Right Hand Drive Cars in Qatar

Hi guys,
I have just recently move to Qatar, and would like to ask if it is allowed to drive a right hand drive car like in the UK here in Qatar, Does anybody have any adeas? has done it before or is driving one at the moment etc, are there any restrictions on importation of such cars? any info would be greatly appreciated
Many of the Left Hand drive cars end up on the Right Hand side of the Road here (bashed up)....
And when somebody comes to hit you he will be running to the passenger side of your car.....ROFL
So in a way you have the advantage.....lol.
Sorry for the late reply I have been away on trip to Dubai. I appreciate all your advice and comments, I think i will probably leave the car in the UK and buy one of those BIG land cruiser, they seem to be the safest cars to drive in Qatar
I just PMed Qatari about this...
The BMW agent (Ghanem Holdings in those days) imported a dozen or so BMW 3 series without a/c in 1981 and eventually sold them off for around QR 21,000 in 1982 (then about £3,000). A bargain if you could stand the heat.
I'd try and leave it in UK if I were you if you're not planning on staying in Qatar for ever - especially if you're very fond of it. Cars take an absolute hammering over here, especially the paint work due to all of the sand and dust. Also, the majority of cars here have had their cooling systems uprated in the factory to cope with the extra heat, so your UK car would probably be more likely to break down.
On the RHD topic though, in my opinion I don't think it would really make much difference what side of the car you were driving on. It is mainly wide multi carriageway roads interrupted by traffic lights or roundabouts, and while on the carriageway it seems like there is no set rule in place for which lane is for over taking.
...I would drive a right hand car here...especially if it was a really nice car.
This place is lethal on vehicles...people too. I'd say leave it back where it is.
There was a QP (Jeff Jones a Shell secondee) guy who drove a right hand drive Merc for donkeys years in the 80's. I don't ever recollect seeing another one.
Rules are that cannot import a vehicle over 5 years old, UNLESS it's a classic - defined as manufactured before 1971.
I imported a '47 Bentley on my move from UK last summer.
Was told "OK" - as want to drive it here (out of town seeing the driving), so freighted it over, but had challenges getting no objection letters from Traffic Department & Department of Standards and Metrology.
Got it in (after 6 weeks stuck in container in docks), but have not (yet) got permission from Police to drive it on roads as right hand drive.
Any help - contacts appreciated.
I am sh*t scared of driving on the "wrong" side.
Only done it once, wrote the car off with my family in it within 40 mins.
[img_assist|nid=15075|title=Yes it has|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
It dun't really matter.
So far we have seen only Left hand driving and with that only few people drive mad by jumping from lane to lane with out indicators and we find zig zag driving,If we think of getting Right Handed driving ,God onbly will have to save the person driving.
That's a good question. I've never seen a right-hooker here before.
What are you thinking of importing, a classic?