Silently Sliding into Sprinterhood.... WOMEN.

By wonderingearthl... •
Why is that? Better left alone? Marriage sucks! Commitment burns couple up? Modernization kills a once upon a time noble thing called marriage and family life? Tradition, financial, available suitable men? Women starting to be more logical than before?
The train stopped, passed by and women remained on the platform.
It is better than living in hell... I mean in a Bad marriage....
Man created religion ..not GOD... get over it guys...- FS
... for good. Live single life to the fullest until you get choke of it. LOL...... - Glitter Graphics
I love being single. It keeps my options open.
i too do believe that when you reach this age, women tends to enjoy their times more being single... less complications, free of commitments, give women a breather.
After all the hecks of relationship blunders on your younger years when you are still careless and carefree on making choices.
Plus, women gets mature, thus mitigating the divorce numbers. So i share Gypsy's sentiment about remaining single for a while. - Glitter Graphics
Personally I think everyone should remain single for a while in their adulthood. I think it prepares you for a more mature relationship later on and eventually will cut down the divorce rate.
Wow.. that many posties in such a short time...
dmigtysolomon said ...same in being a spinster. I agree with Gypsy, if you are satisfied with your accomplishment (proffesion-wise), then good."
- Actually, nothing to do with accomplishments.
"But different stages in woman's age really have a big impact on their outlook during middle age remaining as single, thus the negative connotations!"
I'm middle aged but I don't give a rats a*** about negative connotations or basically, what anyone else thinks. Don't bother about living up to other people's expectations.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
like any one fine concept... the priest's words still rings sweetly into my ear... "for better and for worst.. 'til ... wahtever"
now this is one that you can really call.. full of hypocicy - Glitter Graphics
sounds nothing different than what we used to say DISCUSSION. - Glitter Graphics
Marriage is one of those things like Communism: a fine idea in theory but often doesn't work in practice.
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.
yes mom, check my avatar tommorrow and it will be a new me...promise...
i like the sound of that.. much hypocrisy...
dermatologist too!! Pls stop by the barbers as well :)
hehe yeah, but anyway, married or not married, fine with me as long as we are happy..
labda, time to go to my dermatologist
.. to avoid loud words. sorry guys... we may not be talking on the same frequency. - Glitter Graphics
Nah! just some figure of speech... a simile. Come on... - Glitter Graphics
wonder no offense but she's right, i'm kind of lost also. not all but the last posts only
but know what? remember the definition of the former Ms. Universe Sushmita Sen of India? Her thoughts anout the essence of a woman? i just admire her thoughts and wits! truly a Ms. Universe! - Glitter Graphics
I agree with you. Completely.
"pissed off" mode. Really... kindly please tell me what pissed you off? - Glitter Graphics
honestly, I need a translator to have a discussion with you. Do you yourself know what you're talking about?
religion is always an intersting aspect in intellectual intercourse! - Glitter Graphics
You just have to enjoy yourself being a woman, and everything else will turn out right. ;-)'re just pissing me off now. But you know what, whatever turns you on. What's so fun about being married?
Lol johnpur, hush.
i must rephrase... fun of like being married while not being married i should say. Better? Betterer? - Glitter Graphics
is just too comforting than taking the train! - Glitter Graphics
"After all the fun of being married while not married, what else?" - sorry I didnt understand that...meaning?
people are happier getting and being married at 70! After all the fun of being married while not married, what else? - Glitter Graphics
posts this thread will go on before turning into religious thread... much hypocrisy...
most of the ladies are just sooooo proud and happy being alone. and i have no problem with that... better alone than carrying a cross married! - Glitter Graphics
with me!? SPINSTERHOOD! goodness... i have a good laugh about my huge typographical blunder! or maybe i was on my thoughts too busy to ran away.. SPRINTING away from this ... marriage!
LOL... am married ntropy, thank you for asking... keeping myself level-headed being married... smiles!!!! - Glitter Graphics
johnpur, I like men who dream big :P
eaglemmanuel "And it's a nice platform, I must say. Sooo many gorgeous men, sooo little time!!!" lol!
same in being a spinster. I agree with Gypsy, if you are satisfied with your accomplishment (proffesion-wise), then good.
But different stages in woman's age really have a big impact on their outlook during middle age remaining as single, thus the negative connotations!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
yeah, i'm also planning on putting braces on my teeth so to have a killer smile
No problemo. I don't think marriage sucks. It depends on the choice of partner.
"Tradition, financial, available suitable men? Women starting to be more logical than before?"
No, it's cos many women are more confident of themselves, after being put down for centuries by weak character men. They suppressed their true intelligence and capabilities in order not to damage some (or rather, many) men's fragile egos. They know what they're looking for and so they will not settle for anything less.
Not all men are like that, true. And the ones who have learned (probably the hard way) to keep their egos in check - are/have been married or in long term relationships and committed to remaining that way. It does make a difference, if you observe carefully. There are some singles who are able to as well, but extremely few.
"The train stopped, passed by and women remained on the platform."
- And it's a nice platform, I must say. Sooo many gorgeous men, sooo little time!!!
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Ah, Im trying to picture you at 70+...foot spa? every day? Might help... :)
ahh.. that means i'm gonna be running after you labda for a very long time...70
connotations -
You are right, but its us as individuals who put a derogatory link to the word..
The word itself is not insulting..
sprinterhood lol?
wonderingearth...personally I dont see why women should rush into something just because society expects them to. I still believe in the sanctity of marriage but right now, there are more important things to pursue. I get asked all the time when Im going to get married. My response: when Im good and ready. If that means when Im pushing 70, so be it. Where's the problem?
Anyway, who said anything about silently?
Sounds to me like they are going about with all guns blazing.
I am woman, hear me roar!
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.
Spinster or sprint star? It's the connotations.
What the heck is "Sprinterhood"? Sounds like she's about to run the 100m!
What is wrong with Spinster ? It has the same meaning as Batchelor ..
First of all the term spinsterhood is insulting. Secondly in this day I see no problem with women enjoying a career and independence for awhile rather then leaping into marriage.
Cuz with more women financially independent and living away from family, they have options. They can pick and choose which parts of the mating package they want, like at a buffet. It's no longer take it or leave it.
You don't need to be married to be fulfilled romantically.
How about you Wondering? Married or single?
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.