Stuff going on in the background

Shifting of labourers’ lodgings from Doha proceeding as per plan |
The plan to shift all the existing labourers’ lodgings from residential areas in Doha city to the outskirts is proceeding as per schedule and the process is expected to be completed by April this year. Source:-
I was reading the above article this afternoon, and was surprised to find the bit about health and hygiene hidden down the bottom. law enforcement officers in charge of health and hygiene conducted 23,340 rounds of inspections of eateries, hypermarkets, convenience stores and juice stalls during the past year and as many as 1719 cases of irregularities and non-compliance with health and hygiene regulations were recorded. Wow!!! It looks like there is a lot going on in the background that we don't know about. Sure the closure of the F&V section in Carrefour was sensational and visible, but 549,258kilos of meat and 16,660 trays of eggs. Is this just the tip of the iceberg? A good job seems to be being done by Qatar officials, but I wonder how much is still on sale that slips through the net. How much is still being consumed by us unknowingly? Anyway good job Qatar, and keep up the hard work making our food safe.
and also wonder if he speak Arabic? If he does, then it may legitimize some of his observation. The best way really is to prepare your food yourselves.
So by PeteLyonRash's posting, it is clear that in this case the confiscation occurred because of expiry dates.
PeteLyonsRah just clarified what I knew all along.
This doesn't sound good. I could read those numbers differently than many in this thread.
Thank you for contributing PeteLyonsRah. This is turning into an interesting thread. It's nice to have people who are qualified in the subject commenting.
Guys I work in the Food industry - I look after a number of restaurants - I also hold a degree in food sciences - I have to say the visits by these so called inspectors are soo lacking in any detail - they focus on date lables which can easily be forged - they have little understanding of actual causes of food poisoning such as cross contamintation and they often contridict themselves from visit to visit. The Govt web site gives zero information on the required standards and the visits are very infrequent. I have also witnesed that infrictions are simply allowed to continue if the person speaking to the inspector speaks Arabic. People around the world often blame restaurants as soon as they become ill when it is more likely food prep at home that is the cause but here in Qatar It would not surprise me if poisoning is indeed caused by eateries.
Incidently it has taken me nearly a year to fully train and push standards of excellence in my back of house (Kitchens). If the government here is serious they should define the standards they expect and then assist all establishments to acomplish these expectations.
Interesting Fubar
Good point Brit.
They confiscated an average of 10,000kg of meat PER WEEK?
I wonder if that has anything to do with this story:
DOHA: The delay in developing new central markets in designated areas outside Doha has angered the Central Municipal Council (CMC) which now wants the project to be taken away from Mawashi (Meat and Livestock Company).
He noted that the entire country was relying on the central market in Doha, although it does not have the facilities to meet the requirements of even the Doha community. Besides the space constraints, lack of proper government monitoring is making the situation even worse.
“If Mawashi can not implement the project, some other company should be assigned to do that,” said Hassan Abdullah Abdul Raheem, another CMC member, representing Al Wakra.
Even the CMC know that the current markets provided for fruit, vegetables, meat and fish are totally inappropriate to a modern new city. They are an embarrassment to Doha and the CMC is right to be pushing the issue.
It's been more than 10 years since proposals were first put forward to improve the market, but still... nothing.
Should we just keep burying our heads in the sand with the typical 'everything's fine in Doha' mentality when it means that this much food is being wasted?
In that case - Well done to those inspectors for keeping us safe. Hope the establishments are prosecuted.
Great movement...Qatar is a beautiful and peaceful country.There are similar other areas which the officials have to look in to.Mainly Nurseries,Schools,Hospitals and in the real estate and renting areas as well.
The figures can't be wrong Brit, they have been published by GT and as you know that is a reliable source.
That seems to be a hell of a lot of meat.. I think the figures must be wrong.
I have vowed never to buy from Carrefour fruit and veg again and avoid buying from them at all. How dare an international company sell us poor quality produce then reopen expecting everything to be ok???
Very poor.
TB, I was just joking when I asked Tcom if he wants the number....though I can get few number from my husband's friend as he has collection of the Chinese dolls mobile numbers(just to be honest with my answer).
Hummm... the QAWS is a good idea
And this is just the stuff that they found before we bought it. I wonder how much stuff that ought to have been confiscated for being unfit still made it on to the shelves and was sold?
And if only some of the off foods could have been donated to QAWS to feed the dogs and cats.
On the upside, the fruit and vegetable section at Carrefour is wonderful now, heaps better than before.
Well as you were offering the number to TCOM, I would like to know what you are doing with the phone number for such a takeaway marie? Or were you simply asking if he would like the number even though you didn't have one? O... this is getting complicated and stupid. I am just going to shut up.
Ssssshhhh Tcom! Im not that expert. I have been in those places with hubby and friends few times that is why I was aware what the crowd was.
So now we know mariecor is also an expert
TB, I don't really know the proper description that is why I wrote that. lol!
See I am sweet and innocent
Doh!! Am I thick or what? Just got it. Don't answer ;)
lol Tcom! There are plenty at Ramada & Sheraton.
What the heck is "non-food Chinese"
No PUN intended
Chinese Stare
Blank Stare
I want only Chinese :)
Tcom, I was talking of non-food Chinese. lol!
Yes please
TCOM, do you want contact details for Chinese Take Away?
I really had BAD lunch today .. :(
I'm on a blooming diet TCOM or I would be in
I am Hungry need Chinese Take Away..... Any Takers :)
A good begining.......I am still alive
The Chinese don't need to fake food UK. They actually have some pretty damn good stuff themselves. Which reminds me... I'm HUNGRY!!!
These officers in charge of health and hygiene deserve much praise. Appalling to think of all that meat and all those eggs and where they could have ended up! Shame on those who try to profit at the expense of another's health and even possibly life. TFS TB..a very informative post!
I blame the Chines for the Fake Food..:()
Double post, sorry.
Good work by the Health and Hygeine people, keep it up.
"officers in charge of health and hygiene conducted 23,340 rounds of inspections of eateries, hypermarkets, convenience stores and juice stalls during the past year"
23,340 divided by 52 = 448 inspections a week.
1719 divided by 52 = 33 cases of irregularities and non-compliance with health and hygiene regulations per week.
The 448 inspections a week indicates that there are a lot of officers working on this.