Shk Mohammad opens his own page on Facebook

Dubai: His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has opened his own page on social networking site Facebook.
"I was brought up in a family that believed in the importance of visionary public service and phil-anthropy and I have tried to live these values in my everyday life," Shaikh Mohammad posted in his 'About Me' section on
As a new Facebook user, Shaikh Mohammad also updated his status, asking: "I visited the Ministry of Education today and would like to raise this question: Should the new academic year start during Ramadan or after the Eid holiday?"
As a user-generated content site, Facebook users are able to comment on his status updates and make virtual friends with him on his unrestricted profile, which allows the general public to view his photo albums, videos, personal information and 'poke' Shaikh Mohammad (to get his virtual attention).
UAE schools to extend work hours to cope with late start - paper:
Many private schools in the UAE will extend their work hours or stay open on Saturdays to make up for the loss of days following the education ministry’s decision to postpone the reopening of the 2009-10 academic year.
Classes in government schools for the academic year 2009-2010 have been postponed until after the holy month of Ramadan the ministry confirmed on Wednesday.
Macky, Althani's were been in face book long ago...I keep intouch with them and share a game...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
they have servants for that!
I guess there are already people from the Royal family here on QL.
I wouldnt be surprised if HH logs on to QL from time to time....
open a page so that people could message them directly.
Transparency at its best!
its amazing how people refer to them...HH...LOL!
they are not at that need stage yet!
Might Qatar's HH Sheikh Al Thani follow on Facebook also?...
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
Dictators always have high approval ratings. It's a sad fact. People like strong leaders with simple arguments.
Let's hope he doesn't start publishing his poetry on facebook. Pure doggerel, which was greeted as a work of genius by the emiratis.
Another desperate attempt to recall attention to the declined megalomaniac vision!
hmm.. to get his 'virtual attention'.:)