
These inspirational writings are usually old bt evergreen and everlasting. Exuse in advance from those find it boring. (HAPPY READING)
"You don't understand," it said. "I haven't always been a teacup. There was a time when I was red and I was clay." My master took me and rolled me and patted me over and over and I yelled out, "let me alone", but he only smiled, "Not yet."
"Then I was placed on a spinning wheel," the teacup said, "and suddenly I was spun around and around and around. Stop it! I'm getting dizzy!" I screamed. But the master only nodded and said, 'Not yet."
Then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I wondered why he wanted to burn me, and I yelled and knocked at the door. I could see him through the opening and I could read his lips as He shook his head, "Not yet."
Finally the door opened, he put me on the shelf, and I began to cool. "There, that's better," I said. And he brushed and painted me all over. The fumes were horrible. I thought I would gag. "Stop it, stop it!" I cried. He only nodded, "Not yet."
Then suddenly he put me back into the oven, not like the first one. This was twice as hot and I knew I would suffocate. I begged. I pleaded. I screamed. I cried. All the time I could see him through the opening nodding his head saying, "Not yet."
Then I knew there wasn't any hope. I would never make it. I was ready to give up. But the door opened and he took me out and placed me on the shelf. One hour later he handed me a mirror and said, "Look at yourself." And I did. I said, "That's not me; that couldn't be me. It's beautiful. I'm beautiful."
"I want you to remember," then, he said, "I know it hurts to be rolled and patted, but if I had left you alone, you'd have dried up. I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if I had stopped, you would have crumbled.
God knows what He's doing (for all of us).He is the Potter, and we are His clay.
He will mold us and make us, So that we may be made into a flawless piece of work To fulfill His good, pleasing, and perfect will.
parable? Gosh I haven't heard that word in a long time! Lord knows where I dragged that one up from - the Bible I guess....
Unbiased you say wadda you want hear ?
a simile or metaphor (can't think which is which off hand) showing the way one gets knocks in life and somehow those knocks help to make you stronger.
I wouldn't have taken it any other way!
The last thing I would have thought about as I read it was of people REALLY being burned in a fire and stuff like that.
A storm in a teacup? Hee :D
But for an unbiased view, ask me, Adey or Aviduser.....
within the site's guidelines....I never said you MUST remove your post at once, did I?
But as you said there are two sides, and maybe you thought you were presenting a motivational story....I showed the other side, how it does the opposite....and now each person will read and decide for themselves.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
thr r two kind of ppl..those who make difficult things easy and those who bring complexities to simple things.
its a simple stroy... now its upto us wat we want to make out of it... feel free.
we all are representing our minds, thots here. and as mature adults we should understand it. if u r think its demotivational...its yr point of view...i like it and posted.. I think i am free to do tht.
u urself stated"
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
so let us all decide .... wats thr and wats nt.
Good to u all and hv anice wk end
The idea IS to be when you post demotiovational stories no need to get uppidy....wake up and see everyone's response....notice how you and aisha are the only ones who find this story "inspirational"?
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
hellooo wake up Raider... u gave yr u must be feeling least a lil help to yr suffering..huh .
now try to understand tht as oryx share yr opinion...Aisha or else can get the same message tht i had.
its nt being defensive...its rather trying to be polite and gentle. again its how u take it.
anyways its a thoguht tht if try to be lil positive..u will notice tht wthr its u, or oryx or Aisha...we want good things to happen. posting inspirational notes or funnies or etc... tht is thr for mutual xchange of thots. critique is always good but we should first try to understand other's motive and intention. negativity can be created thru any means...
These forums are helpful until we show respect to each other.
This type of message can be a source of comfort for those with no way out of the poverty and destitute life to which they find themselves and for that it may have good "intentions", however I have to agree with RR.
Too many people use this mental philisophy to accept their position and not strive for equality and change. This give the unscrupulous people control and power to continue abusing others.
When used in the correct context (albeit, the very few instances that this can apply), this is a message of comfort. In the vast majority of cases however, this message is just wrong and should not be encouraged!
Exactly this 'surrender' and 'live happily with what you have' logic had caused a great harm to Hindu religion too. Mind, I am Hindu too. But this logic has made the genrations spineless. You actually loose your power to fight back if you consider that everything that is happenning is nothing but the God's wish....
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Believe me that post was SERIOUSLY edited for language.....what I said was not vulgar nor did I swear....I think your reaction is purely defensive rather than an issue with the language I used.
Aisha - the story itself conveys a message....and that message is not one perseverence, its one of surrendering yourself and trusting your makerdespite being in pain becuase he/she/it knows what they are doing supposedly....again one of the worst possible messages you can give the suffering!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Thanks a lot Aisha... u made my day. its good whn u feel tht someone is thr who is seeing and taking things in postive manner. u really summarized it very well.
e No matter what the reactions of the others are, I think your story is nice. I like the moral of it. It really shows that we should be patient. Now for the others that made comments about the poor and suffering. Yes we know that this exists, but reacting angrily to a story that teaches the principle of patiece is total out of context. They are 2 different issues.
Patience and accepting what is happening to you, that you have to suffer for something to become right/fantastic in the end, that is the lesson. The story could have been about going to school and having to study. It is just a different usage of subject. Here it is about a teacup. How it is made, how else would you portray its evolution/creation???
The story is not about it burning etc. But the leson is there PATIENCE.
Now about the suffering in the world, yes we know that it is there, and yes we all should do our utmost to help. And if everybody does that there will be less suffering. But that was not the point of this story.
I would say its just the matter of perception and understanding. anyways.. try nt to doubt others. thr is no pysterious plan. so just mind yr language. live and let live.
I really dont want to waste my time anymore on this crap communication. and let me know whn u really wana do smthing for these sufferings...may be i would be able to do something.
I blv in now u post whn u have some practical solution.
If we cannot control it, we STRIVE to change it....not try and pass it off as all according to some mysterious plan!
Juts because I don't work for the UN does not mean I have no idea about human suffering...and Oryx has experience much more than you i'd wager...but that's not the point.....the point is what we do about it....and i'm sorry but your message is counter productive, illogical, and downright insulting to anyone with half an intellect!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
ok ...thn tell me logical solution.. can u control wats happening around? do u even have control even on yr own life? and m nt using any forum for anything. i liked smthing and i posted. bc if thr are sme wth yr mindset ..thn thr will be few with mine...i mean these kind of forums are only thr to exchange thoughts.. ths it.
u cannot have the real idea of suffering - can u stop killing? can u control poverty in the world? are u willing to curtail yr wages and contribute the share towards betterment..... i mean please give me a practical example..
wats rong in saying few words of kindness...let me tell u....i have been part of UNO rehabilitation team.... in my own country for earthquake survivors.... i know how it feels whn u cannot control and u feel helpless.... its more than hunger...its more than nt gettingthe right medicine... i wish u could really know.
Thanks R&R - I have seen these things and many more
like kids who live in sewers in guatemala city
kids going thru rubbish dumps
malnourished kids in sudan
etc etc....
this just makes me vomit by trivialising this absolute soul destroying body breaking suffering....that so many go thru
This is the exact opposite of motivational... it is saying 'accept your suffering its for a divine reason' rubbish.... there is nothing devine or noble about this depth of suffering.... GET REAL
It is just the medium you choose to convey that message that's utter nonsense....instead of trivializing people's suffering by making it all part of some imaginary being's "plan" for everyone....why don't you try and focus on redressing the issues that plague millions of people's lives like Oryx was saying!
The Teacup analogy doesn't require neerly as much "depth of mind" to understand as it does "lack of logic" to swallow!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
i said i dont want ppl's agreement to this note... we all are free to decide wat best for us.
yr comment is most to understand life it requires depth of mind. these kind of writings require right interpretation. You have taken the wrong message. and for others like u...let me explain..its motivational note to encourage ppl not to find the keep going.... nt to loose hope...
now tell me wats rong in tht.
Big Smacker for u again! puerile - facile - trite etc etc
kiddie glue sniffers on the streets in Nairobi... ??
The mother having a dying child in her arms because she cant' afford $1 worth of medicine?
the LRA abducting children in Uganda to fight?
The people who have watched their family being butchered in Rwanda?
they are going to become great perfect people????
Their lives a ruined.
When people burn in fires its not god playing potter! Its a tragedy.
When there are millions of children who are malnourished and don't have acess to clean drinking water....and eeking out a living in the vilest poverty....that's not god's plan...that is just bullcrap fed to keep people from rising up and demanding an equitable redistribution of wealth.....yeah suffer now because god knows what he's doing....he'll reward you AFTER you are dead....if you believe that, you are just the right kind of naive fool they are looking for.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?