something wrong with QL or it's just me???

By strawberry_shisha •
Hi guys...the moment I arrive home, I immediately logged in FB and QL and I noticed something weird in the format of the QL…I dunno if there’s something wrong with my computer, my connection or it’s just me..Anyhow, would love to hear your opinion, reaction, perception of the sudden and unannounced changes in QL..i don’t know if this topic were already discuss today coz I’m so lazy too scroll down the forum list..hehe..
MODS, please don’t delete this..just wanna hear the thoughts of my fellow qlers..thanks..
It's becoming like a private chatroom
I want to meet u too MBR,as well as Brit and Engr.:)
last monday was an open invitation to welcome random new members to the group which i dont once in 4 to 4 months and only 5 new members now will remain the same i will send invitation that only if you qualify mr enggr. which i still dont see.
yes it is..when i'm using my laptop at home i'm facing the problem i encountered since yesterday..but with another computer now, it's okay..
So, this post was supposed to be about problems with the QL website :O)
i think thread was sumfen else.......... lol.......... nw gossiping n healthy diet .. n food n hw to become
da silly..was even thinking it was me..lolz.. how are u dude? i have to cross my fingers then.. hey hope to see you pretty soon again..
me am talking about :Dah poor you all must be at work damnno worries weekend is near :p
haha..that's the same thing i'm asking da rude..
good morning pretty are you doing today? ;)
da rude, is it me?hehehe..
hot and sexy :P
hi princess sarah, nice to see you here in the forum..
hmm, i think ql reinvented the ql format..well let's see that the changes will be for the better..
Same here shisha,i hate it.:(
don't worry TB: they will definitely do some some thing
Hi MBR, my daily post also is looking untidy
aaaaaa.... upgrade ur PC`s plx :p
yeah the problem is still existing
S_S you noticed it quite late :D
see the thread below;
QL is same doesn't matter what format its on, i guess we need more life outside QL n FB : p
The wierd messages are now fixed.
i think u have to reinstall something manually..
yeah, why should they reformat it (whatever) i still prefer the old format...
MODS please bring back the old one..
yeah i agree that the old format is much better..
U need to read here
It's just you shisha, may be you need to go for an Intel i7 processor based high end desktop to access QL properly. Until then this is normal. :P
The original format was much better.