Strage Dying wish - How would you like to go

Dead angler becomes fish food
A man's dying wish for his ashes to be turned into fish food has become a reality.
When keen angler Peter Hodge learned he had terminal motor neurone disease, he requested that his remains be mixed with the special groundbait he used to catch fish in his local river.
The 61-year-old, from Puriton, near Bridgewater in Somerset said he wanted to swim with the fish in the spot where he spent 40 happy years, reports the Daily Telegraph.
So, after Mr Hodge's death last month, he was cremated in a wicker fishing basket coffin and his ashes were mixed with 30lb of fish food.
Mr Hodge's widow Caroline and daughter Sally were the first to catapult balls of the bait into the River Huntspill to signal the start of an angling competition among Mr Hodge's friends.
Before he died Mr Hodge said: "It may sound strange but it is my dream; to be back in the river catching fish is where I belong. I hope my friends make me proud with their catches."
Mrs Hodge, 56, said: "Pete wanted the fish to gobble him up so he could swim up and down the river after his death.
"Everything that he wished for was done right down to the last. It was only right for us to carry out his final wishes."
Mr Hodge, a gents hairdresser, took up fishing at the age of 20 and went to his favourite spot on the river several times a week.
Nearly 1,000 mourners packed St Mary's Church in Bridgewater for his funeral.
Isn't that what the Hindus do ??
Set fire to the body on a funeral Pyre and then set it sail in the water ?? that Sean Connery thing in First Knight...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
cardboard box and woodland burial, no need for all the booing and crying, a good old knees up and plenty of music and singing :)
How sweet.. But what about your "deaparture from this world"
How should that be..
to go to sleep, spoons with DH, and going quietly in my sleep
Imagine if the fish that ate his ash-food died, then how would he swim in the sea/river/pond??? :))
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
not a bad idea britexpat.
Perhaps you could mix your ashes into a giant fireworks display spelling you name!
unsure how i wanna go, i just want my name to be in the news!