findings.
Mr Ban said the Indian government had assured the UN the allegations would be thoroughly investigated and if proven action would be taken.
One UN official said there may have been abuse of young girls and boys by at least 100 Indian peacekeepers.
'Wholly unacceptable'
A UN statement said an internal investigation "revealed prima facie evidence" that the Indian troops in the UN's Congo mission Monuc "may have engaged in sexual exploitation and abuse".
The cases occurred over a period of several years, a UN official told Agence France-Presse and the troops were now back in India.
The UN statement said Mr Ban "reiterates, in the strongest possible terms, that such behaviour, if substantiated, is wholly unacceptable".
No further details were released of the allegations.
But UN officials say the cases occurred in North Kivu province, where peacekeepers have been policing a truce between the government and militiamen.
Britexpat: The question always is "Who watches the watcher ???????????"
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
The UN's own figures show 316 peacekeeping personnel in all missions have been investigated, resulting in the summary dismissal of 18 civilians, repatriation of 17 members of Formed Police Units and 144 repatriations or rotations home on disciplinary grounds.
Is this punishment for child abuse and rape ???
Oryx...like I said LIP SERVICE. I interned at the UN and the AU. It's all they do. You cant really blame them, they dont have the real support of the member states.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Yes they should investigate, heh, but what, only abusing, or other ilegal and criminal activities like human trafficking, black market etc etc all over the World.
Should investigate and punish each of them despite of the nationality.
Those are poor people born to suffer and those who are suppose to protect them are again turning the culprits...
Shoot them.. no mercy
Because they are the UN soldiers in Goma, congo.
In Eritrea it was the irish...
Moroccans in Congo too...http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4262743.stm
Bangladeshis in Sudan
Nepalis in Congo
Sri Lankans in the Ivory Coast
this has also been reported in Liberia, Haiti, Bosnia... the list goes on....
This case is focusing on the Indians..
Theer have been similar accusations and investigations regarding UN presence in Haiti, Ivory Coast. Remember the accusations against the Belgians in Rwanada.
The sad thing is that the UN is usually tasked with investigating these. Recently, Save the Children, a British charity suggested that an international watchdog must be set up urgently to investigate widespread cases of child sex abuse by aid workers and peacekeepers.
I wonder why they are refering only to Indians. The UN so called peacekeepers from so many countries have been at this for years. There's always noise, then conferences called in Geneva, five course meals served, pages and pages of research distributed and then...nothing. LIP SERVICE.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
mmmmm... I have been to that area of the Congo and saw the Indian UN troops there.... look about as useful as a wet tissue for when the shyte hit the fan....
decided it would be better to find African Union troops if all hell broke loose as it often does in Goma or better still throw myself at the mercy of the mamas down the market
what you say does not surprise me and is frequent with UN troops... across Africa...