Walking, like any other exercise, can help you achieve some major health benefits. Walking can help you:
Lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol)
Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol)
Lower your blood pressure
Reduce your risk /manage type 2 diabetes
Manage your weight
Improve your mood
Stay strong and fit
An easy and affordable activity like walking should be promoted and encouraged to build a society of individuals with healthy body and mind.
We are planning to form a QL Ladies walking group. We will be walking in Corniche for one hr daily or minimum 5 days a week. Those who are interested please let me know.
So... How is the stalking bodyguard group coming along? :P
thats great idea
Rizks we should start QL Stalking Group! what do you say bald man I mean old man..:)
Risks I posted a new thread..:)
FS, can I ?
Weather is getting better....anyone wanna join me for walking?
Hello, are you still walking in the Corniche? I would like to join this group. Thanks
fresh start and anyone else who's interested, do PM and call FS. She won't post details in the open forum. "Ladies only please" and not everyone who claims to be a lady on their profile is necessarily one. We have been walking the past 1 & 1/2 weeks.
The Cookie Monster said it.
I also don't plagiarize...
I had expressed interest, and thought FS was to PM us details?
I have checked the threads here but can't see any details posted...
This is picture is obviously NOT me, I don't smoke..
Please do also update me of the timings so i can join when i'm able to..
Please send me details for the next walk around the park :-) Looking forward to it.
Yeah, we had a good time yesterday! :0) Thanks, FS.
Great surroundings, good exercise and great friends!
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
I am interested to join this group...Please let me know the timing...
Scarlet you are most welcome, we had a good time yesterday...will PM you the time and place..:)
Rizks Bella is in perfect shape...looks like you are taking good care of her...lol
Can Ms. Bella join you ladies ?
Actually she is a bit shy kinda person.
Hope u people take good care of her.
thank you
Another victim of the 'Doha Dozen'....as my pic shows!!
This is picture is obviously NOT me, I don't smoke..
I'm doing great, thanks. I'm back to Doha, vacation was great, but too short as usual.
Eagle...who's is "super fit Speedy Gonzales"? You really had me laughing girl! I have a feeling you'll be miles ahead of the flock!
i m in but let we know the timing pls
I'm interested in joining you all. I'm free most of the times!! I need to get rid of a few rolls that have developed over the past 2 years from being here in Qatar!
A good friend helps you up when you fall. A best friends pees their pants laughing and trips you again!
and yes happy happy ..only the problem would be the time....i will try to catch up with you sexy gurls of QL next week...or just PM me again when are you gonna start ok??? Thanks ;)
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...provide some inputs to my new research thread called - Special Women please. It's very important.:)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
you guys are so helpful..:) QL is blessed!!
Ohh .. Body guard,,... it is fine fine !!!! :) lol..
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
for bebsi delivery PM me FS :P
rMs.. ofcourse.. if we need some body gaurds...i will pm you...)
dont forget to PM me as well ! :)
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
lously...you are most welcome dear...will Pm you the time...
Safee..where are you girl? long time no see...ok will pm you...
FU when did you change your gender? lol
count me in dear.. Corniche wud be grt.. pls also consdier impending Ramadan with regards 2 evening timings..
yes a group is wat we need 2 push lazy butts like me out the door.
I think the problem will be that each of us is on a different schedule.
"We are planning to form a QL Ladies walking group. We will be walking in Corniche for one hr daily or minimum 5 days a week. Those who are interested please let me know"
Can you PM me the time once decided please ;)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I finish work @ 6:30pm... and yes im very interested... i got all the 41 years old fats in me ..lool
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I'd be greatly interested but also the timing is very important
I'm the only one who makes sense on this "Healthy" thread...lol
No serious, any non-food get together is welcomed, as I've been always telling notfromhere, whom I'm missing greatly!
I would like to join in the group. But the key point is what time. Only after 4:30pm every week day can I go for walking.
We like being stinky winky. What's your problem? :P
then whats the use of this walk and getting all sweated and stinky.
Just go to the Spahetto instead of wasting your time walking around like a %&**%%&*v :D
Happy Happy said Ok, we can all walk for a 60-90 minutes then land in Lo Spaghetto for light Italian dinner"
- It stops there!!!
- And please, you superfit Speedy Gonzales, don't be leaving us in the dust ok? Suggestion - you can go a few laps up and down the Corniche and we'll see you when we see you.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
sounds good yyyymmmmm but cann't do it.its ok for you.hows your vacation going?enjoy ,see you soon.
FS, going good keep it up.
Happy ...lol we all have good self control...dont try to tempt us you naughty gal..lol
Ok, we can all walk for a 60-90 minutes then land in Lo Spaghetto for light Italian dinner, followed by one choice of dessert, chocolate ruffles, chocolate brownie, chocolate fudge, Tiramisu, or just ice cream ...lol
I think I'm on the wrong thread..:)
No rebel! Just stalking...and maybe some photos... :)
whistling & hooting allowed for guys or not?:P
Kumaran..keep dreaming...lol
Pinoys are also welcome... I told we are physicaly bigger than them to handle stalkers..ROLF
Vegas is Karin on vacation?
You can't teach experience...
"We male QLR's are very much eager to see the QL ladies jagging."
Dont generalize plzz !
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
And knowing girls, we will. See, the thing is, we decide on a matter and follow through, unlike some of the boys...
/Does this statement ensure that the guys will try to prove us wrong? Lol! Why oh why do they get outdone by the girls every time? :P
FS, i am just imagining you with Black belt Karate dress.My god it is fearful.OOH, Billu you are also joining the team.Good .FS, then please do slow running ,it is also good for health.Pinoy are small but they are also powerful in karate,FS.Karate is powerful not by size,by practice and tecniques.
We male QLR's are very much eager to see the QL ladies jagging.lol.
I'll make the "Stalker Group". Only men please!
Nice initiative girls! Keep it up.
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
Phynix..send me a PM with your time preference.. I will get back to you...
Billu...ok will pm you the time...:)
Eagle you interested in walking or Karate? lol or both..lol
FS am in but only if it is after 5:30pm
Kumaran...yea we are not as small your Pinoy friends..:) so beware!! lol I normally dont show my Karate skills to anyone...but if you insist...
.Lol, FS, thats a rumor,lol.
.dear, i really need a long walk, dont u think? lol........
Talk to my crown......
I'm interested. Pls teach me Karate too. Need to beat the c**p out of some people. PM-ing you now... on beating the c**p out of some people...
Let we also start walking in behind of QL Lady walkers to protect them from others.
FS karate will not suit for you.Why dont you plan for a slow running.If you do so All male QLr's will be happy.hahahaha.
I thought you are a male?? lol
.FS, i want to join
Talk to my crown......
.FS, i want to join...
Talk to my crown......
yeah.. time to get rid of the fats!:)
im interested also. please inform me with the schedule. thanks
Formatted Soul...late afternoon / early evening. (yknow after work, lol)
am interested too...what are the timings?
Mitzzyy Mitz '09
nice and healthy activity, hope you all can make it and then contiue it....
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
FS....We (The Men's Group in the Making) hope that you will announce the time on the FORUM ...not in the PMs ;)
Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
labda..:) let me know when its convenient for you... we will see what time suits majority of the ladies..:)
Better late than never.
Why just walk?? '' Run Lola Run'' ;)
Khanan ; Lets have men stalk group. we will walk at the same time at the same place, just behind them. lol
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
SMOKEY KAT please stay away from Ladies group...lol
Khanan we might need Body guards...lets see if we can handle kats ourselves...atleast few of you guys know that I know Karate..lol
Qatrita78 we are starting as early as possible..with minimum four to start with... we are two now.
Azi what time is convenient for you? will let you know the time later.
Great !!
i can bring some 10-20 hungry and Violent Dogs from QAWS throw on you all at corniche...:)
depends on the timing, but I'd be interested.
not only her...:D
Salam Speed Pra..
n no more hijacking....
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Maybe I could swing by :-)
Can I join FS as your Body Guard to the group kee the Smoke's group away from you and keep an eye on them..:D
Have Courage To Live.
So when are you going to start :)
FINE HAVE IT YOUR WAY!! I'M going to make a QL MEN'S gawking group that will be walking directly behind your group :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)