Seriously Freakshows...Wake Up Now!!!Its 8am!

O my my,
Seriously now I didnt believe that QL is gone down to the dogs...and drains...when people have said it...
But now, I have been here for almost an hour and all I see is about 6 posts...seriously it was never like this before...
O well where are my ladies gorgeous : Loulsy, Alexa, Scarlett, FS, Someonenew, SheDBabe etc etc...
And where are the men folks...King, TCom, R7, etc etc...
O man, its quite killing to see this, now come on azzes...bring your bunch of lazy asses online will ya...LOL!
Good Morning!
Ahh... well... i dont work for QL u see... maybe KSA does!!!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
KSA is BACK :(
Rizk is FRONT :)
Ksa my friend, Yahi mera kaam hai - to take care of sunder sunder chori's ova here ...LoL
Damn !! my eyes paining focusing full time on my screen...:( need some rest .... BRB !!!
Well someonenew, KSA was here bright and early and whining that you weren't here :-D
Thanks notfromhere... ur darn right i was on time at work maybe even a li'll ahead of time and was waitin for people like janeyjaney n mj to turn up:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
KSA, I'm kinda in and out of here. And no, I'm NOT gonna do any household chores. I'm gonna take my pillow, blanky, kleenex, and orange juice and curl up on the couch and watch a movie. Or 2.
So there.
Janey art thou doing...2 hrs late to work...hmmm you riding a lot on the luck factor... still here!!! Not going to do any household Chores...
Rizks...kaam dhandha nahin hain...
Hi someonenew, I bet you weren't 2 hours late for work, lol.
And no nervous breakdowns allowed in this thread :-)
Take a deep breath......
Afternoon guys!!! Working from home is highly frustrating!!! I think i'll have a nervous breakdown soon. Hope everyone's fine.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
2 Hrs late ?? .........
Guess U R the manager of tat Company- no issues then !!!! LoL
Cheerz man .......
janeyjaney, lol, 2 hrs late. Apparently you got there just in time for your break! Have a good day :-)
wow janey, 2 hours... im still lucky hehe.....
Good morning everyone!! I was 2 hours late for work today but all is well. I work hard and I don't have to explain anything to anyone! hehe. No, it's really true though. Anyway, you all have a f*cking brilliant day! I'm off to enjoy my cuppa and a ciggy.
Beijo to all of you!!
if it's such a useless waste of time, how come you're here posting?
hahaha I share the same sentiments exactly kunjar!! Just like your post! What a good example of nonsense!
what a use less waste of time to post just for the heck of it :-) sorry but who cares if no one is postin
NFH in which lango ??
French, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Singalese, Ethopian, Malyalee..LoL
I meant, tats the famous dialogue from an Indian Actor, tatz it !!
CheerZ !!!
Rizk, are you gonna translate that?
Ye Cake Cake Kiya hai, Ye Cake Cake - Shakti Kapoor Ishtyle !!! LoL
Seriously, watz this Cake n Memo thing ??
Mujeh bhi Cake chahiye ...!!! LoL
i got to go too...will c u soon..
my frothy coffee man!
how are you...i have just woken up!!
About time you do some work KSA. I called in sick today,, can't seem to shake this bug :-(
So all the other slackers will have to keep me company here I guess,lol
And what's all this about cake? What cake??? When did I promise you cake?
Didn't you get the memo?
Choclates for my Middle Finger ??? WTH the finger will do with tat Chocos ? R U OK KSA ?? LoL
Now WTH u movin u lazy azz KSA ?
Nfromhere...well now stop complainin I aint making a bit carefully and start accepting...then you will read I make sense...anyways away from all...when are you going to make a public appearance and Bake me that Ramadan is over, Eid is Over, if I leave it to you like this, girl, I might as well come back saying Christmas is also OVER!!! :P now seriously, work on getting that chocolates to Rizks Middle finger and ME!!!Sharing is Caring you know that right!!!
Yallah people keep this thread alive otherwise I will get back after a while and kill thehell outta ya Rizks and Sue...and Nfromhere...have a bit of work to get to!!! :P Cant believe myself...LOL!
Ksa had Marhabtains GIN today with his Coffee i guess....
Hic Heck !!! Back To GIN n Coffee .....
KSA, what?? You're confusing the h e l l out of me this morning. Are you trying to multi-task or smething???? Cause you're not making much sense ....Sweetie :-P
i'll get u some more another day anothe time... ;)
yes i think i will..
Damn U Gal......
No no u cant get away with this, i want my chocos ..:(
Rizks...LOL! Middle Finger...ok dont bother showing me the cut...LOL!
NFromhere...aaaah come on now...dont be all high pricey cos I place you in that category alright!!!
Sue...well heartfelt...LOL! well dont worry in due course of time you would get used to all this QL and Work...
Have a good day, Fatcat.
bye fatcat see u around...
so sorry i ate them all...
Why not u give me ur imaginable Chocos, tat will be sufficient ...!!!
Sorry, guys, need to get some work done now.
yeah Rizks, you could use them as well....
Wat about my TOE or NOSE ???
mayb marhabtain will give u some gin to numb the pain..
Poor rizks...just use your thumbs
oh rizks, now now, it wont be so're used to typing with just 2 fingers aren't you? :P
I aint staring im just trying to juggle both work and QL..this is very new to me.. I like…….!!!
i got my middle finger cut yesterday while eating CRAB ....:(
i have to type the words without using my middle finger... poor me ...:(
ah yes..i feel alive..!!
dont stare blankly, just get your fingers workin' sue... ;)
Ah KSA, good save, lol! Good thing you carry that shovel with you everywhere ;-)
Stop bragging about work that you dont have and you wished you would had...LOL!!!
Welll you are staring at the PC where you have QL Open cheer up now...dont bring us down with you...wake up now!!! :P
heartfelt company now that wat i need
Ok, Fatcat, I'll start packing my bags
I'm also saying that you are indeed on the course of the sisterhood of the fellowship of the HOT MOMS!!!LOL!
ya it is sad..i find my self aimlessly staring at the computer screen..
I think I can look after my self..thanks for the help
i have a lot of work today unlike yesterday
NFromhere...stand up to what you said, didnt you tell me a few months ago that you would bake a cake for me and your daughter would add the Icing to the cream...hehehe!!! :P O you are so going to kill me eyyy girl... :P
Rizks...hmmm...yea can take that truth and shove it up the place where the sun doesnt shine and the moon doesnt wine! :P And yes for Frendsheep...yes yes...always there mere brother... :P
Lets keep Sue girl...some heartfelt company shall we!!!
notfromhere, why not?
marhabtain is always drinking gin of course, nothing new in that,....
Sue, KSA implies I'm old enough to be your mom. He's getting himself in deeeeeep now :-)
meaning some have immunity here?
You were bored at work...I mean how sad for you to get bored at work...I mean o well...yeah i can understand people do tend to get bored...pity you! you didnt meet Marhab yesterday...what was that bugger doing...drinking GIN??? Well if you had told him to meet up for a drink of GIN...I'm sure he would left all his work and come up!
Well yeah thought you required a Mother figure on NFromhere was sitting idle breaking all my rules so put you as her long lost child!
So how did we say we are doing today! Bored at work...want some work of mine... :P
Ksarat ....................
Hearful apologies to you my friend if i mentioned something incorrect in my above statements. BUT tatz the TRUTH !!! LoL
Anywayz about the frndsheep we still R n still B....
Cheerz mere bhai !!!
QL Guidelines also state that ksarat16 is not permitted to have Guidelines. Or Standards. Or Opinions. LOL!
Or cake!!!!!!!!! :-D
i dont think i want to be adopted..
O come on...and QL Guidelines I dont know but KSA's Guidelines say that you should back me up for your adopted daughter Sue!!!LOL!
no i haven given any to Marhab..sadly i didnt meet him yesterday..well i was so bored at work and a freind told me to chk out QL so i did.
long lost child
Oh Fatcat, that's right, you're leaving,huh? Oh please take me with you....pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease :-D
KSA--- what????
And I believe the QL Guidelines state that you're not allowed to mention my daughter!
Rizks...well are forgetting friendship for a new girl called Sue...I mean coming from the same hometown of Hyd...chi chi chi...
Sue...aaah looks like you sure are wearing on the fake box...of chocs...and you gave chocs to Marhab...i thought he only accepts Gin!!!LOL! also came to QL because of someone or something...or just like that
NFromhere...ahem ahem girl, dont you know that you are on my team so you should back me up...your daughter isnt there in town anyways so atleas then back me up...I mean isnt Sue like your long lost Child in the Exhibition grounds...LOL!
Thanks but not for long, notfromhere ;)
LOL Rizks, I think you just made KSA's day. He gets bored without his morning cup of conflict.
Fatcat, welcome back :-)
good morning
My pleasure
Rizks, you forgot to mention the mental status...
ok thats good to noe...
Thx for the Fake Chocos Sue...LoL
LOL marhabtain, on with your gin....
Yea Sue meet our Old Old Professor - KSaRAT !!
He is the oldest QL member on Board. Some more info about Mr. KsaRAT:-
Age - 42 Yrs.
Sex - Male - I Think !!
Marital Status - Married
Kids - 6 ( 4 Gals and 2 Boyz ) one on the way ( As confirmed by him last week )
Location - Amazon Forest
More info can be provided upon request !!! :)
oh well i dint know about that plus i joined yesterday so i did already giv out chocs to Rizks and Mj..
I love it when u talk dirty! Mwah! Are u a mate of Mj! Shes a corker too! Corrrrrrrrr! Yippee, Yippeee, its Bombay gin for me!
India was great, Ksa. I came back on Sunday.
See, I told you....LOL predictable...
yeah NFH, i know i have to, and when i do, they better watch out for me, lol... :P
ah im a new driver and its nuts on the roads.. but living here u must know how to drive i say..
Behave yourself...boys...
I mean...ladki dekhi nahin aur shuroo...LOL!
Well...Sue girl...hmmmm forget our standards...lets not talk about you already reaching them...atleast MINE!!!LOL! But needless to say before all, I would expect that you do maintain a good sense of humour to deal with the Lot here on QL!!! And well as we go along, you shall know more about the KSA's Handbook of QL!!!LOL! And ofcourse Welcome Aboard Fresh-wo-man!!!And now that is said and kept aside, I hope you have brought in the box of chocs that all newbies do bring in to QL...right!!!
it seems to me like all u guys been adding some gin in your morning coffee
Mj, you have to drive! It's the only way to get revenge!
KSA must be madly typing up his list of "standards" for Sue. Ignore him, Sue!
(We all do,loooooool)
next time i'll just use a jet, lol....and my dad wants me to take driving lessons this month, oh geez that'l be the day....i sure wish i had janey's bazooka with me this morning...
Is that compliment…
i am from 1st Standard - Madame !!
Oh Wait - Present Teacher...!!! LoL
Freshman ?? I think u r a GAL - if i hav not mistaken, or wait lemme check ur Profile SUE ....!!!
so now there's 2 corkers for you now, eh marhab?
mj being the passenger is much better-just close your eyes and when you awake you're there. Or if marhabtain is with you drink his gin! lol
Water? Whats that? A mixer? Do tell! Oh have u seen the new Babe Sue? Zippydooo what a Corker! Yippee, Yippeee, its Bombay gin for me!
i was not driving, but sitting in the passenger seat is just as bad as being the driver itself.. oh well, 15 minutes late, had to say sorry to my boss coz i was late. thankfully, he was understanding enough and looked at it in a different way, he said since the driver came late for picking me up (i was ready and waiting since 7 am), he said it was the driver who was late and not me....
bumble bee.... ok..
Standards? I don't think there are any! lol
Sorry I guess I didn’t introduce my self properly, let me know your standards, I’m a freshman to QL just joined yesterday…so far so good I must say
Rizks and Marhab, down boys!
lol Rizks i late 15 min today , last nite back from Gods Own Country ( kerala ) enjoyed eid with famils
dont u EVER DRINK WATER rather then tat same old GIN everyday ??? LoL
See, KSA, don't complain about the "old" people missing. Maybe it's time to make some new friends :-)
Welcome, Sue.
KissRAT ...... door rah Sue Se !!! :( ...LoL
Sue is a new bumble bee on board just Joined y'day - i guess !!
Sorry but I just gave Mj a bottle for her lunchbox! Bukra maybe? Yippee, Yippeee, its Bombay gin for me!
Traffic Traffic Traffic !!!!
How come i reach on time to office and u fellas out there morn about traffics ?? LoL
Pajju, Evada Poe...LoL - Sugam my friend !!!
NFromhere...aaaah you know darling dont you you always on are on the list...a few things are to be understood from hearts to hearts...LOL! How you doing...and yes yes lucky you that you have MR. Somewherefromthere to work for YOUR LIVING!LOL! And you still need to BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE for me!!!
SUE...ahem ahem...morning girl...seriously you really expect ME to go all the way to your profile page and check out who in the world are you cos I have not seen you online till about you come with a couple of more lines in the next comments that you post...LOL! And ofcourse morning to you too!!!
I need some gin marhabtain, pass me some that'll get me going and get me over the traffic. Morning to everyone.
A new Babe on the block? Yippee, Yippeee, its Bombay gin for me!
mj? huh? How was it so bad if you don't drive??
yeah ksa,'s a good thing i dont drive here yet, i wouldn't have the patience to do so... and the police are making it worse...
hehe KSA i dint change my gender hahaha Hey Rizks dude wassup dear ? started again Qling :)
Well u have to forgive me the traffic was deadly, been better hows urself?
lol Rizks, good morning.... worst traffic i've ever been into since arriving here in Qatar....
Rizks...needless to say, morning to my dear chuddi you doing bro...whats happening..I know QL is getting rather slow...I mean too many topics containing a lot of s5it and crap...thats why and ofcourse this puts off the regulars...but o well !!! How you doing...
MJ...aaaah I can understand bout the traffic...things back to working today thats why!!! And Time here running too slow...
Marhab...ello sheikh you doing...ofcourse dont come back to me saying Hic Hic...!!!!LOL!
Sue ...........
I must sue u coz u were late to post ...LoL - How u doing gal ??
Gin Man Goody Morning ......
Jamille, why dont u fly like a firefly n reach ur office ...LoL
morning u guys.......!!
KSA. Dude.
Maybe we aren't posting because we don't feel special enough to make your list :-P
No seriously, some people have to WORK for a living, you know? Oh but I'm not one of 'em, am I? LOL! That's why I have Mr. Moneybags hehe... oops, er, I mean Mr. Notfromhere, of course.
Ha ha, HE works for MY living. I just work for my sanity :-D
Personally, I like the "new" QL. I do enjoy peace.
Good morning everyone!
lol, morning to you too marhabtain.... gin so early in the morning, i see...
May i say that u r looking fabulous again today! Corrrrrrrrrrr! Yippee, Yippeee, its Bombay gin for me!
good morning to all... aarrrgghh, late for work... traffic was so, grrr, i cant even think of the right word to describe what i went through just to get to was murder!!!
Pleasant & Cool Morning 2 u KSA & Friendz Out there !!!
Ur Right Ksa, QL is becoming slow and down to drains these dayz....:(
Is it coz the Big Boss Mr. DaRuDe Khan Pathaan is not around or wat ?? LoL
How gorgeous of u to think of your fellow LUVVIES! Yippee, Yippeee, its Bombay gin for me!
Morning...endha vishesham...!!! Sugam...?
Morning All ..
Ello darling, how you doing, How was New Delhi...or are you still in India...or you returned...
I'm doing rather fine thanks, so hows things with you...?
Have u just come off the night shift at the morgue again! Mwah! Yippee, Yippeee, its Bombay gin for me!
Good morning Ksa. How are you today?