Sleep tight
By Victoria5518 •
'Sleep tight' is a very well-used phrase in many parts of the English-speaking world. It's common at bedtime in the form of the rhyme "good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite". saves the night :)
after this :
tnx jack... :) ...have a cup of milk tonight again
Yes you're right. I too have the same problem with Bold & beautiful... 10 seconds and I'm asleep :O)
Of course there is one thing guaranteed to send me to sleep really quickly, but it doesn't involve drinking anything. And it only seems to affect men and not women ;)
I like to drink the hornylicks
Lol congratulations Vic... nice pic ;)
gotta stay away from that :)
SNM it does, tats why its being drunk in the night so tat one gets horny and sleep tight.....:)
horlicks? doesn't that make you horny rizks? :)
Hot Milk and Ovaltine, but i usually have Hot milk with makes me grow taller and strengthns my bones....:(
Yes! Hot milk and Ovaltine before going to bed will help you sleep tight..
isale it's psychological :D
Has milk got any relation to sleeping tight?
But you told me that she had dentures
So you should make her take them out - at night
Then you can sleep tight
without fright
Rofl britey !
My partner bite me almost every night
Its her right, since the wedding night....:(
brit, absolutely suiting on rizk...a beautiful rhyme..:)
Why did your partner bite
Was it a fight
Was the lungi knot too tight
At least now there's a respite
Soniya wait......atleast have Tea/Coffee or have breakfast and Go ? :)
Guys, i am outta from here..I know where this thread would lead now...:))
EggJatLee TB ! :)
A stiff shot of vodka should do the trick
Lol rizk..
But the OP has said something to do before going for sleep in the night..So having tea/coffee while going bed would surely make one to be awake whole night...
Soniya....those who hates Milk can have Tea/Coffee with Milk.....:(
And what to those who hates MILK???
It's my alarm that ruins a good nights sleep for me during the week.
I slept tight last night but my partner bite me all the night and this is not Right....:(
I will catch the first available flight and say Good night....:)
had...a wonderful sleep :)
too much!
I always sleep tight.
Lol Brit...
It was cold last night and I accidently plugged my electric blanket into the toaster.
I kept popping out of bed all night! :O(
and what victoria is saying is right :)
But I don't want to sleep tight :(
Whole day I am wound up with tension anyway, to be tight even while sleeping?? No, I want to sleep loose :(