QL Groups Problem continues
By timebandit •
Site admins need to be aware that there is still a little bug lurking in the groups.
If I go to my profile my groups are listed correctly. However if I use the 'My Groups' link either in the top or side navigation, each day I seem to get random or no membership of groups.
No big deal, I am just making you aware of it.
QL is in a bit of a mess.... it needs a clean re-boot rather than tinkering around the edges. Plus praying in this case might just help....
i m intelligent LP as i learn or read quran since childhood , now dont know in ur case and stop hijacking the topic now :)
For some strange reason I am member of Philippians group on qatar living. I am sorry I never subscribed for that. No offense guys
And: if you UNDERSTAND it, you must be really intelligent.
Here's my advice: read the Qur'an.
LP i seek guidance from an intelligent personality like u
It's difficult, chota, you've gotta be very intelligent.
forgive the don tb for it is difficult for him to understand
Who said anything about MODS? I said site admins.
the site owners are working on it the mods have nothing do with it
Regards !
non moderator
Please register the request officially :P
Ok Mr Timebandit, We will look into it :P
how are you big buddy.. howz Ramadan going?