So called excuses .....

I have been reading this amazing book all about a man who goes around and rapes women and then murders them.
Thou the book isn’t based on actual fact a lot of reaserch has been done into this subject and why men do this ( other than being sick I know that)
Do you know what the mens excuses were?
She smiled at me
She was wearing provocative clothing
You could see her bra through her top
She wanted it – they all want it
Now I remember someone on this site once said “ well if women don’t cover up then men will see them as easy prey”
Who else thinks like this?
This is how these evil men think and work - doesn’t this make you scared that men can think and act like this???
This creeped me out so much learning all this whats a women to do nowadays ? we all know how big this subject is and how in our own countrys it is wide spread…
The UK has date rape drugs which are huge now – when will they start coming over here I wonder ?
Will us women ever be truly safe from this?
Dear al Ql friends
thank goodness that's all finished.
I also hope that he stays as nice as you people know him and does not go back to his old swearing self. If perm was mistaken and all disagree with him, this is no execuse to use bad language with him.
All of a sudden where did she pop up from? we are not discussing about DaRude here..please read the title of the thread. girls didnt leave anything good for me to say about Darude.. So can say something bad?? lol
Come all my sons and daughters and spill your lavishes, sins and lust in my confession booth. Just remember it will be kept in the utmost secret between you and God.
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds..
fame, unfortunately, always has it's price xx hehehe
So sweet and SO SPICY compliments :D Thank you
with me comin out time to time pickin on me and then disappears for a month or so. insomania was first then wesadupole NOW HERE IS SHE ONE MORE. sILLY
i hv met Darude ... he is a very nice person and defenitely i can vote for Darude. And i think since people complaining about his bad language he is a change man now.
Just ignore him/her Darude ...
anyway, since it opened again and my name was mentioned I would like to clarify something. On this, as well as on other threads I had been posting against using rude language, like Darude and others used to do. A lot of other users seemed to be irritated from the same reason.
I have noticed that since, he has avoided it. All in all he is one of the most if not the most poplar figure around. His humor is hilarious, often he is helpful to people and generally people like him and miss him if he does not appear online even for few hours.
Sometimes he says silly things, but that happens to all people who speak too much :)
Hope he does not go back to his old swearing self. Eh, DaRuDe?
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
PortAlfred might be a little bit bored and thinks you're an easy prey...wrong choice, really...hehehehe
like some old user and registering with a new user name and came here diggin out my comments here. well she didnot like the words i used cheap or nasty. but i assure you wont miss a chance for pissin you off too PortAlbert.
I guess some wind up merchants got bored and decided to resurrect this thread because they had nothing more original to offer.
angelwings, if you really want to help the Mitery cause then wouldn't it be better to disassociate your cause with this thread and start a fresh one?
PortAlbert, DaRuDe is well liked and respected amongst the regulars on QL
hmm hmm guess you only read my comments only on this thread dirty and cheap. hmm may i help you with 6 more topics?? they were weird then this??
and you a member since 18 hours ONLY HMM so let me Welcome you to Qatar living you sure will love it the Drama
and Buzz off out of my way ok.
I have no clue why your opinion is biased in favor of DaRuDe! Are you trying to tell us that there's no harm in using bad language, name calling, childish challenges for fights & fists if we didn't like a certain post/opinion? Is that OK in regard to the rules of this website? Can all the QL's here follow DaRuDe's example?
I actually agree with AC/DC & CYman that this person DaRuDe has an attitude problem & can not speak nicely to people. Is it a lack of logic? I wonder.
I don't know this person, never had any kind of communication with him, I am not interested in getting in an argument with him, but let's call A Spade, A Spade: HIS POSTS ARE VERY DIRTY & CHEAP!
I wonder why he is not getting any warnings from the management for using words like "1000 volts to your balls"
he hasnt come back with a comment in a while? that man scares me, i know lots of ladies who are helping him out with the mitery club - are they aware he is a wolf in sheeps clothing? i question the whole validity of his character.
The whole " my english is bad " excuse is silly! i mean my english is hopeless and my spelling beyond belief but i dont hide behind that - and im english ( and also dyslexic too!!) Prem worries me big time i want to hear his reasons!
well done Novita for pointing out his english!
jasminejasmine thanks for that your right in what you said, i know people who have been victims of rape and sexual aduse and they have never asked for it, next people will be telling me children ask for it when nonces fiddle with them.
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
I fully agree with you!
You have fully explained what happens to the victim.
The spirit is robbed and the victim never becomes normal.
It is a shame that some animals do tend inflict such injuries (Mental as well as physical).
In such cases I would even recommend capital punishment which is sadly not there in UK.
Well said and dead on, PM. They take criminal investigations very seriously here.
When I was in Saudi, I made a point living amongst the locals rather than separated in compounds, etc. It was the best move I ever made. Anyway, every week or two, we use to hear the imprisonment or beheading of rapists. No saudi that I ever met, thought that it was 'less' than rape because the woman behaved foolishly.
I don't know too much about Qatar but, Gypsy, how can you make such sweeping generalisatons? Here, in the UK, do you remember the case of rape by police officers on someone they had arrested, in the back of their police vehicle? Do we now tarnish the whole of the police force with the same brush stroke??
Maybe someone can state what Qatar law states about rape.
thanks for comment, JJ
Of course here jasminejasmine you would get to hear how the rape was her fault because she was drinking and wearing a short skirt, so obviously she was asking for it. Also the cops wouldn't be able to pull their thumb out of their fat asses long enough to ask anybody what happened.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Just before coming here I was working a night shift in A&E in the UK and a 20 year old girl was brought in with horrific injuries. She had been out with her girlfriends for the first time since having her daughter, (who was a few months old), she had been to a club, yes she had been drinking, yes she had a short skirt on. She was waiting for a taxi and was raped by one man who gave her such terrible injuries that she would not be able to have any more children and she had to have surgery. I cared for her for about 3 days (you work 12 hour shifts in some hospitals to get continuity of care) so I was with her throughout the first few days. Her physical scars will heal but she was destroyed mentally. Her husband parents and friends were stunned and not coping well. NOBODY blamed her for one second but the fact of the matter was that she had been violated in the worst possible way and it makes loved ones feel awkward no matter how hard they tried to cover it up. I have seen many terrible and sad things in my career but this really affected me. Luckily in the UK the Police are trained to work in a way that is centered around the victim and she was treated very well. Her life will never be the same again, however brave she is and carries on with her life, that man took her spirit. If anyone had dared suggest that she had in any way asked for it, at the time I don't think I would have been resposible for my actions. I do understand that on QL people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds express their opinions and I don't want to argue with anyone, it's just that this thread reminded me of this experience that will always be with me.
Now would be a good time for mr premprakash to actually clarify what he means without all the sound-bites on human rights and migrant workers.
This is what you said:
"Its not easy to rape a lady by single man , either she agree or she wants to enjoy , we have been studying lot of cases of rape , man can try for rape but with her silent permission he can't do it by himself"
NOW EXPLAIN EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE HERE. Remember, no self-praise on your activities as a human rights supporter, etc - just say what you mean. Backtrack if you like, apologise when you feel the urge, and ask for leniency in light of your ignorance, if appropriate.
Lets hear from you mr premprakash.
Prem is just making his way out.. i dont think that he has language problem. he knew exactly what he commented, only he didnt use brain, but instead he was carried away by his earthly desire and imagination.
Because sometimes we cannot just be polite to air our rage to something we despise. Sometimes, yes DaruDe could slip away his tounge beyond to what (you, me) can take but then again its up to (you, me) to go to that level and be outrageous or to contemplate.
If you are going to talk about speaking decently and politely here in QL, everyone here is guilty not only DaRudE and if you think you are not then probably you are not (to some).
And QL is not the only website that those younger generation can read. They can read any kind of slander anywhere in many forms.
"Like I always said IMHO"
ccan i just comment that rape is not about the sexual act. Rape is about power. I have a degree in Social Work and studiedthis area extensively so if you have studied this u obviously dont know what you are talking about. its about power over woman , not the sexual act cos if it was you would want consent to enjoy it. So if u studied this area you would know this. To actually study this and make that comment is sick...And i beleive the writing was clear, lack of english has nothing to do with it..
Mr.Premprakash might be happy that he has achieved what he probably intended to do. That is poisoning the forum.
Now, people were about to go off the rail and fight among themselves.
Thankfully, good sense prevailed and everything coming back to normal.
Meanwhile, do not loose the target.
Prempraksh wearing a different coat now. That is "Workers' right".
But in his new avatar he still refuses to take back his words.
Let me quote him.
"Truth is always truth so , even thought misunderstand understand , forgive me if my comments make you to feel sad regarding Rape I apologise again ".
Let us ask him...What is Truth ?????.
This arrogant man still claims that he is misunderstood and he refuses to take back his words.
His comments did not make people sad...but Angry!
He need to apologise for making such comments NOT for making us Sad.
It is the 'cause' that he should address and not the result.
Now he claims that he is going to talk about the whole of expats and their rights.
I wish somebody stop him because he is a very bad representative.
We need to find this man's ulterior motive! I don't believe him in one bit.
Prem says he wants to participate in Human rights seminar in the middle east, that means he is going to fight for the people who have comitted Crimes(Rape)and may say it is his basic human right that should not be denied,any one can do a rape provided other person also enjoys and say they got raped with consent
Premprakash expressed his opinion and when he read the responses tried to backtrack. It was very clear what he wrote. In my opinion his reason of being misunderstood due to his bad English is untrue. He then attempted to hide behind his charity work to soften up the readers. Ugh!
Having worked with rape victims for the last ten years I can assure you there is no misunderstanding between a rape victim and the attacker. There is absolutely no humour in the situation. Often children of the victim witness the attack. The ripples of such a crime spread wide and last long.
If you express an opinion on a forum, (as you are entitled to, it's a public forum) after reading others responses you should not backtrack and hide behind your 'lost in translaton' reason or the good works that you do. You should be prepared to expand on what you have written and have supposedly studied which has helped you to form such an opinion.
I am not taking DaRuDe's side but I find your comments/posts about him quite uncalled for. Like what Treysdad said, Qlers here can be unforgiving when it comes to issues of basic morality an d human decency.
Prem's sick comments and his justifications why he said that only makes him rise up to the top of the list of the hated posters here in QL (amongst women, I guess).
That's why PREM made this TOPIC APPLICABLE TO HIM (SO CALLED EXCUSES...)because of his comments...
You DIVERTED the issue from PREM's demental claims about RAPE VICTIMS to DaRuDe's comments. Some of us know DaRuDe in person and we can vouch that this man is a sweet, gentle guy with no pretenses in his attitude.
If you don't like DaRuDe's comments, I'm sorry but most of us likes and enjoys makes us laugh/smile.
Please don't hijack the "already" hijacked
Till now every one bounced on Prem who spoke very bad and trying to cover up with bad english and now since some members said they have met prem personally every one were telling prem is sick and many more added and all of a sudden the mantle has come on Da Ru De saying his coments are rude, ofcourse even i felt some times he is rude.but i think on many cases he is sensible may be language he has to chnage ,he must be little sophesticated and polite way of expressing.
But,let all members call " SPADE A SPADE" irespective who they are.
I suggest you preview your comment before actually posting it. You can then check whether what you wrote does not only have correct spelling and grammar but more importantly it actually coveys what you want to say.
Believe me QLers will give out their witty, informative, even lofty ideas to any thread. But they can be very unforgiving when it comes to issues of basic morality and human decency.
I hope you learned your lesson.
Darude, don't scare the man.... just use on him the pistol you brought in the bowling alley. :)
I always believed that kindness can earn you much more than rudeness. I don't know the man and judging from previous posts he seems to be a nice chap. But don't ask me to tolerate such rude behavior on a public forum. Whatever we post on here is for the others to judge and comment, right?
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
Pajamay Chup kar ja.:P
If DaRude is rude with someone ..its for some reason. I dont think he always shouts or is rude with anyone. Rather his comments are more humarous..and sensible.
If someone becomes more popular in a forum, its natural that many others wont like it... take it easy dude!
about Premprakash PMing me to speak against you...
Darude, just go a few posts before that post of mine and you will see what i had to tell about him after i came to know the truth.
I have nothing against you, darude, all i think is that a forum should be a place where some decency has to be kept. I maintain that using rude language is not the way to do it.
There are over 11,000 members in this group. Except for a handful of people, maybe ten or fifteen, can you show me ONE person who is rude in the forums?
Life's tough, buddy. But just because no one says anything against rudeness doesnt mean that they are enjoying it. Most of the times, it is just because they know the futility of making rude people understand that they are rude.
Once again, Darude, i have nothing against you, i havent even met you. I only have a problem with the way you communicate. And NO, in a forum you cannot afford to say ''my life, my headache,'' because it directly or indirectly affect a lot of other people too!
I have no quarrel with you, I simply said (as you do) what I felt and thought. Your response that 'you could get harsh with me' was, I thought, a tad threatening! I can't speak my mind without you giving me a tongue lashing, is that it?
I wasn't going to say anymore about any of this, cos it's becoming like flogging a dead horse, but since you now say 'but look at her pro that she is new and too elder ...' I really HAVE to smile and respond that being new to THIS forum and older than you are doesn't necessarily make me green about life and people.
Anyway, I offer you my hand and hope this whole incident between us can now be finished. I am a happy and friendly person and, most times, enjoy this Forum.
I shall call sl! :-) hang on Buddy!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
never been PM by prem mate. After all if what he wrote is what he means and it's not due to his bad english, he needs to see a specialist. I wouldn't be his lawyer.
Enjoy your weekend
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
I should've posted that I knew this was coming, honest, on my children's lives! And I don't mean DaRuDe.
i will only apologise in case if i am 100% WRONG other then that never.
and yea you know i know.behind this screen every one is bold.but i aint scared either behind the screen or on face.
and Greeker hmmm lol i really can say alot to you pal.but i dont want. but still thanks for commentin.
i think premprakash found a new way sendin PM to you guys to get over me Funny.
VIVA DARUDE! hey! lunch time what's your plan? I've got to go and pick up my friend she's on her own in her flat and no one looks after her. all her flat mates are out for a date!
Oh! by they way Ahmd is # 2 after Qatari, he's Qatari's brother and you'll be my #3.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
You see the man cannot even give it a thought that his behavior is not correct. And he keeps using names. He possesses the absolute truth and he is beyond any critisism
And Darude, I know of at least another two QL people who don't approve your behavior, they just don't want the hussle, and the don't want to be called things like poser, stupid, silly ,jerk and all the swearing anthology you are using. Can you just think for a moment before answering this one. BTW have you ever apologised for any reason in your life? Have you ever said "I am sorry"?
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
this thread was of some excuse from no where a guy jumps in with his idiotic sick comment all replies were just to him no some other member. no mr. premprakash came up with an excuse that it was his lang prob which really was not that. and Mrs.juinte started believin in him and commented on me. i told her in my comment if u can read that i could get harsh with her but look at her pro that she is new and too elder and didnot know much about prem work and his post so i just asked her to get a side plz and thank you.
For u E46m3 count u second after Qatari here on Qatarliving.
if i really would be irrespective to all than i wouldnot exist here at all then. be it Cyman or insomania they do have problem with my posts only.
Add me to the list of Posers. I dont like your attitude to. True, you may be the person adding spice to the forum, but all the same, i dont like your attitude, or your language, or the way you call people names, or the way you SHOUT...
maybe, politeness is something that you should have learned, but never did. Never too late, is all i can say...
And i really dont care how you are in real life. Like i have always maintained, in a forum, you are as good as how you speak. Change, darude, it still aint too late.
And WRONG, talking nasty DOESNT make you a hunk!
No DaRuDe, I also have a problem with your comments and language if you can even call them that.
If you don't like what he said it doesn't make Cyman a poser, or I guess you can add me to your list of posers with "WORTHLESS SILLY POST OR POSTS". Show some respect to people! And don't SHOUT!
lol didnot bother me at all what ever u said or wasted ur time talkin about me.
Hi CYman. Interesting post but, hey! giving out my secrets re age? lmao
Bless you :o)
I have been following this threat closely. I agree that what prem says is unacceptable and sickening. But apart for jauntie I have seen no one critisizing DaRuDe's behavior. This man and some others here act as hungry wolves who smelled meat. Isn't anyone offended by his ever enriching rude language and the easiness with which he is calling people names. Has any one noticed his answer to jauntie a lady at least 25 years older than him. This behavior shows a person without respect for others. Someone who has the idea that the more the bad language he uses on others the smarter he is.
Comments please and watch out for Darudes answer on this
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
The worse part is not that he's sick, cause there are alot of sick people in this world. The worst part is that he claims that he wants to help the needy, etc and we all support him and then he turns around and says something so twisted and degrading like that.
I am sorry i spoke up for you. Suddenly, after Novita posted your earlier threads, your english became legible again. Know what? You just lost me as a friend.
You can go rot in hell, for all i care. I hope i dont meet you anytime, coz that can be a pain for all con cerned.
Hope you enjoyed making 90 percent of this forum your enemies. I hate to admit it, but yes, you ARE sick!!!
Well as premprakash has started a new thread, i guess we can get back to the topic.
Ya rite... given the way u have studied cases, i wonder what interpretations u have made. Poor english is no excuse.. Why dont u just admit it is ur thought process.
U r a sick person. Dont shy away under the garb of seminars... And believe me ur sick mentality will catch up sooner or later.
YOU Low LIfe Jerk u ask for forgivness i prefer you just go and die bull poser muff.
Dear friends forgive me ,
Truth is always truth so , even thought misunderstand understand , forgive me if my comments make you to feel sad regarding Rape I apologise again ,
Now I have to participant in Human Rights for expat workers in Middle East , this is seminar , so if you have any cases with prove let me know I will discus there , lets see what will be results come , I have lot prove of human right concern story , also I request all of you to give genuine cases and advice its important for me
why wait for 35 or so posts, before finally responding back. Did it make you feel any better, reading QLer's rebuttals?
and that lame excuse of yours, geesh, you're some horrendous creature.
I knew it, since your first posting at QL.
Steady on there girl! [img_assist|nid=17018|title=PUSH THE TEMPO !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I was about to take jauntie's advise to let "it" slip by due to your language problem but after reading the links Novita provided, YOU REALLY MADE ME SICK...that if I ever meet you...I'LL KICK YOUR BALLS MYSELF!!!!
I do pray that any female members of your family and relatives would not have the horrible things RAPE VICTIMS experienced...SHAME ON YOU!!!!
I still stand by my signature..."speak, hear, see NO EVIL" but for once, because of YOU...I'LL MAKE THIS ONE AN EXCEPTION TO THE RULE!!!
Rape is everybody's problem, not just a woman's problem. every man has a mother, wife, daughters etc. We don't want it to happen to those we love. But we always play it on a feminist card; Just look at the discussion that has been around for ages when it comes to rape: It's always been "Hey don't blame us" rather than "Hey how to stop/reduce it?".
Teaching your kids to respect women may be a solution. Dressing in modesty MAY also be a solution to this same problem. If both carry the same or lesser weight as a solution, then there should be no excuse to dismiss the latter.
btw do we really need to know a man's excuse for being a rapist?
I'm sure "Men are pigs" will not solve the rape problems.
Well novita, sometimes it's alot easier to use "bad english" as an excuse ;)
Thanks novita77..
After reading those links...
My god he is a very very very clever politician like businessman.
He seeks publicity in every possible way..
What a joke!
Met him ... and he speaks perfect english !
That just some examples how good his english is.
I have been browsing for a while reading the interesting things.
I am still not in Qatar...May be soon I will be there.
So I thought....Ok... let me wait till I land in Doha.
But this guy Premprakash really annoys me.
He is not only sick but also a coward.
After all the harsh feedback he refuses to come clean. He hides behind his feeble excuse of not knowing English. Then why should he start in the first place.
More over he diverts the attention to other things like people not getting salary for 5/6 months etc. He is like a slithery snake.
By saying Good night means ,You want to come back tomorow morning with bright n new ideas with Love.
Never make that nasty coments any more,You have already got the elctric shock Da Ru De gave.
Da Ru De now the shock you gave in his groin made him to say Good night,
If he has any thinking mind ,he will not sleep for all cheap coments made so far and still trying to defend.
Good night all Ql member for tonight , see you tommorow
Probably he must have seen in other threads people will be making fun by writing some coments,he must have thought let me also try to express but the truth has come out.
Now he is trying to say you are burn english,eat,dream and many more things,like father tounge ,mother tounge.
You are a matured person of 36 years you say you are doing social work,you mean to say that if you come across some one saying they were raped,probably by doing social service you may ask did u really enjoy,is it only one why no other people were along with that person because you had said only one person can not rape.
Now you are shedding CROCODILE TEARS.
But respect always opposite sex who ever it is.
DaRuDe !
You have been bored to tears all evening with no 'thread' to amuse yourself with - give it a rest, eh?
How will or how can i reply to ur this comment every one knows well.
Dont wana get harsh.So just get a side plz.Thank you.
Nah! you really make me laugh out loud, he hee heee
she can kick off on his WHAAAAAAAAAAT?????
Dear popeye
definitely i will join english school soon
No worries, pal! try not to comment on very sensitive issues next time.
You have been bored to tears all evening with no 'thread' to amuse yourself with - give it a rest, eh? The guy has apologised for any upset caused and I, for one, believe what he said originally wasn't how he meant it to come out, ok?
Stay happy :o)
Dear apple ,
I mean lady also brave as man if one man try to rape, and he has knife or pistol he can try but same time lady also can do lot of defence there is lot of way she can bite his hand , she can kick off on his penis
Please take some English lessons, after all, this is a forum in the English language!
Lol, dude we had enough fight since morning at QL, nah! look at other threads cat fight:)))))
How's your evening, dude? wants some Apple juice?:D
.. Also, mauling someone for sport isn't my idea of fun - particularly when they obvously aren't armed with the same amunition, where English vocabulary is concerned, as others in QL may be.
Sorry chaps and chapesses; just how I feel about it.
" Its not easy to rape a lady by single man , either she agree or she wants to enjoy , we have been studying lot of cases of rape , man can try for rape but with her silent permission he can't do it by himself"
DO U NEED a group to rape a female ok fine as u say.
yea i think the female walkin along the road will come beg u ask u to rape here right for enjoyment.
we have been studyin rape cases i dont see any problem or mess in this line??u call this joke too or lang prob???
never heard of a silent and permitted rape ever what kind of rape is that.
Dear altonsi,
May be my language problem
I tried to understand and analyze the guys comment. He slipped his tongue on the title of his subject. "SINGLE MAN CAN'T RAPE!"
I think...he said:
"a single man is NOT EASY to rape a lady"
= To empahasize the words NOT EASY, then he is right!
"either she agree or she wants to enjoy"
=e.i., Such a case of a woman, where she went to amigos bar and got drunk to the extent that he brought man into her home and make love then woke up in the morning and complained of Rape! anyone heard this story?
"man can try for rape but with her silent permission he can't do it himself"
=If the rapist threatened to kill her with a knife or any sharp objects, then that's possible!
*I maybe wrong w/ this, but what do you think Qlers?
Thanks Jauntie
Jauntie,At least I got some people to understand me , I did not have any bad intensions to comments in this topic
What was difficult to accept in your post that you blame the victim .But do not we see the same attitude in most of the western media concerning Palestinians...They never mention the expression occupied land...Israel has to kill them as an act of self defence.!! It is the same blaming the victim!!
Cause I am may be not educated then you, my poor education did not tech all things I learn myself English is not my mother language , its your mother language that’s why you people are more talent then us you burn in English , you eat in English , you dream in English ,
I don’t have to say much more you know better then me , again sorry for my poor language
.. I was watching this thread and felt what you said got badly misconstrued. To me it seemed the translation was taken too literally - English obviously isn't your first language! lol
Hope now people will chill out a bit ..
Guys, i think what prem wanted to say and what he actually said were two different things. Maybe it was his language problem that did it. Give the guy a chance.
I dont think he would have said what he said in this forum, especially as people in here support him and his cause so much. I just came online and saw this topic.
As to the ''I was just kiddin'' part, i think he genuinely regrets what he said.
Just put it down to his (mis)communication problem and forgive him...
{You can post them hate mails to me by PM. I dont wanna wash dirty linen in public and thus, shall reply only to PM's}
i do see you around now why are you hiddin why dont u have any answer or is it that u are still busy in ur silly studies about rape case.guess i think u were the one who got raped an so much interested, I pity those 2 or 3 female QL members who are participatin in ur so called walfare association DAMN YOU SICK HEAD.
u have xxx with someone and they enjoy it, u can't call it rape. u can say that the man took initiative in the xxx, and that's not rape. rape mean u forcefully do somehting without the prmission of the gal. please don't say that someone who has been raped had been enjoying the process. premprksh...i think u better have a clear understanding of wat rape is. coz u can't ask someone, "hey.. did u both have a 'rape'!!"
The guy was studying alot of cases(he said)?:P
But what case premkarash? are those cases of a nepali vs. german or nepali vs. egyptian? surely he will end up into pieces,Lol!
P/S: NO rascist here! just facts....;))
I dont think he will reply to this thread again. Or maybe he will with some equally wild justification.
premprakash?!..what sick mind/priniciple on this issue you got?..better restudy what you just write here.. :( ...nobody wants to be raped, that's why it is called as such..
Premprakash scummebed to death at HMC due to severe injuries inflicted on him by QL forumers.
Have been browsing QL for so long anonymously. This thread made me want to post.
What kind of a sick guy r u premprakash? U got any sense between ur 2 ears. And u have the audacity to mention this in a public forum.
Sick utterly Sick. Try explaining this to ur mother or sister. And please do post the replies back.
Just get a life......
I know that i am also not agree with Premprakash.This is the case of rape not for nationality he just say by his poor mentality's.I women r like god.I believe them.Rape case is danger than the murder.I have not seen that type of case yet,the women who are happy to rape.In case of Nepal,Even husband cant take physical relation with out her permission. So I want to suggest the women and men to eliminate that type of crime from the world too.If the people tease the girl who are walking in the road the that is also the small type of rape crime.Beware from Rapper.If you find that type of men and women please punished him by the law not by stick.
"Ruling In Hell Is Better Than To Serve In Heaven "
PLease dont beat him let him give a one chance for excuse.If you beat him who will run the miterikunja ?.and cops also makes you a problem so let him be free
"Ruling In Hell Is Better Than To Serve In Heaven "
Im glad you can have concern for your fellow Nepalese and the so called work Pemprakash is doing to aid them in their plight.
However, for someone to state that women silenty agree or secretly enjoy rape deserves to be beaten...this is a sick attitude to have towards any woman.
How would you feel if someone like him raped your mother, sister, daughter....cos hey she secretly wanted it and enjoyed it!!
We came we saw we were Qatarized
Even better, we have someone who thinks in the same sick, disgusting way as the book's protaganist.
The only difference between the man from the book and Pemprakash is that the prisoner seems to admit that he raped the woman, albeit providing a reason as to why he was tempted.
Pemprakash totally crosses the line and just assumes that if the woman 'allows' the man to violate her, then she quite obviously wanted it.
I'm a man and there are plenty of men who could kick me, punch me, and send me to the floor and presumably do whatever their strength would allow. I hardly think there are many women who would possess the physical strength to repel an attacker.
This story from CNN ( ) may be of interest to readers:
Italian women warn court ruling makes jeans 'alibi' for rape
Italian women warn court ruling makes jeans 'alibi' for rape
Benito Mussolini's granddaughter Alessandra Mussolini, center, and other members of Italy's Parliament protest Wednesday's ruling
February 11, 1999
Web posted at: 6:15 p.m. EST (2315 GMT)
ROME (CNN) -- Female legislators wore jeans to Italy's Parliament on Thursday to protest an appeals court's throwing out a rape conviction on the grounds it was "impossible" to rape a woman wearing jeans.
"This ruling is shameful. It offends the dignity of women," said Alessandra Mussolini, deputy of the rightist National Alliance, who led the protest.
On Wednesday, Italy's male-dominated appeals court overturned the conviction of 45-year-old driving instructor Carmine Cristiano, who had been sentenced to two years and eight months in prison for raping an 18-year-old student.
The appeals court agreed with Cristiano's claim that the woman had consented to sex, because she was wearing jeans at the time.
It is common knowledge ... that jeans cannot even be partly removed without the effective help of the person wearing them ... and it is impossible if the victim is struggling with all her might," the court said.
The court also questioned why the victim, identified only as Rosa, waited several hours to tell her parents she'd been attacked.
(Read more by following the link)
hey premperkash...
sane or insane?...u have daughters, sisters, nieces? all are women right? now think again...
or I should say maybe he is 'off helping the helpless except the ones who got raped cause they were giving their silent permission and enjoying it".
now we have lost the original thread...
my point with his attitude you know. This was what i meant these men think this way, its ok for them to rape women thats how they think.
remember that lady who got raped in pakistan - huge case it was a so called honour rape- she took the men to court - only now there in pakistan are people starting to speak out against rape.
how are we women suppose to be safe and feel safe when there is men like this walking the street like pmkrsh?? So premperkash how many people do you know who have raped women? Have you ever done it? did you take her silent cries as a come on, did you mistake her screams of terror as enjoyment, did you think her tears were tearsof happiness?
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
believe me they would crush him to a pulp in a matter of seconds if I told them what he said on this thread...but violence breeds violence so words are better...I notice that he is conspicuous by his absence right now on this helping the helpless???
you are one sick puppy.
I dont think I need to comment on what would happen to you if you ever met any of the QL people after writing such utter nonsense.
You make me sick to my stomach to think that your actually a man, no man with any sense of human decency would suggest what you wrote. Rape is a sick and depraved act carried out by mindless morons obviously that have studied such as yourself.
You make me want to throw up then beat the living sh*t out of you, pray to god we never meet.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
Diamond girl ,maybe u can send ur bodyguards after him :P
How can someone write such outrageous comment. Wonder what he is studying?? Studying how to to do it yourself??? Get a life!
What he said is disturbing, but what's more distrubing is that he says he's been studying this! Studying where prem? Is someone teaching this or are you and your sick buddies out there testing this theory yourself?
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I'm actually sick to my stomach about what that person wrote. It's made my blood boil. I can't even type his name now. And on his profile he lists his interests as 'social marketing' (?) and helping the helpless. Unbelieveable. So a woman who has had her clothing ripped, her body beaten and her genitalia damaged was giving silent permission and enjoyed it too? He has obviously never been to a woman's refuge where women are temporarily housed to get away from monsters who do this sort of thing. I've never met a woman yet who gave her permission and enjoyed it too.
To need some serious therapy. I recommend you get some now. God help me if I ever have the misfortune to meet you.
Well u guys said exactly what I was thinking so no need to comment. Oh yeah prem, u do know that not only women get raped, men can get raped in case in the future u get raped...hope u enjoy it :-)
I think you are doomed now ... half of the women on this site supporting your mittery kunja house for your nepalese country mate worker. And you comment as above. You better hide when next delivery to Kunja House arriving ... because we will carry a big stick to beat you up.
why didnot you die b4 saying that. hmm But Now u really Deserve to Die
so tell me how would u like to Die. DaRuDe way Or King Edshel way.
Such a sick person can only say that. Nutz.
that comment?? What era do you live in?
how disgusting you are? how can a man think like that? " either she agree or want to enjoy" are you for real? So if im walking down the street and a man trys to rape me i have to agree or enjoy? what kind of sick person are you? Do you know how angry that makes me? You are so very wrong in your opinion? who have you been studying what country i wonder?? That is so very wrong what you said. Imagine if your mother or sister got raped ? how would you fell should they just enjoy it then?
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
Premparkash, what you said is completely unacceptable, inflammatory and highly offensive to women and men alike. Rape is a crime of a man's ability in certain situations to have power over a woman. It is totally to do with the sexual deviancy of the man and nothing to do with the woman.
Next you are gonna say that kids who are assaulted are molested becasue they tell the pervert that they want to go through that horrifying experience.
have you tried putting a gun to someone's head and asking them to do whatever you want? Try it.
What if I put a gun/knife to your head and ask you to take off your pants. will you oblige me?
What if someone abducts you and then takes you to a dungeon and ties you and then indecently assualts you. what would you do.
So grow up man and stop fanticizing. if that doesn;t help then go see a psychiatarist. if that doesn;t work i would be glad to help you get admitted to a mental hospital.
The guys who rape women are those who don;t respect women. they look at women as a source of sexual and their disgusting and grossly satisfactions. There are those as well who assault 80 year olds. did the 80 year olds ask for it. I don;t understand where do you get these ideas from? but i believe you need help
Premprakash, you can’t be serious, what are you talking about!
Premprakash, I have to say that what you have said is extremely offensive, and extremely misogynistic. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for saying that.
I'm not RUDE but I think you better re-think your comments because IT'S THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I'VE EVER HEARD!!!!
do u mean ... urmm .. the lady would help you by taking her clothes off for u ? haha .... this is crazy dude ... which part of the world are u from mate !!!
Where have you been studying these so called cases of rape? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You sound like one of those idiots that believe "No" means "Yes". If you are paying for these studies - get your money back!!!!!
absolute bollocks-comment that is!
"I know how and when to say "Please", "Sorry", & "Thank You"
Its not easy to rape a lady by single man , either she agree or she wants to enjoy , we have been studying lot of cases of rape , man can try for rape but with her silent permission he can't do it by himself ,
These guys are just coming up with excuses for the unexcusable. Fact of the matter is women are raped regardless of what they are wearing or what they want. Some men just can't control themselves.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I will rape every single one of you!!! HAHAHA
Just kidding..not funny!!
Yeah those are excuses of sick bastartds, women just need to know who to trust and who not to. To be careful not to walk in dark streets or alleys.