QL addiction cost of death?

By dragonfly212 •
We knows drugs, cigaretes, sex, food, and many more addiction can cost of death. Ever think someday QL addiction can be the trigger for cost of death of someone? now with all the addiction confession around and with lots going around QL, can somebody be really hook as a drugs and suddenly things gone out of control and the person die?
Qatari, do you have any policy regards this if someday what I say is true? because Qatarliving is a product and lots of people using it, but am sure you have thought about this long ago.
lol Amoud, to that i definitely agree...
UKEng, quit spreading rumors.
200,000 points???
lol, in Da's dreams!
And he didn't "lose it". The truth is, he was in rehab for his nasty stalking habit.
The carpal tunnel syndrome will set in from all the typing making it impossible to feed or dress myself... I guess this could kill me.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I've been thinking about this, today is my first day of not being here 24/7, I'm trying to rationalize my QL acces to once every few hours.
who's asking? maybe yes maybe no...
is that you in the pic?
"The grass is always greener...over the Septic Tank"
here i am, barking on my own tree :(
have to go, see you later after work ....
i think it needs to be established when a QL-er is already addicted... i, admittedly, got hooked with QL-ing the first time i signed up for an account, and an addict when it comes to posting... but that is where it comes to an end.. at least i don't think of QL when im asleep and i can also survive weekends without visiting QL... so there's hope for me yet...:P
"The grass is always greener...over the Septic Tank"
if you loose your job due to excessive QLing, what benefit would that give you? Will QL give you job??
yeah, at that instance it may directly or indirectly cause such death :(
i can see less productivity at office/work caused by QL, this addiction is now getting way too harder to rid off my system... as for others, the feeling may be mutual :(
do you guys think this can be properly addressed?
after all an addict cannot cure his/her addiction all by themselves... or it's just me, i guess :(
well if you don't eat coz you want yourself to be updated of every thread and posts.. if you stayed at home and not socialize anymore coz you prefer behind your PC...if you get affected emotionally with every post.. if you answer all nasty PM/have arguments with them, defend yourself to them.. well YES.. QL would lead you to death.. :)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
death to someone if I formed a website - would be interesting to know if qatari did think that far... but its almost like blaming Kurt Cobain's music for inspiring suicides... it's entirely the users own responsiblity if he/she wishes to expose themselves to things....
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
visit www.qaws.org
Do you mean Cause of death or Cost of death.. Sorry I did not get you..
Too much sheesha at QLSG functions and walk in the path of a moving bus. And if survived, walk into path of a truck careening down the road because there is no policeman. Double whammy.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
lol, em. then the other ql addict readers will get mad since the video/picture was deleted by the mods. lol..
mo lang!
i dont know how exactly xena, but thing can happen for stupid reason. and i just want to know what qatari policy if this does happend.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
funny funny funny!
yes, yano, she means "cause of death". By the time she realized it, cannot change opening post on thread.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
"a speeding landcruiser zoom and hit the QL addict and thrown him meters away causing him to die on the spot."
And then within the next few seconds, the news is posted on QL by another QL addict, when he should have been calling the ambulance. Maybe Addict 1 didn't die on the spot. Addict 2 exhibiting some normal QL addict characteristics eg. assumptions.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
"cause of death" ??
a) you bend over to pick something up off the floor, and bang, your screen topples over and knocks you on the head... at the time your screen shows the QL website.
b) You end up with some kind of tumour/haemorrage from looking at the computer screen featuring the QL website?
c) You attend a QLSG gathering and fall overboard off the dhow and drown?
d) Too much sheesha at QLSG functions?
Come on, give us some ideas:-) This is entirely tongue-in-cheek for those who might take it seriously, and going by QL lately, there are way to many of those....;-)
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
visit www.qaws.org
Speed there are more female QL addicts then men..lol
shunu CPR ??
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
i know is sound funny now guys but until one person actually lost his soul we wont laugh anymore.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
ok let's imagine how it can be...
a QL addict is walking in the street with a 3G hand held phone with wi-fi in hand... while crossing the street, the QL addict is still posting replies or reading the threads when suddenly... screeeetttccchhhh... BAAMMMM!!! a speeding landcruiser zoom and hit the QL addict and thrown him meters away causing him to die on the spot... hmmmm very morbid :(
hope this wont happen *knock on wood*
CPR .....:)
Look what Ql did to DaRude.. After acheiving more than 200,000 points the guy just lost it..lol
No wonder it got too much for the bald old wolf..lol
we need addiction therapy then and QL-rehabs...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.