Student 'sells' virginity

A LESBIAN student who auctioned her virginity on the Internet today admitted she had "sold" to the highest bidder.
Rosie Reid, 18, was paid £8,400 to sleep with a middle-aged man in a London hotel room.
The Bristol University student received hundreds of bids from around the world after putting her virginity up for sale, first on eBay and then on her own web site. She said she needed the cash to pay her university fees.
Miss Reid and her partner met the five top bidders in February to assess their suitability.
The winning candidate, a 44-year-old BT engineer from south London, was the highest bidder.
Miss Reid, from Dulwich, south London, said she "sobbed" after sleeping with the man.
"It was horrible ... I hate the way men kiss," she told the News of the World.
"It felt very uncomfortable but it was over quickly I suppose," she added.
After the man left Miss Reid said she climbed onto the bed in the hotel room and "cried and cried".
She told the newspaper she felt "obliged" to go through with her offer as he had paid so much money.
Will she though? She's a lesbian so she doesn't care what men think of her. And her schools paid for.
yeah sure may be easy now but ya pay the price later in life.......
psssst, better out the front than out the back......heheehehhehehhe
Sure, you can put yourself in debt for decades, work your azz off at two part time jobs and still not be able to cover everything. Or you can take the easy way.
Please... Driven ?
I am sure there are other ways of making the money..
Frankly I think it's a sin that education is so unaffordable that women are driven to these methods.
PH - prolly coz that was some time back when the cost of living was lower.........hehhehehhehehe. she must've been bloody desperate with no sense of value and worth........
psssst, better out the front than out the back......heheehehhehehhe
Gosh All she was worth was 8k? Talk about putting a price on a girls dignity.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
i too had to read it twice before i actually saw the exact word//////lol
psssst, better out the front than out the back......heheehehhehehhe
Sorry bakamuna!
Gypsy thats the link i have attached,
"a bold and empowering act of feminism huh..." according to her... lol
GM Rizks...
what a shame
This is old. A girls doing it now in the States to pay for her Master's degree.
Bikinimuna .......
GM my friend.. How u doing these dayz ? Damn cant open tat link frm ma Office ....:(
Morningz Jamillie n Frnds !!!
I thought it said "LEBANESE" Student!!!
Did you Google it first?
check this out
...The News of the World.... and there you have it - the story was bankrolled by the very best that the UK has to offer by way of journalistic integrity!!
I think people do these things just to get their 5mins of fame... No matter how disgusting things get.. Like the Home Videos that "Accidentally" leak out of celebrities like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian !!!
"Miss Reid, from Dulwich, south London, said she "sobbed" after sleeping with the man.
"It was horrible ... I hate the way men kiss," she told the News of the World."
lol this is gay
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth) so many levels.
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
ah so no wonder , i was wondering how come she is charging so
psssst, better out the front than out the back......heheehehhehehhe
EH? This happened bloody years and years ago!! OLD NEWS!!