Remember, remember the 5th of November

By joewilliams •
Guy Fawkes may have been the only man to have ever entered the English Parliament with good intentions, but back home in Blighty tradition dictates we celebrate King James I foiling his plot with a bit of a knees up.
I was wondering if any of my countrymen or anyone else
a) had anything organised for the occasion.
b) if not, would like to join me in sorting something out.
c) knew where you can by fireworks.
All thoughts appreciated.
Be lucky,
Sorry for the delay in replying folks I’ve had a day and a half. Anybody else catch the US/Middle East conference at Al Sharq?
It seems that Diamondgirl is an absent poster’s best friend here; on the button about the festival. Check out for Wikipedia’s grammatically fraught version of events.
Sdkak… thanks for the info. Someone seems to be getting away with setting them off are they just flagrantly breaking the law? What about if we went out of town into the desert?
Booo…nothing as yet. Things back home generally revolve around a firework display so if that’s not a possibility – I’m not what to suggest.
Canarybird – incidentally (and somewhat geekily), the Houses of Parliament as we know them are less than two hundred years old (younger than the White House in Washington). They were rebuilt in the mid-1980s because of an (accidental) fire.
Kellyb – if it’s any consolation, it gets easier. This time last year I would have swum back. I really quite like it now. But would be great if we can all do something for Guy Fawkes. I just don’t know what if were not allowed fireworks. Any ideas? I miss all the old ladies alternativing between 'oooh!' and 'aaaah!' down the park as the fireworks go off. And remember how all the dogs go ABSOLUTELY MENTAL? And those really big public displays are now so long it actually gets a bit boring and you pine for a simple old Catherine Wheel?
Actually on the subject, if anyone wants to read a tenuous and debatably interesting editorial I wrote for the Tribune (which they unsurprisingly didn’t print) on the subject of Guy Fawkes and Al Qaeda click here:
And no, I didn’t introduce the subject as merely a method of self-promotion!
Be lucky.
may be able to provide an impromptu display? :D
(with advance apologies to Scarlett, I just couldn't resist it. lol)
So are there any brits out there willing to send fireworks into the sky? I am really going to miss firework night :( Cold faces, toffee apples and sparklers....I never miss it - first year ever :( Seems wierd not to be bombarded with adverts for the firework code and Standard fireworks!
Somedays I really miss home :(
they can use the local SUV's (which are used to rough driving) for car marathon race and by the time race gets over - all the participants will be in saudi ???
Did i create an event for olympic ?
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
area...don't forget...
That was too much of an imagination for villagio.
I am imagining TT / badminton / squash etc etc being played in different shops with their merchandise on the lofts.... hahahahahaha
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Actually that may be the ultimate resolution move the Olympic Headquarters into Villagio and open a new one.
let the Olympics have the stores as offices during the time..then let the merchants back in after its all over..better than demolishing it..
and yeah... I know I'm naughty...I have a bit of a warped mind...My hubby just rolls his eyes when I speak, at times...hehehe
You are very naughty but just on that subject - hmm my TV experience again, and to cut a long story short in one village in Germany the moved a church that was over (I think 3 centuries old) to another city. Son on that note no need to blow up just move it. What do you think.
blow up the Villagio...since there's that rumor its got to come down if Qatar gets the bid...a little preplanning, perhaps???
I know Canarybird, it is of such historical importance to the UK and wider world.
I've also noticed that it is a favourite for tourists to visit and get photos of.
Love is the answer...
Would have been a shame to blow it up it is such a beautiful building and such a landmark today.
Sounds what are u guys organizing for it this year?
Remember, Remember the 5th of November, Gunpowder, Treason and Plot...
Booo, it's to remember the burning at the stake of Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London (can't remember when).
It is remembered each year by children making an effigy of ' Guy Fawkes' then setting him alight on a bonfire. Fireworks are set off to represent the attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
Sounds all very horrific but in the UK it's actually a fun evening in the cold air with everyone having fyn and watching the fireworks :) The local authoritites have organised bonfires and fireworks to try to make it as safe as possible.
Love is the answer...
Unfotunately there are no houses of parliment to blow up here so what else to do?? lol
Before even thinking of bursting fire crackers do remember its against the law in this country.
I would love to do it on 4th Nov but the law...
this year will have to live with just candles
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
U can buy fireworks...please...cud ya help me out in that...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
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