.. Revenge ..

In Germany, man bites off part of nose in bar brawl ..
Berlin : Police say a bar fight between two young men ended painfully when one of the brawlers bit off a piece of his opponent's nose.
Police spokeswoman Claudia Hallersleben said the incident happened early on Sunday at a bar in Bremen when a heated argument between the two turned into a fist fight.
After bystanders separated them one jumped forward again and bit off a one-centimeter-long (0.5-inch) piece of the other man's nose and then ran away.
The victim, a 24-year old from Nordenham in northern Germany who was not identified, had to be treated at a hospital. Hallersleben said police are still looking for the attacker. AP | Oct 20, 2013,
This is the best time to wish that you are Pinocchio :p
R2R, Yes it's people who fight after the drinks.
Prize, If he is married already then I think there is no need for a surgery.. Tue, 29.20.2013 ,10.30 hrs
Poor fella has paid through the nose for his idiocy.
MM, It is people's problem not the drinks.
Im sure Mike Tyson is laughing right now :))
orelse can be used as a topping in Russian Salad ! :)
MM, I am sure if police could catch him quickly that piece could have been joined at its original place.
The biter took it with him .
so where is tat bitten piece ?
OMG zombies....
Avoid alcohol to be safe ....
Pic is for illustration purpose only ........ ................. ........... Tue, 29.20.2013 , 10.00 hrs .....