QLs most asked query has an official answer

Ever since I joined QL, it has been the most asked question.
Now, the "points" at the top right are clickable which takes you to this page:
Hopefully this will bring an end to the mystery of the QL points and the endless topics and questions about it.
(counting this one as well)
drmana, that's possible only in our dreams then..he hehe..
No cash..ok, never mind but how about gifts or sponsored dinner in exchange for points? :-)
i wish ........ thy had updated it as .............. points exchange = money......
500 points = QR 5
oh..i was thinking i would get enough money someday from QL that i could make a house back home..:)
give us corresponding gift for the points
10,000 points = 40 inch LCD TV
300 to 500 points= flat iron
geez...now I need to return back 10.000 QR - the prize from QL?
N E V E R !
Thank god a offical clarification has come from QL.... thank you mods
Maybe the site owners can strike a deal with Qatar Airways and swap them for Qmiles :o)
"they" :D
to whom you are praying visper?
I am still hoping and praying they will change their mind about it.. :D
if we can change it by cash i can be more active as pajju and rizks posting non-sense and highjacking topic...
I was disappointed with the last sentence: "they cannot be exchanged for cash at any point."
I thought I could save them until my end of service. :)
What are QL Points?
Holy Cow!... i 'm sure many will be heartbroken hehe :D
I never mind to answer this question again and again whenever it's been posted on QL...
someone will still longing a different answer...
Someone will still ask - I give it a day ;o)