Salary Problem

Can anyone help me? I am Executive Secretary at the same time Coordinator & Liason officer, the Company given me a QR. 2,700 for my monthly compensation,including accomodation. I started working with them last August 6,2007 and they are the one who gave me a residence visa. I think i have the right to ask them to increase my salary or unless i will resign and find another job. I am a local hire, im just confused what if they will not give me NOC, did the Phil. Embassy will help me regarding this matter. And also the salary they are giving is not enough due to high cost of living here in Doha.
Thank you in advance.
Lady Di
You really got no other choice if what u make is not enough to cover your expense. It is clear to me that you dont have any hope to ge NOC from he employer.
Leave the country and come back in 2 years time. You wil be much better off that
way. Or as someone has suggested, star looking for other opportunities
in the gulf region.
Best of luck to u!
i also suggest that you ask for an increment highlighting your additional works and job performance as well. i am in the same boat with you because i have a wide range of responsibility but the salary does not compensate at all. and yes i asked for increment and i get approved once in awhile. though little increments but its better than nothing. and of course they add more responsibilities! thats why its not enough.
as for NOC really depends with your sponsor. show your ability first then negotiate.
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
What planet are you on?
No such thing as local hire?
Dream on. Local recruits get very few of the benefits of those recruited from overseas and never have done. That includes in some cases no leave ticket.
My best advise is there are enough jobs available at bahrain , uae ,oman
and you can go there maybe at twice the present salary.
Apply on websites like ,, and more if you search .
That is best way to find a better job with higher salary.
Unless you love Qatar tooooooooo much................................
If you are local hire, I'm sure you came in thru visit visa, and with that im sure you dont have OWWA or POEA. If that's the case, dont expect the embassy to give you any help.
In fact, even if you were an OWWA member, you cannot expect any help. Philippine embassies in the middle east are close to being useless...
Demand for an increase and that's it, but seeking a release to transfer will be very tough for you, unless you are under husband sponsorhip.
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I heard about this new labor law more than 3 years now, no body know when they will issue the Famous law, but maybe soon cause UN are talking about it now as human right.I think the best way is to ask for a increasing salary in a proper way, and if they refuse it, you have to wait few month and at the end of your contract don't renew with them and ask for NOC. Or renew your contract with them in a higher salary.Anyway good luck
The new law is not yet introduced still being pondered over.
Exsisting Labour Law. There is No New lABOUR LAW Yet.
There is no such thing as LOCAL HIRE
or the new one?
Thanks a lot !!!
As Lamborjeepney said, you should have not accepted the offer at the beginning. Since you have done this mistake already, now you are struck with this company for atleast one year.
As per Qatar law you need to spend atleast one year with one sponsor to be able to transfer your RP (if you get release).
You can quit and go back to your country anytime and join other company only if you have NOC from your present sponsor. But remember the employeer can reject your request for NOC.
Regarding salary increase, yes you do have right to ask for it based on your performance.
I suggest you to complete one year with your present company and keep good relation with your employer, so you can request for NOC at end of your contract.
Hope this information will help you.
Syed Qadeer
what will happen after 6 more months?
from the start, you should not sign-up with your co. with this salary. since you are now under their sponsorship then you have no choice. You may ask for an increase and justify the work load that u are currently handling. I'm sure if they know that you are over worked they will increase your salary.
"Fascinated with Supercars but can’t afford it yet, so I settle down for a humble Jeepney. Proud Noypi!"
Okey thanks a lot!!!! Charansoi
I gave the best advice and Your fate is on your sponcer's hand :(
embassy or the government to sort this out. Talk to your employer....
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I still need more advise....
That means i must really convinced them to give me NOC so that i can find another job because even our Emabassy cannot do anything about this
If they don't give NOC you are royally screxed.. Nobody can help you(: