Qatar sponsor

Dear Qataris,
my name is Thomas
i'm 20 and i'm from Italy.
I study Civil engineering here in Trieste.
I would like to visit Qatar, and take the occasion to see the Motogp race.
I would come with my friend Mario.
Is anyone that could sponsor our trip?
I will realize a video and post it on youtube.
Better yet - get a job here!
Forget luigi he must bring yoshi
I think mario means financially sponsor them. No problem You can stay with Flan and I can take care of your transport needs. What esle do you want to know
make sure mario brings his brother luigi.
are you serious.....
you can direct flight to doha with visa on arrival. you can stay and see motor gp. see u in doha.
nice one :)
oh...ok, this is how it is done.
so, i would like a pair of Louboutin heels and a Patek Philippe watch...and since we are at it, let's throw in a house at the beach in a tropical country.
Anybody up for sponsoring that?
Not to forget...a lifetime of a monthly payment so i do not have to work.
that is all, I promise!
this is the only charitable institution that I know of here in Qatar but I'm not sure if they will cater such request.... good luck!
tbudicin, earn some money and then visit. It's not so urgent, is it?
I want to visit moon....will anyone sponsor? :-/
someone can sponsor me because I have not enough money and i very want to visit qatar!
You can get a 30 day tourist visa without sponsor... Just be prepared to turn in you passport at your hotel, the usually hold it at night and then you get it to use during the day. After a few days they usually don't make you turn it in. Call your embassy or google visiting Qatar, the official government sites are very helpful
I guess someone told him that the Arabs are distributing money to poor Italians :)
you can't be serious, dude ^_^
Why should anyone sponsor you or your trip? This is funny.