Taxi facility in Qatar
Dear All those who depends on taxi : There are a few facts regarding taxi tansport in Qatar. Right now there are 3 companies running for public transport. Karwa,Al million and Al Ijarah. Below is the rate description and a few things you shuold know.:
Karwa: There are 2 Tariff: Tariff 0 and Tariff 1. If you are riding in side city they should use Tariff 1 and the rate will be moderate and affordable. Tariff 0 is for outside doha. Almost all drivers are using Tariff 0 in their meter and they are cheating customers. Its not beacause they are greedy, its because the pressure they get from their own management. If somebody from Govermnet reading this post, please do something for them and get the public transport system work smoothly.
My suggestion is to keep GPS system for turning in the meter and do not let the driver to operate it.
Karwa is Worst Among three, the rent is too high they were not charge more then Specified Rent
Not only greedy drivers of public transport..they are even behaving arrogantly along the road.