sl grow up

By Fusion Fake •
after reading your singlish(rite? lolzzz) post i suggest you to leave this site and take rest or join some school where they teach you how to behave with other person.
you are insulted way too much here
and take darude with both will make a great couple.
you know because of you i treated one sri lankan like a shit at petrol station last night.
I asked him for 50 riyals petrol but he did 60 riyals... then guess wat happened...i think you can imagine.
but later i apologized. you know thishappened just because of you.
sorry for my bad englishhh
aite kk done
I want you... to go away
I believe what SL was wrong and for an educated and experienced person like him to insult someone is utterly shocking to me. I just wish he realizes that what he has done is wrong. Moreover to say some to get the hell outta does not makes us any better. I posted a thread on SL's views of what he thinks about the cafetaria workers as I though it was a right thing to do at that time.
Hope he realizes his mistake. We are all human beings. No one is superior or inferior. This is what I have to say to SL
Fusion Fake is it possible to change the topic to something more decent like "SL you are wrong" or something creative you can come up with. At the moment it is too demeaning and harsh for SL. We should change SL's views not make him consider us and QL as his sworn and bitter enemies. Moreover we have no right to tell him to "Get Lost" Hope you also realize your mistake
happy thoughts happy thoughts :D
I haven't noticed that anything bad is happening with QL. I'm quite content with the site. Sure airsupply's comments are stupid and racist, but since I can't be bothered to reply to him I just don't read the thread. I ignore people whom I don't want to talk to. I think SL is funny, I don't want him to leave, I don't even want airsupply to leave, someday I might feel like getting in an argument and then I could join his racism thread. Who knows. I definitely don't want Truth to leave, I like his comments too. I don't know all I can say, is if you don't like a thread or a comment ignore it. Anonymous posts on a website aren't worth getting pissed off about.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I know your just there ;-)
.... "River Piedra" is always available.
Just let me know when you need it. I'm just here....
I agree with you we should take responsibility as well for that freedom we all wanted.
Hey, I still looking forward for the "River Piedra"
prove which is right and which is wrong together. Our (QL MEMBERS) points of views will be the weapon to figure out what is the right thing to do, like what goes to that thread of that guy, he created a so-called "controversy" and raised all our eyebrow. We all concluded, he somehow, misbehaved, right?
and yes I agree, somehow we cannot do anything anymore but to keep silent or to just leave and ignore the thread to spare our sanity ;-)
Hamlet, I have always defended religion unless it is forced upon me, I have openly stated and backed by Qatari that Im tired of people bashing others religion etc.
However what I do NOT stand for is people openly stating that western women are premiscuous (such as he did about Richard123 when in fact richard didnt insult him).
Funnily enough I read your posts too and you didnt insult the person in question yet you got shot down as a result people like this are out to cause trouble anyway they can because they are childish.
Enough of my ranting.
Ram yeah im doing well, glad your still going strong. If you ever get the opportunity and the time you should come along to one of the photo shoots....if I stay around in QL for long enough, if not then I shall run the flickr Qatar Living group as a separate entity and control the access to such from a different way and view point.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
Thanks buddy .. hows every thing? hope u r fine ..
"QL is declining in decency, foul language is one thing (as a family site it is unacceptable) but inciting racial hatred is completely dispicable"
I agree with u in that point especially "(as a family site it is unacceptable)"
It is not a family site any more .. it's an adult desperate singles site.
That was the point i was talking about when there were an issue about this forum and another one (without naming cuz people think i'm promoting it) but hey misunderstood wut i say and they thought that it's my own forum and trying to promote it here ..
I was talking about the same point .. that people fed up with those trolls and the rudness of some peoples here which affect their mentality or their outsider life as FF has mentioned wut he did bcuz of one of the members here .. and another member accused me that i'm so emotional and let me feel that i'm from another world.
But it seems that this is not only in the Forum but it became the world rule again .. the stronger u r the longer u live .. The forest's Rule.
Note: I didn't mentioned any certain members as i didn't mean any certain members too .. but every one knows him self well.
Truth I agree with you 100%, but isn't that the freedom of speech you people ask for all the time? Many of the QL users, especially those from western background, used QL in the past as a place to declare their hatred to religion, Arabs, Muslims...etc, the argument was that everyone is free to say what he wants, so why denying air supply that right now...he insulted me, and i didn't reply back. I urge everyone to just do the same...simple
I believe we have an admirable battle to win for! This is not a big community but at least we can start here, we can try!
"Always do the right thing, it will gratify some people but astonished the rest" - M. Twain!
You see we don't need to shed a blood to win our battle. We can also do it in words!
I agree the majority can, but we cannot stop these people disrupting what was a great community.
I have known people like Airsupply in my time and as they cant get their own way they are the type to ruin good times.
For instance, as the aforementioned person wasnt allowed as part of the social group run by Xena due to his longevity on the site and lack of points (which is the rules set by Xena) he has thrown his toys out of his pram and accusing us of being racist and that he is going to crush us all with his boots and he is our master...utter rubbish.
Also as we/group managers post meeting places and times as part of the meet up's/get togethers he is the type to come along and cause fights and start unwanted trouble.
So to that end why would I want to continue in such a society?
We came we saw we were Qatarized
We can beat the ODDS in QL together. Majority of the QL Members have decency in their bone and goodness in their heart.
Those unspoken heroes!
firstly nice to see you back!!!!
Hope your keeping well my friend.
To some people you cannot help but reply to some people, one in particular at the minute is not only spouting hatred towards westerners but also to his arab brothers.
How Qatari is allowing him to remain on QL is beyond me.
To that end unless things change as I stated before Im out of here and wouldnt surprise me if other members did the same.
QL is declining in decency, foul language is one thing (as a family site it is unacceptable) but inciting racial hatred is completely dispicable.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
I talked a lot about this Things and had an arguments with people here about the rudness of some people here and i said there must me moderators for each section to be watching the post .. edit it or ban the user but GYPSY (as one of the replies i remember) said that we r adult enough to reply on the rudness and she talked about the rights and free of speach ..but hey who cares .. i found the best think to deal with it is either as i said b4 to keep silent or to be rude ..
there were a phrase saying "If u can't change the surrounded people, change so u can live with them"
if that's the way to survive here in this forum then why not .. I can be the most rude and if i couldn't then i will shut the f**k up and just watch or move to another thread or topic ..
You both seem to be in the same boat.
You both shouted (I wonder if SL shouted I feel he must have joked) at a guy who couldnot shout back at you because you both were not equal to them job wise.
Fusion Fake you say it was because of SL. But if SL's comments affected you - you let it affect you when you could have let it not affect you.
And asking someone to leave is bad not that he is going to obey unless he works for you.
Fusion Fake you see the Moon just shut out the Venus so your moods are just vibrations of the planetary systems and most of the people must be similarly affected.
an Indian badly at a petrol station and that is SL's fault? Help me out here, I have very limited intelligence and am very slow on the uptake, so please explain to me how your bad actions and your ill treatment of a gas station attendant is SL's fault.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
have you noticed that Sl is keeping silent in the mid of that debate about him :)))))
Lets not do anything hasty yet. Qatari has just returned. Let us hear his take on the situation. My thoughts have been that if things do not improve then I would either confine myself strictly to the Photography group...leave completely...or try and find another way to keep the group going ... perhaps through a yahoo group. It would be a shame to leave before Qatari has his say (if he chooses to that is, Although his silence will speak volumes.) My thoughts as I head out the door.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
completely agree.
And to that end as your leaving (or thinking of doing so) who is going to take over the photography group?
I have had enough of the lack of discipline on QL these days, there is members on here now that are blatantly stirring up racial hatred and trolls gaining access and disrupting what was once a nice community.
Goodbye to all and have fun, the flickr account will remain active for the photography group but I shall remove myself.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
Stash, well said.
I've read that thread about teaboy and salesperson, and only few were against SL.
Only FF and KK (dilly dally-ish) dared to post something like this for SL, out of ire. It's a good thing to talk about.
It's a wake up call for everyone.
Amen to that too...!
Morning QL'ers.
very well said. Amen to that.
For each person that speaks out against the rudeness that has been happening on this site there are at least another fifteen thinking it. I am one of those that refuses to comment on such rude and obnoxious behaviour, but I am also one of the silent majority that are thinking maybe now is the time to leave this website as it degenerates into a back alley.
Don't tell me about free speech, or rights...
As much as you have those...we the silent majority also have them. The admins on this site are going to have to chooose. Are you willing to let a great site take the slippery slope into the chasm's of internet hell? Or are you going to enforce upon those that believe they can do as they please on here with insulting people, using foul language, hijacking threads etc? The choice is up to the admin, but one way or another the active user count will be changing in the future. It is sad to see a once great site go down hill.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
is this website urs?? did u build that? or u r the admin. and we don't know?? May be there are a lot of peoples here who r having fun insulting people .. but u cannot tell them to leave this website .. simply it's not urs and if u cannot reply the rudness with either SILENT or RUDNESS .. then u r the one who is facing the prob. and should leave .. and that means giving up ..
I didn't mean that i like those who r insulting people ... but i can reply with either SILENCE or RUDNESS .. so take an advice, deal with it man .. instead of asking him or any other member to leave ..
I am totally with you on this. I think what SL did was despicable, wrong and against the values and principles of being a human being.
But what is DaRuDe's fault what did DaRuDe do?
So if you can kindly keep DaRuDe outta this mess.
i didn't ask you to leave
its my signature sorry for confusion
I want you... to go away
and what about telling me to leave?
that was on gypsy's what do you like about qatar thread.
ff can't tell people to leave because he doesn't like what they say.
and he can leave deRudede alone 'cos he is the godfather
Sorry, I don't agree with what he said but you can't ask him to leave.
I think it's despicable to treat those of a less-advantageous social or professional level in a demeaning way.
And use the original thread please.
SL being an arrogant fool is also entitled to his own views and opinion just like everybody here in QL. PEACE!
on this, enough for SL..PEACE!
He acts like he's some kind of a GOD! (IMHO), most of the tea boys working here are unprivileged unlike SL, Probably as much as they would like to educate themselves to please people like SL, they cannot afford it, that''s why they are here, sacrificing and taking any kind of humiliation and insults for how much Qrs 500 to 700 because what SL did you say about them?, "they have a brain like a kindergarten?"
only just read the thread to which you refer, yep it isnt humourous...apologies.
But please stop the personal attacks, vent your anger at SL on the original thread rather than posting a new thread, far more effective if you keep it all in one place...also you could have posted the link the thread to which you referred to originally.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
there is a limit of humour. Everyone likes good humour but sl humour is pathetic.
What did he do to deserve such resentment?
Can someone Update me... Is this a joke or a maskhara??
is a long standing member of the QL community, his wit and humour is at times outlandish but we have all got used to it.
So why the personal attack on him, he has done nothing wrong.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
i don't know why this happened...i am not this type of person.
kamrankhalid did you read his post... he is a jerk... i can't stand him...his comments are really pathetic
I want you... to go away
sl is in good company - ff told me to go away on another thread
maybe he is having a bad ghutra day
undertaker99 I change the job of SL to..
I change the job of SL to teaboy. So that he will get a doze of his own medicine.
What did SL do? kill someone?
Is there any specific reason you insulted a Sri Lnkan. do you have an axe to grind against the Sri Lankans or you just do not like the Sri Lankans?
Moreover What did SL do to you?
Can you explain