A Stampede of Cayennes?

By Midfielder 4 •
With the acquisition by the State of a significant share in Porsche, what are the odds the number of Cayennes and other Porsche products will go up significantly?
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Well the WORLD economic crisis would give the motive for any media to write about this happening. I'm not saying it is not, but it could be a rumor just to help them get things back on track. Don't you think? And if you want anything written in any media, just show cash and it will happen :)
PITSTOP agree with you on how the market moves - saah - but I've seen reports on this in Gulf Times, Peninsula, BBC? So assume it is true...
A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.
On a serious note, I personally don't think Porsche will go ahead with it. As a dear friend said to me last night - How do you think the stock market works? RUMORS.! You spread a positive rumor, then stocks go up up up .. So,, I personally hope Qatar Does Not Buy in Porsche - Ever.
Agreed wid Baldrick
Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
It already looks like a stampede of cayennes
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
LOL I am not a big horse fan either but would not turn down a free Cayenne!
A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.
It is better to be thought a fool and say nothing, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Unless Porsche off 'special discounts' to Qataris I can't see their sales changing much.
I no understand are these horses
I like horses but sometimes no if they have angry face