Traffic Signal Timers.

At all traffic signals in Doha where speed and red signal camera's are installed, there are accidents/violations when the green light suddenly blinks and starts changing to red because a motorist driving at 70-80 is not able to make judgment to brake at these speed in short distance and also causes problems to the motorist driving behind him.
Back in my country, there is a digital countdown a timer at each traffic signal which indicates how much time is left before the signal will change. This gives the motorist a good idea before-hand to make his judgment to whether he/she will be able to cross the signal with current speed or should brake and reduce the speed in advance.
I think Qatar traffic department should also install such gadgets which will reduce accidents at traffic lights.
Thanks & Regards,
There is only one way....GO CAREFULLY REACH SAFELY. Nobody would pay without any returns.
i thought the light becomes yellow before they turn red........isnt it.
YEs Redragon the scada loop system is operation at almost all new traffic signals..
dunno how many here know this rule
Most of the signals in qatar has sensors to detect the traffic que in each lane, and signal changes from green to red if the lane is empty. This system helps to reduce the waiting time and improves traffic if u have noticed the new roundabout with signals.. putting timers beats the very purpose of this system as each signal will be of constant time if there is a timer.
"Yesterday is the past,Tomorrow is a mystery,& Today is a gift that's why its called the PRESENT"
Gangster, I'm sure they'll start drag-racing, you have everything, a start point, a count-down, and a stop point (the next signal).
UkEngQatar, no conclusion, just a "fictional" short story that "could" happen in some parts of the world.
They Installed the countdown timer before at the cornish but remove after a week FOR Some Reason.I think Its not good for qatari drivers.if they have range rover,porch,ferarari or any sports car then they can cross the signal with in seconds.becase its depend on the accelaration of the car.However, according to my point of view its more dangerous because the stant Drivers got the target to cross the signal in the remaining seconds.So its not good for Signals in the qatar.
So you agree with Drac then Bleu?
qatar is not very much developed country..thats y they dont have timer system....
back to the camels...
Bleu and your conclusion is?
Let's not forget that they probably buy each traffic light (All three colors) for only QR500,000, and pay QR/50,000 per year for maintenance and bulb replacements.
We all know how this is done, it's done in steps.
1. Choose a roundabout, then start planting it with flowers, grass, and decorate it with those nice stones QR200,000 Only.
2. Then, install 8xlights systems and a controller, for a special price of QR4,000,000.
3. Then after a while, install cameras, only QR1,000,000.
4. The next year you can install the timers, only only QR500,000.
5.plant it again with flowers, grass, and decorate it with those nice stones QR200,000 Only.
6. Then decide to convert the R/A with traffic lights to a full traffic lights interchange: close the R/A for a month or three, or six, dig it up, throw all the existing hardware,and install the basic lights system. QR 3,000,000
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
Notice that the different places in Doha are in different stages.
Disclaimer: All the prices in this post are made-up and this post is a fictional short story that doesn't in any way reflect reality.
For all the idiots that park 10 metres from the white line.... you do know that the cameras are only activated once your BACK WHEELS go over the line. There are sensors on both sides of the white line, so the car has to be completely over the line for you to be flashed....
Good info
Thanks for the info mis-cat..
If you start the iginition when sitting for any of the driving skills part of the license and do this before Buckling Up then it is an instant FAIL...
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
To my knowledge No.
I still think it goes back to my earlier theory and that is they don't teach them how to really drive here other than how to use an accelerator, change gears and use the brake. Hubby and I sometimes wonder how they would cope if they actually saw the Learner manual we get in Oz and realize they have to commit pretty much everything in it to memory sit the test then you have to go through tree others over a period of 3 years before you get your full license. Just to show people out there here is the list of tests that are applicable to get your full license in NSW in Oz.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
these driving schools should hire certified driving instructors from europe, only then the driving standard here will improve...
Mis-cat..Is there a fine in this country for stepping over the line..especialliay places where is no snapping facilities?
If it so can't belive it.. These guys can't que for any thing.. lol
I kinda did explain why before but it's also cause they are scared s*&^less if they even go a fraction over the line they could get snapped.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Balderick2dogs, Sir the amount of time and experience you have in the middleast is comdendable. Well we know why never get a fine, ofcourse you will not get a fine if driving around with a KSA number
Timers are for lazy drivers I agree, Drivers here need to drive in accordance with the speed limits and safe distnace between vehicles, then they should not have any problem.
We have done research on this before selling Traffic Lights to this region..
O by the way anyone can explain to me why the heck to all the drivers here stop 10 metres away from the stop line? I am sure that is more debateabble then these poxy
Agree with you on the chimp thing but the fact is there are lot of chimps in Qatar and they are the one's responsible for most of the accidents here. This usually happens because of the Driving schools issuing License without proper tests and road awareness etc. Heard that Karwa Driving School is giving a class for this and this info is very important for all the new drivers. Hope all other Driving Schools take note and implement this for the benefit of all.
Also agree with hesa24804. Tailgating is the most serious issue in Qatar. Some cars have been bumped off the road and the driver just disappears. There are many other small and big accidents related to tailgating.
shan4uall1 - timers are a bad idea. They are for lazy and unsafe drivers who are unable to use their common sense.
Six seconds between lights flashing green and turning red is more than enough time to stop, as long as you are not driving up the arse of other people.
Imagine if they put times in? Cars would speed up just to get through in time.
If people learnt to drive properly, there would be no accidents - instead of putting timers in, the law of no tailgating should be inforced....
Shan, I mentioned that as you seem to think I don't go over 80 "I think u have never driven above 80.... probably u r driving a old pick-up which can hardly reach those speeds.... don't worry.... try hitting the gas as hard as u can next time or better stand on the pedal to have max speed and let me know if it goes abov 80" :o)
I'm guessing here that you drive a Tiida ;o)
Yes, I occasionally go over the limit, when it is safe to do so (i.e 5:30am on an empty straight road).
If/when they install such radar I shall take them into consideration.
Did you Google it first?
I have seen this in some places-its bad gu gu to have countdown timers especially here with so many speeders. Instead the speeders speed up to beat the timer and others stopped, jump the light when timer hits 1. I agree with baldrick!
Then why the hell waste the money in putting them in???
Oh and just from memory they did trial the timer system here at one set of lights but it has since been removed one can only guess that all it achieved was people putting their foot down to trying and beat the timer and lights as is the mentality of some on the roads here.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Well.... I don't know what makes u proud of driving at 140-160 and beating the radars... in a way u r violating traffic rules.
As said earlier there's no complusion to look at those timers they are just for added assitance...
FYI... shortly the advanced radars installed in qatar would be similar to those in Dubai, which would capture continious recording of cars and compare the time taken between succesive radars to know if u have crossed above speed limit.... i think that bad new's for u ...
This topic of Timers has also been discussed before in April 2008.
Also a similar topic was discussed regarding the signals at round-abouts and finally it was implemented.
Safe driving to all of you.
Andrews said "and will help all the dumb chicken heads on the road..."
And that is why Qatar will not do it. Why would they admit that their drivers are "dumb chicken heads", because they ceratinly aren't going to change for the 'excellent driving' foreign visitors.
Did you Google it first?
OK, Shan I drive a Patrol, I regularly do 140-160 down the Messaid road, I have NEVER run a red light in my life in any of the 40+ countries I've visited, and in a year in Qatar have never even been flashed by a speed camera, let alone had a single fine in 6 years in KSA and 6 years in Kuwait. Oh, and for the record, in UK I sat the Advanced Drivers course as well as both defensive and racing driving courses.
As you say Max, there is always the chimp who screeches to a halt on the second green flash, but if you leave a decent gap, as every driving instructor in the world should teach, then you ain't gonna hit him!
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I fully support your suggestion of installing timers at signal lights. Hope this is done soon in Qatar.
That annoys the F*&6 outta me and hubby as well again it's to do with the way we are taught to judge distance or lack there of...
simple test really for all those out there find a spot and mark a line use this as the white line at an intersection now drive up to it and stop when you think the nose of the car is on the white line get out and take a look, my guess is the nose of your car is probably 5 to 10 meters away from it, try again this time though use the side mirror as a marker when the mirror is at the line level get out and see where the nose of the car is n relation to the line now...should be pretty spot on... this works for all makes and models of car.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Excellent idea. They can help stop most of the accidents happening at these signals.
I don't agree with baldrick2dogs cause if that was the case then there wouldn't be so many accidents happening at the signals in the first place and secondly, the speed limit has never been followed here in the past and even now. Have seen many land cruisers and cars zooming to 100 plus just before the signal turns red and as soon as they reach 10-20 meters next to the signal, they brake and reduce speed to be just under the radar speed to avoid being fined. Lastly, there have been accidents when the car in front suddenly applies brakes as soon as the 2nd green light blink. Could be because he is scared like everyone else to pay Qrs 6000 fine. Which is quite a big amount.
I think u have never driven above 80.... probably u r driving a old pick-up which can hardly reach those speeds.... don't worry.... try hitting the gas as hard as u can next time or better stand on the pedal to have max speed and let me know if it goes abov 80 ....
If a small timer can help ppl I don't understand why u have problem...... just B'cos it's not in UK....??
Balderick its not only we might have better standard of driving we also have anti skid surfacing at all our junctions which ensures that the one who are slowing down do not skid..
Plus we don't stop 10 metres away from the stop line..
Baldrick...I know there is no need of a nuclear scientist's brain to figure it out..But this digital timer is a more convienient one and will help all the dumb chicken heads on the road...
Andrews, Shan, "it's not rocket science"!
If you are 130m away and the lights start flashing green, slow down and prepare to stop. If you are 30m away and they start to flash, at 80kph, there is no way you will stop in time, so keep going as you will clear the signal before it goes red. Just use a bit of common sense.
Mis-cat has figured it out. I'm sure a couple of clever accountants like you two can do the same!
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I don't think the USAir captain had time either to calculate just how far he could glide without power. It's a matter of situational awareness and experience. After many hours you will come to know your car's braking ability, your reaction time, and your speed vs a changing light. Timers are kinda like training wheels and they really are for pedestrains anyway.
Shan...It's not a good idea to have such timers..since they dont have them in UK...
Instead take a calculator with you..Speed of your vehicle devided with the No of blinks left and distance from the Signal light...and take a decision
Yes you do, and more important, you SHOULD!
If you think and plan ahead there is no need for braking hard at the last moment.
Keep a safe distance from the car ahead and always assume 'the other guy' is an ididot.
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where the hell did you learn to drive and who taught you??
cause when I learnt to drive they taught us all that and tested us on all that before we were even alloed to step behind a wheel they also teach us how to judge safe distances in car as well using parts of the car as markers.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
I don't think we have time to calculate 130m and 6 seconds at every signal everytime during driving..... a countdown timers quickly makes u and also others aware of transition time so that u don't brake hard at last moment.....
BTW if u don't want to c those timers u can look around instead.... no complusion to look at the timers...
They don't have them in UK, but I believe it's cos we have better standards of driving there ;oP
Putting in timers is tantamount to calling your drivers crap.
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You are right GT. Always make it a point or drivers should always slow down during intersection. Do not gamble on everyone's life or your life in beating the red light.
Else, you will pay such huge amount and suffer the consequences.
Even in Manila, along Roxas Blvd., we have this. I believe Qatar is more capable of having this in their traffic system. Very nice idea!
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
BUT since there is none available, when in doubt, slow down when nearing the signal to avoid violations
Or you could just go back to your country!
From the first green flash to red there is approx 6 seconds. This is ample time at 80kph and gives approx 130m to make a decision. If you are 130m away you can brake safely. If you are 50m away you can still go through on amber without being flashed or causing the guy behind to rear end you.
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When I travel to the United Arab Emirates they have this system of the digital countdown on the red lights signals, it is really helpful