SHOCKING NEWS!!...ABOUT The Church of Oprah E

By Peppermint •
Watch this video before giving ur opinion & PLS GUARD your heart and what FAITH you have...this is the website:
Alexa, you're spot on!
No, britexpat, how can you say that? People like us will go to hell according to all the religious fundis in QL!
We must all do what we believe to be right..
i am not friends with gayz. God says they r evil and i follow God.
Bella, no one is without sin, not even you. Be very careful about putting yourself on an equal level with God by casting your judgement against others. "Let ye without sin cast the first stone."
And I am done with this subject because I think it has just been opened up for mud-slinging.
Peace to all of you.
To deny Jesus as the son of God is unChristian. I used to like Oprah, now I don't watch her anymore, not since she came out as being friends with gayz.
...he is not Christian!
Leave him!
Have a nice week-end and God bless you ALL!
SuperDoc - now you are talking semantics and I have a hard time with that too. I hate when a supposed Christian tells me something is unChristian afterall who are they to judge me? So I am not any help to you in that regard. What I can tell you is what I believe makes ME a Christian. I am a Christian because I believe in who and what Jesus is. Nothing more, nothing less.
find one that suits your taste. Me, I'll stick to something that suits Christ' taste
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
tweetybird; the question is, who decides what is christian and what us unchristian? Its humans.
I wonder what more important to God, ?for humans to be kind and compassionate? or ?for them to beleive that Christ died for our sins?
dmsolomon, its perfectly fine if you beleive in commandments and in whatever way you believe in them, but you should extend the same rights to others. There are people whos hearts do not accept the orthodox views and they chose to beleive otherwise.
Wear an abaya to cover the wings.
I am a fallen one, then i have only 1 wing :/(see avatar)
No problem with A/'ll be 24/7 in freeze frame mode from a horror hell.
I cant arrange RP.
with the way of believing but apart fromthat is so boring discussion
in your life. Basically, just like when they debating about a country's constitution, different mind have different arguments and is really prone to mistakes as everybody's have pointed out. But if you have a solid doctrine in your religion, there could be some arguments in procedures and ways to implement it but the doctrine remains solid. If you start arguing about the doctrine, even one doctrine, then find another one that will suit your taste.
But it is not our taste that matters, for me it is HIS commandments that matters. And His commandments are not changing nor contradicts each other commandments. It is only human who says so that there is contradiction but analyzing it well, no contradictions really!!!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Drac-- If GOOD ANGELS can go to hell & if u can provide me a good accommodation with A/C i will pay u a visit! lol! =p
Don't settle at being ordinary. Life is too precious. Enjoy. Have fun. Spend. Travel. Shop. Love. Fight. There's nothing wrong with being REAL.
As for me - I do believe that the Bible is the Divine Word of God as is the Torah and the Quran. What I don't do is push anyone to convert to my beliefs. I believe these Holy Books are open to interpretation and that God makes it explicitly clear in all of them that those who interpret His word for others take on a very serious role and He will not judge them favorably should they twist it or use it for their own agenda. And I think we can all agree that there have been many throughout history on all sides of the fence who have done just that and I think there is a special place in Hell reservered for them. Anyway its a big job and I'm glad I was not called into His employ to do it. :D
I agree that the purity of God's Word has been twisted and polluted by man to suit his selfish needs but that was not my point. My point is that if you do not accept that Jesus was the Son of God and died on the cross as the sacrificial lamb for man's sins then you are not practicing Christianity. I'm not debating all of the little nuances that are different between Catholics, Baptists, etc. I am only concerned with the one thing that all Christians believe in and that is the role of Jesus. I am also not judging anyone who believes or doesn't believe. That's not my job thank goodness. If someone believes in God and doesn't believe in Jesus or Mohamed or some other Holy prophet as prescribed by a religion then they are outside that religion and maybe should look at organizing their own sect. Like the Mormons. You could call it Orprahism for SuperDocism. :D (That was tongue in cheek by the way and merely an attempt at levity.)
It's called "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
Whatever religioon you follow, it does not mean that you to have to accept whatever the guy in the rob pushes down your throat. God has blessed humans with reason and compassion. every doctrine should stand the test of both.
The argument that either you beleive in the whole bible or reject the whole is illogical. Its been transmitted from Christ to us by human intermedieries and is prone to error. Then again, the interpretation of the text is not the sole right of select few clergy. The church hierarchy ensures that only its own interpretation of bible is propagated, coz it shuns any lateral thinkers.
I agree with Oprah, one has to find God in his heart and not in his church.
The clergy blackmail people into accepting their ideas by labelling liberla thinkers by labelling them antichrist or unchristian. Has God assigned them the duty of judging people on earth?
dmsolomom: how do ya know Christ is controlling you? all one can be sure of is that your priest is controlling you.
peppermint, i can arrange a visit visa for you! :P
you're absolutely right. If you believe in Christ, you have to be where He asked you to be. For us Christian, it's not only being kind or charitable or doing good things to others, but following what Christ wants us to do. It is not open-mindedness. Christ should control yourself, nothing less nothing more
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Dracula ur in hell? One of those dark forces! lol!=p
Don't settle at being ordinary. Life is too precious. Enjoy. Have fun. Spend. Travel. Shop. Love. Fight. There's nothing wrong with being REAL.
Thanks, Tweetye :x
@ - grow up!
I AM in the hell!
"Dracula-religious fundos!" ...oh my evil!
I don't think Dracula is a religious Fundos - whatever that is. I think what he is saying is that its not correct to call yourself a Christian yet deny Christ since the entire movement is based on believing that Christ died for our sins. (Hence the name - CHRISTianity) The fundamental belief of Christianity is that Christ's death on the cross represents a pathway to God - the only way to be accepted into God's presence is through the belief that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice - the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world". The lamb being representative of the sacrifical lamb offering people made to God to attone for their sins before the death of Christ. To deny Christ and to say his death has no meaning but to go on to say you are a Christian is an oxymoron. To say that good deeds outside of the belief in Christ will gain you access to heaven is directly against the tenets of Christianity therefore the individual who subscribes to that is not truly a Christian. And before you get upset - I am not sitting in judgement of anyone I am just merely pointing out that Christianity is truly all about Christ and to believe otherwise means you are not truly Christian in the purest sense of the Word. It would be the same if you called yourself a Muslim but did not believe in Mohamed or his teachings.
Someone said it in another thread - when you say you believe in a certain religion whether it be Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc, you cannot treat it like a box of chocolates and only pick out the pieces you like and toss the rest.
Dracula are you one of those religious Fundos, who beleive that everybody other than them are going to hell.
Whatever ur orthodox or unorthodox christian beleifs are, cannot stand the test of logic or reason. The possibility of ur beleifs being better than those of Oprah is 50%.
Let the people choose what they want to beleive.
publication of Mother Teresa's letters, concerning her personal crisis of faith, why did she loose her faith? She was light for others, brave soul
Oprah should be thankful for ALL the gifts / blessings she receives.
Don't settle at being ordinary. Life is too precious. Enjoy. Have fun. Spend. Travel. Shop. Love. Fight. There's nothing wrong with being REAL.
mate...not for you :)
I have been called wierd before, but no worries..
you say "If Obama is elected, radical Islam will "declare victory in the war on terror,"
I agree, this will happen, when teh USA pulls out of Iraq.. but that is normal.. The extremists will try to portray it as a victory for them. The pro Obama press will portray it otherwise..
Whether the war on terror will actually be won, will depend on what Obama and his team do after that.. i doubt whether he will be able to initiate any really radical policies..
Actual shocking newws is here...
Dont Dream.. Do it Now
Whether OPRAH views are Pro or Anti-Christ still it will create a great impact to everybody specially to those people who idolizing her.
Don't settle at being ordinary. Life is too precious. Enjoy. Have fun. Spend. Travel. Shop. Love. Fight. There's nothing wrong with being REAL.
it's my opinion. I respect yours although I totally disagree. Yes, you are very much entitled to yours......
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
dmigtysolomon, I assume you're talking about me.
I respect your views, please respect mine. I'm not asking you to agree with them, just to respect them. If I believe I will be judged by my deeds and not my beliefs, whose problem is that again? Oh, yes, it's mine and my God's only.
Scientology :)
to your religion, it only meant one thing, you are not at peace with your religion. If you believe in the basic doctrines of the organization you are in (not necessarily a religious org., you have to abide by it's doctrines or get out. There is no such thing as open-minded in religion, you just have to stick to it or go elsewhere. If you think your religion is not perfect, then how can you ever be sure of your final destination.
Man will not be judge alone by his kindness, his power or whatever good deeds he made in this planet, but where he belongs when he was alive.
Those who did not heed to the calling that if anyone will not enter the ARK to be saved from the flood, then they will die. Many of this people are open-minded or maybe kind or maybe charitable, BUT they just don't believe in the ARK, They let their own judgement befell on them and what happened???
Oprah is a good example of these kind of people!!!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
nothing shocking it just shows the confusion in this society.
"He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah" prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
It won't matter whether he is muslim or not. They say that if he is elected the muslim world will take this as a sign from Allah to finish wars and hate...
A sign of peace!
I think if he is elected we will see things change dramatically.
If Obama is elected, radical Islam will "declare victory in the war on terror,"
Well, Obama wants to end the war in Iraq. That's one reason.
It is not completely a bozo reason.
Just his name alone "Hussein" will trigger many things(a muslim expert said).
Just for the record, since weird people sometimes read this post, Obama is a Christian.
You have to interpret it in the right context..
I believe that the same interpretation is possible in the Bible and Quran..
God requires that you worship none other than him - the analogy could be used of a husband who gets jealous when someone else vies for the affection of his wife..
Harry99, please, don't encourage him to go out!
I think you've been on tainted blood.. need to get out in the evenings more :)
I get e-mails that Obama is a Muslim and the antichrist, it seems some people are getting very scared he could be elected and will do anything to try and discredit him. This one is the funniest yet that and he is the antichrist!! Whats next? He is Saddam come alive?
Look at me! :)
A myth..a legend..
Maybe true, maybe fake...
But I do believe that the legends were written by people and, therefore, are not perfect.
Drac(Vlad the Impaler) was a small king.Bloody one!
Now he is a vampire. Why? Bec."the legends were written by people and, therefore, are not perfect"
But Vlad The Impaler WAS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is indeed confused with jealous God concept.
How can God be jealous?
You too, britexpat.
Similar to my sentiments.. I also believe that " you will hopefully go to heaven through your deeds", but I also have some basic beliefs..
Have a great night...
i knew it!!!!!
britexpat, of course I don't mean that everyone who claims to be open minded needs to agree with me. What I wrote is simply what it means to me :)
Dracula, here, have some garlic.
It means I do believe in Jesus Christ and God. I pray every single night. But I do believe that the scriptures were written by people and, therefore, are not perfect. I also believe they were a product of their time, meaning that if they were written today, a lot would be different. I believe you go to heaven through your deeds not through your belief. You do bad here, you'll pay, as simple as that. I believe that God is very understanding and good and He would not punish someone who had led a good life but did not believe in Christ.
It's okay to want to be rich. One of the basic facts of life is that we need money. One source is religion. As much as religion has a sway over weight issues (society's views on gluttony for example), religion has also helped cast a negative shadow over money. Many religions teach humility and poverty, while the Christian and Jewish Bible says that "money is the root of all evil".
What that hell is Oprah doing by using God and Jesus name, this is blasfemy.
Should stop this patetic argument("Christ has no meaning”)and should not do not use the name of God in vain, dont mix work, books, lifes with something so serious. She should stop this non sence now!
One last question though....You don't have to answer if you don't wish to..
You say you are an open minded CHristian..
What does that actually mean ?
Let's agree to disagree :)
History shows us that the followers deviate from the path and begin to treat the "creators" as gods.. They then have undue influence over them..
This is already being seen by people saying how great and wonderful the book is and what Oprah is doing..
People forget that they have a brain and can make their own decisions..
britexpat, again, if the followers idolize the creator but actually turn in to better people... good for them.
I believe the "creators" will have some serious explaining to do, though!
The “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles reveals himself to be an IMPOSTER when he blasphemes the true Jesus Christ by saying that a “slain Christ has no meaning” and that we are all “God” and that we are all “Christ.”
You are probably in the minority.. The problem is that they can very easily become "cults", where the followers begin to idolize the creator..
You know what my view on religion is? If it's going to help someone, then it's serving its purpose.
There's this awful church that's growing like crazy called Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. It was created in Brazil by a guy who is a pastor. This guy has so much money now that he owns a TV channel. Not cable, open TV. He really extorts people, and usually the followers are very uneducated people. Do I think he's going to go to heaven? I think he'll have some serious explaining to do to God. Do I think his religion benefits some people? Absolutely, I've heard countless stories of people who really changed their life to the better because of that church.
Basically she is taking the "essence" of christianity and rebranding it into something new and supposedly wonderful...
Dracula, how is Jesus Christ being reinvented?
I repeat, I do not agree with those quotes, but I respect if somone wants to think that.
I'm going to give you three names and see if you can guess what they have in common. Ronald Reagan. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sonny Bono.
Three actors. Well, okay, three people who stood up in front of a camera and read lines from a script as they enacted a fictional story. Nobody is going to confuse any of the above with Cagney, Clift or Cheadle. But they were all bona fide stars in their own way at one time or another. And they were all duly elected to pretty impressive positions. Two Governors of California, a Congressman and a President. Not too shabby.
Feck Oprah!
Our true Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is being reinvented, redefined, and blasphemed right in front of our eyes and hardly anyone seems to notice or care!
"So you just hate Oprah?"- gf is black! Dont even try!
Its human nature.. she's been at the top so long, she doesn't want to lose the status or the adoration she gets from fans.. So , she re-invents herself..
I do not agree with any of those quotes but one. I do think God is in everything I see. Well, not everything actually, lot of people do not have God in them!
Here are some quotes from the “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles:
“There is no sin. . . "
A “slain Christ has no meaning.”
“The journey to the cross should be the last ‘useless journey.”
“Do not make the pathetic error of ‘clinging to the old rugged cross.’”
“The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol... It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.”
“God is in everything I see.”
“The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.”
“The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.”
“The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.”
Most Christians recognize that these sh!tty-"teachings" are the opposite of what the Bible teaches.
So you just hate Oprah? Ok, I like her but I respect your opinion.
It's not a new religion.
It's just a book (A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle) that teaches you to not to be so ego orientated.
It doesn't matter what religion you are, it talks about all religions in the book.
The sh!tty book its not interesting to me. I'm a Christian and I'm also open minded so I'll give it a shot.
britexpat, I don't think that would be the case at all. She's got enough money to keep her going forever. It's probably something she feels strongly about and she feels the need to share with other people. Nothing wrong with that.
Dracula, I am Christian but an open minded one. I do not agree with everything my religion says and I do believe actions are more important than beliefs.
Oprah's main job is to sell the "Oprah" brand.. If ratings are going down and she has to branch out into religion to keep the bucks coming in, then she will do it!
Calling Something "STUPID".........when it is STUPID is being TRUTHFUL...NOT unchristian like......IN FACT
REAL CHRISTIANS should be standing UP and calling FOOLISHNESS -----FOOLISHNESS !!!
And SIN -------- SIN !!!!
Oprah is Just another Hollywood DECIEVER !!!!!!!!
DECIEVING and being DECIEVED............
she is a very FOOLISH person..............PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!
as it is written , : " A FOOL says in their heart there is no God "
and she is being the way !!!!!!!
On the other hand, she pushed the Secret, so she's apparently anti-christ.
Alexa, you are very right.
They shouldn't.. It s the basis of all major religions..
Be kind, respcetful, generous when needed. Do not tell lies, be fair, be honest etc etc
says makes sense... Salvaion is through ones self..If we live our lives in a good/honest way, then everything really comes together..
me too, fatcat.
same here.
apart from that, i've observed the eyes bags throughout the video, she's too rich to have eye bags, lol..
After the game, the KiNG and the PAwN go into the same box.
-Italian Proverb
I particularly liked when she said God is more about feeling than believing. I like it because there are a lot of people who claim to believe in God but I don't feel God through them. Yet I feel God through other things.
well, i didn't finish d video. i dont wanna hear all of it. i was appalled!!!
flanostu, brilliant observation.
After the game, the KiNG and the PAwN go into the same box.
-Italian Proverb
it's not that shocking, oprah has always been fat.