Take Care especially with young girls

Sexualisation 'harms' young girls
The media's portrayal of young women as sex objects harms girls' mental and physical health, US experts warn.
Magazines, television, video games and music videos all have a detrimental effect, a task force from the American Psychological Association reported.
Sexualisation can lead to a lack of confidence with their bodies as well as depression and eating disorders.
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Harry Potter doesn't show his knickers getting out of limmo's though.
Well not that I am aware of anyway.
Call me Maninibat!
Seems like Paris is pretty tame compared to Potter.
And this is familiz site...lol
I rest my case.
Who does?
The horse?
Well at least it wasn't that ginger lad.
I'll look it up and give you my oppinnion.
Call me Maninibat!
The one in which he bares his all...
I'm not aware of that one.
Sounds like a comedy.
Call me Maninibat!
Of course it could.
But I wouldn't have chosen those two examples.
I am more concerned with glorified machismo and violence.
The exploitation of female imagery also gives out the wrong message.
Boys hormones can make females walking sex objects anyway without the media reinforcing the fact.
Call me Maninibat!
JBH Potter guy (whatever his name is) is also out with some stage play Eques or Equines in which he is into beastiality.
sexualiztion of media doesn't harm young boys?
If you become a witch I will become a worlock.
So we can advise the kids with first hand knowlege of the dangers associated with reading.
Maybe I should get a spiderman suit also and get first hand experience of life "on the streets" as a friendly neighbourhood spidey, just in case.
Can you get spidey suits in extra large, around the middle?
Call me Maninibat!
I'd love to become a witch and I'm not kid. I have nothing against the Potter books, anything that gets kids reading is fine by me.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Tell me what he has done wrong.
Not the tabloid version BTW.
"As for Harry Potter...I am truly concerned about the kids having a Witch as Idol. And the amount by which the kids are hypnotised by this."
Are we to expect thousands of kids to become witches and worlocks?
Maybe not.
Call me Maninibat!
As for Harry Potter...I am truly concerned about the kids having a Witch as Idol. And the amount by which the kids are hypnotised by this.
Superman/Spiderman combined does not find such favour with the kids and doesnot have so many sequels in such a short time.
I have tired reading the book & saw the "Akzaban" Potter but did not find them "So Compelling" as to see another Potter again.
How is Harry Potter a bad influence on boys? He's a skinny, geeky kid with glasses.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
JBH .....Beckham family man?
You must be kidding?
As for sportsman I feel Michael Owens, Ashley Cole, Wayne Rooney, Sol Campbell, are much better players than Becks.
How can a fit and healthy sportsman / family man and a young successfull well spoken actor be a bad influence?
Please explain.
Call me Maninibat!
What can you expect when the idols are Paris Hilton / Lindsay for girls & Harry Potter/ Beckham for boys?
We need to make sure that products we sell & buy do not harm the well-being of humans.
I agree, as a young female growing up surrounded by these images it is very detrimental.
If you don't look like the girls on tv or emulate their behaviors, you are made to feel like an outcast which is a very horrible feeling, especially when you are young and impressionable.