Sexual violence against women
Over 15000 people were raped including men, women and children by the soldiers /rebels in the volatile Eastern region of Congo. Women were dragged and forced to satisfy their sexual needs repeatedly and most of them contract HIV. Report says that these victims were totally rejected by their families and dependents. Women and children are horrified to live in their small huts and soldiers will hurt them if they object. UN force cannot handle the situation and ensure security of these people as the scale of sexual violence is quite disquieting. Why so many sexual attacks against women and children because they are poor and weak? Even if the Government comes up with rape deterrent plans thereby ensuring security of the people, can the victims get their life back? Your views and thoughts……
The men in uniform always target the weakest link in the population.... women and children.... The lack of peacekeeping force and stringent patrolling strategies in the region allows the men in unform to perform such a heinous act.
Arrogance and evil they're are everywehre.
and thats the reason, i asked in my first comment about Oil & Gas, or a strategic location.
Hell, again others will start saying this is none on American's Business.
Yes, they do occur in war..
However, the rape of women and children in DR Congo, Liberia, Sierra leone and Rwanda takes things to a barbaric level...
Here is evidence that may suggest that God does NOT exist.
Why on earth he/she/it "allows" these things to happen?
our female secretary abuse me a lot of times:(
i need justice...
Man they are starting to give the Vikings a run for their money. Look back through history, this is repeated over and over again. As Brit points out, it is what mankind is capable of :(
The sad thing is that many of these women were abused by the rebels and then again by soldiers who were supposed to protect them.
This type of rape is more about power and control. It also shows the real evil that man is capable of.
Of course they do. Congo contains the fourth largest proven natural gas reserves and fifth largest oil producer in Africa.
off the topic
"Do they have Oil and Gas?"
Rape as a weapon of war has become outrageously common in eastern Congo, where the government army and U.N. peacekeepers have failed to conquer a few thousands of rebels responsible for a protracted conflict fueled by vast mineral reserves. Whilst the primary responsibility for the protection of civilians lies with the state,the actions by the national army and the police force were inadequate resulting in uacceptable brutalization of the population in that region. If the authorities had taken adequate measures putting their heads together in the initial stage, the situation would not have escalated to this extent.
and achieves nothing.
What they need is help
If 'god' had done his job in the first place they would not need his blessing. Could he have not blessed them before in order to prevent them being raped and abused?
"One pair of hands working achieves more than a million pairs of hands clasped in prayer.
Bless the abused people. :(