Traffic violation points

1 of my friends had a bad month, as he reached 15 points violating and having accidents, he went to the traffc dept. at airport. the policeman made a computer report and asked my friend to leave his lisence with him. so end of da process he set an appointment to come back after a week and collect the repair permit and let him know about his driving lisence.
my friend goes after a week, the police guy lost the lisence and denies that he even took the lisence at the first place. wen my friend argued the police man sayed " I ate the lisence an now it is in my stomach" loooooooool....that is so sad and unproffesional of Qatar traffic dept. or shud I say,,,govt service management. so end of the day we just laughed at it.
as this is not a thread complaining abt qpolice,, I just wanna know what are the rules set for point system,,,, ppl are even welcome to discuss abt that hungry policeman ,, as if he is 1 of those prawns from district9,,
baldrick2dogs , that's why I drove there ,it just got so frustrating wen everyone just advises saying "u cannot drive here"' I just left with the car wen my driver went for lunch , I just love driving there,, it actually more realistic than GTA. except for the killing. lol and the funny thing is some ppl who grew up ther are scared to drive there .
I've already decided on hiring my next car wen I reach there,,, let's c where the next vacation takes me.
i heard that same police is suffering from constipation ever since.
Lets all remember that the most dangerous drivers which are speeding through the Doha roads are just paying radar fines (no points) while the poor people are looking for places to park as all the parking is being taken away by adding an addional lanes for traffic, while people parking not quit perfect are getting tickets as well as black points... very interesting you can say.
220 - it's not much harder to get one here judging by the standard of driving on the roads ;o)
It can really be an adventure at times 220v, It really does require skill to drive there, anything can come anytime from anywhere in the middle of the road.
lol for park on the side of the road and calling taxi :))
Anyone who has learnt driving in West or Middle East can't drive in Delhi, that's for sure.
That would be the case in most of the country, They are really strict though about traffic offenses in my place, a town called chandigarh. There these guys would be fine I think.
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein
they may think he's indian and deport him to india if he attempts to use that. anyways i've heard a story abt a blind man getting a driving lisence in india.
it was a setup by the media. the test was just to drive form point A to B 50 meters with no turns left or right. so he took along a blind man and spoke on behalf of him . so the blind man managed to drive straight and got the lisence.
so the driving school/test institute got busted. and was published on news...
is it really that easy to get drivig lisense in india... no wonder u have 3 sandeepkadian.
but driving in india is more fun than driving here... its more adventurous.. i've been there and drove a car myself. it was realy fun.....
i sometyms think about the ppl who complain abt the rash driving in qatar... wat they gonna do if they wer given a car in india.... probably park on the side and call taxi... looool
220v I don't have Qatari driving license :(
I do have 3 Indian driving licenses if he wants one ;)
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein be in the safe side.
The beauty is that you can switch it off.
Alternate currents are dangerous to play with. unless u want ur flame to come out from somewhere else instead of ur mouth. be careful :)
Yeah, you should not mix Alternating Current and Direct Current.
i guess thats why we don't undertand each other.. :)
Oh boy, I am easy. I run only on 12 Volt, not 220!
thats why i sayed u shud have ur coffee.... i sayed he made 15 point because he did. and then i sayed i will call my cuz . it was for some advise not for him to fix it. if i could reach him last night .. wouldnt bother to even write this thread . cool down dragon. u sure must have lots of flame in your mouth. realx.. take it easy.
I'm okay, 220V, don't worry. But, as you know, some drivers in Qatar should not be allowed to drive, and it's a daily battle with them, which is not very enjoyable. It sounded to me that you said:"Wow, he made 15 points, isn't that great!" That's how it sounded to me. And then:" Oh, no problem, my cousin at the traffic department will fix it." Great again, but not really enjoyable.
i got over it long tym back... the lesson i learned is never buy the small laptops anymore... its easier to loose them.
Magicdragon,,, proud for wat...u look more restless then my friend. u taking this matter really personal... its qatarliving lounge and it says "chillout in the lounge",,,why dont u have some morning coffee..i hope u feel better.
LOL....i would have had a heart-attack if i was you!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
exiledsaint,thanks for the info... 3 years back my vaio was stolen ,,, (8000 riyals) thats why i went to the cops...the cops write a report . where did i buy, bill information, where did i loose it and wat tym.
so i ask him shud i get back 2 u or u will call me?
finally he puts the report under his desk and says " rest is upto god "
its ok... i was depressed just for a day...
people like you and your friend makes the road in Qatar so lethal ...
Good Morning, 220v. Good for your friend. Hope he doesn't kill somebody by accident. Are you proud of what he did? It seems like that.
gud morning....
Magicdragon "does it hurt to her the truth?" its not a disease or life sentence of his life... take it easy.anyways i just wokeup an hour ago... finally finished prototype last night.. it was a long nyt.
as per the comments...MD says he has to walk for a not worry abt that he's got drivers and brothers at home. and he walks at corniche for fitness.. and as per baldrick2dogs he loses his lisence permenantly if he reaches 15 points in just a month.
ishipra says permenant again...
loulsy sayes "for period of time"
this is where my friend is confused..he got another source of information which tells him to go to jail or 3months no lisence....
sandeepkadian ,my friend even took atleast 6 points from his other friends since they needed help... ok i agree its all his fault ... in such cases i am sure even u might ask or offer help...if u have a drving wouldn't u.
anyways thanks for sharing ur opinions....
now i am just gonna call my cusin who works at the abuhamour traff.dept as it was too late last night.
As per Traffic law... if you reach 15 points u lose ur license for aperiod of time before ...
They are meant to give you a reciept for it.
It is a meal after all
Your friend should lose his licence, (although he may have got 15 points just through parking tickets) but the police hear are typical of the problems. No one gives you a straight answer to any question.
The policemen should have said give me your licence because you are disqualified for one year but that would have been too simple.. the rules dealing with the govt are deliberatly opaque...
What about this one: Licence plate 287888, Land Cruiser, 11 points, QAR 6.400, expired permit )4/2009?
(Source: MOI Website, open for everyone!)
15 violation points????gosh!that's quite a number,i say!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
You're not saying anything anymore, 220v. Does it hurt to hear the truth?
What really pisses me off here though, is that you can give your points to a friend and continue driving like a complete prick.
As far I know he will loose his lisence permantely...
All country policeman are same & always correct...
Moral of the story: Never augue wit a policemen if he is wrng or you'll get answer as abv
Good that your friend lost the license with that kind of track record. Really professional reply by the policeman though :))
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein
thats new..huh...
good job Mr policeman!
baldrick, I guess they look at it as a competition: who makes more points in lesser time.
Sorry, but if he reached 15 points in a month he deserves to lose his license permanently.
With 15 points your friend deserves to walk for one year!