Qatar now exporting crime

So much crime in Qatar is brushed under the carpet.
Here, a Qatari is defrauding the people of the UK and his own government.
I wonder if the Gulf Times will report it?
Actually I think commercial is probably a better word as they are hoping to sell themselves to a new country for the free money. ;)
ex ex...the word i was looking for economic ...I called them "commercial"lol, in my post above
People like bunnyhug who want to come and take taxpayers' money from the UK to send home to his family in India. It galls me that anyone would proudly profess their intention to do so. We in the West are the only ones stupid enough to fall for their scheme. How many of them do you see immigrate to the GCC, Malaysia, Singapore or any other well off Eastern nation?
That is exactly the kind of person I hate to have immigrate to my country.
And for what it's worth, I have stated before that I don't see why Qatar should abolish the sponsor system. Perhaps some small changes related to the exit visa system, but why set yourself up for all the leeches like bunnyhug who would want to come here and live at your expense?
I never suggested anything different. I am against low life leeches like bunnyhug who are counting on immigrating so they can live on the dole at taxpayers' expense. Read the whole thread and how he is advising people to seek asylum or "disappear" in the UK because the government will give them money. This is exactly the kind of person we don't want.
Well drmana, the refugee system is a tricky one. Imagine a person from a serious war zone...would you not offer this person safety? I would, and i am sure you would too. Never the less, we have to many "commercial" refugees...people who find reason to leave their countries under false pretenses and because the "grass is greener" somewhere else...thing is, they are actually not allowed to work if they have refugee status.
So I think closer control is needed there too.
genesis, exactly. i have no problem with immigration in general, but what has happened is, as you described, that the social system in being abused. Now, don't get me wrong, if somebody is in dire straits and needs this money urgently and has absolutely no other way of surviving, fine use it, that's what it is meant to be for. but many people do not even try to avoid taking this money. I think it should be that immigrants are only entitled to government handouts if they had paid taxes for at least 5 years.
And I think the tax authorities need to do closer checks on those owning businesses......
continue discussing this, and the sponsorship law will never be abolished here ;)
in my opinion it's immigrants who are abusing the social support system (most notably in countries like Sweden or France)
it's no secret that many immigrants holds no government jobs & many run convenience store, restaurant or run their own business. Despite that are entitled to receive social support.
I know an owner of one of the most populated shesha cafes in Paris , he brags about how he and his entire family receives social support for the last 10 years despite him owning this business
Nomerci, Thanks for clarifying. I am against this refugee system too. I am quite aware how it burdens the country. But I sensed an anger in ex.ex.expat's comments against immigrants as a whole and hence the question.
drmana, there is a difference between immigrants and refugees. Yes, some immigrants pay taxes, IF they work, most of them do not and are benefiting from government handouts, paid for by those citizens that do work.Refugees do not work, they are given everything they need by the government as long as they stay in the host country.
ex.ex.expat, sorry for my ignorance but are there not a lot of immigrants who are paying tax there? I know few immigrants legally working there who are actually paying tax as much as locals in UK.
do not worry, your taxes will help fellow citizens, because I will one day be one:-)
I will also benefit my country by the money I send home to family, and proud to help my country this way. So yes, you hear right, I am proud. If I do work, I also will pay taxes, and help your people in need.
But my people are more in need, so yes, I will be proud to help them.
I am always hearing how Asians are so proud to be "Indian" Pakistani" Filipino", etc. So why don't you work to improve your country, instead of just being a drain on taxpayers in another country?
We are tax free for a period of time that we live overseas, but we have all paid taxes in the UK at one time or another. Pardon me if I want my taxes to benefit my fellow citizens who are in need, just like I assume you want to see your taxes go to improving the lives of Indians. Right?
This is the first time I have ever said this but I PRAY you do not ever get a visa or a chance to immigrate to my country and become another leech on our society.
I hear it is quite big in Britain. What do you expect expat when it is all legal to live like this in Britain when it is so bad in my homeland. If I sick at home, no money, we die.
So you tell me, it is stupid to stay there. I think there is plenty of space, so many British people live overseas for the tax free money, British tax system, so I will go there and benefit of the system.
Yes, you right, the people give the money to the government, then vote for the government to take power and make these policies, so, being democratic, going to Britain to have good life is the peoples choice, with their money yes? I am happy if they want to give it to me.
and that is why I am sick of letting them in. And I still find it extremely distasteful that someone like bunnyhug is already rubbing his hands together in hope and anticipation for winning the lottery and a chance to ditch his current citizenship for a "better deal" in my country at the expense of the government. Where does he think the government gets its money? It's not a sovereign wealth fund like in Qatar. It comes from the people. And he is practically salivating with the idea of what he would be entitled to, while advising that it is easy to work our system. Repugnant to me.
Frustrated soul
better U teach them democracy in ur own style, Ya'ni fcuk minority, and look shine.
And what else were u expecting my honeydick???
The opportunity was there,this guy took it...that's all this is about...if a Qatari citizen chose to do this,in my opinion,that is just an indication of how easy it is to work the British's obvious that NO CHECKS whatsoever are done to verify an applicant's many "UK citizens" today landed @ Heathrow from Karachi or Lahore,flushed their passports down the bog as soon as they got to the terminal,claimed "political asylum" & got it?...
The UK is a democracy,so you citizens out there are electing these clowns into Govt. & then make a hue & cry about "home grown terrorists" like the July bombers & how immigrants are not "integrating" into UK culture,etc...of course they can't integrate,they can't put a sentence together in English & you people are bending over backwards providing them housing,benefits & a British passport & then complain that they got "radicalized" & tried blowing up your metros or airports?!?! YOU let them in,now deal with it...
in the website of UK Border Agency. I hope it will help me realize my dreams of studying and living in the UK.
I probably do not also deserve to have a lottery win, but I will take it anyway.
I mean I would take what was offered, but I am not wanting to 'disappear' maybe too stressful. I was just saying (maybe it was over your head) humorlessly that you can take advantage of the system quite at will and even 'disappear' and be safe.
I did not say I 'deserve' the handouts, I don't know where you got that from (I can teach English also maybe) I just said that if it is allowed by the policy of the british government I would certainly take it thank you.
Sorry if not clear, hope you understand what I am trying to say.
Having never seen, heard or used the word felicitated that FU so kindly introduced me to, I have just read two uses of it in the Gulf Times. Perhaps I just never noticed it before, but back in the UK it's not a word that is in general circulation. Well you learn something every day ;)
Blimey FU! I had to go Google felicitated as that is a new one on me. Have you been eating pages out of the dictionary again?
verb: congratulate, compliment, greet
felicitated past participle; felicitates 3rd person singular present; felicitating present participle; felicitated past tense
the award winner was felicitated by the cultural association
This guy deserves to be felicitated publicly. He has set an example.
In recent years, the UK have become the prime choice of the far extremists from both Arab & Islamic countries. Just last month , GCC council have officially conveyed a formal request to the British foreign secretary to deport terror-supporting individuals and not to grant them political asylum. Sadly,this was declined.
Why don't you see if you can immigrate to India and tell us how that goes. See what handouts they have for you there. At least that would be one less bleeding heart ;)
that money would be thrown at them (and that is TAXPAYER money) and that the system would take so long that they could just "disappear".
"I only want the government money if I am allowed it." Why do you think you deserve our money? You are exactly the kind of person I am talking about.
LIS is spot on. The United Kingdom is a joke now, taking anyone from an Asian or Arab country with their hand out. We are becoming a nation of working poor and leeches who 9 times out of 10 don't even like our way of life. Why do you think we can't have Christmas pageants anymore?
any other scam in the world, if there is a will, there is a way! the UK is an absolute joke when it comes to asylum seekers and people(sorry immigrants) taking the piss out of the pathetic handout system. The country is in deep trouble with racial tension rising at an alarming rate, and who can really blame them?!?
I agree, I want to be legal, no other way. It was the cheating of the guy I posted about I don't like. I only want the government money if I am allowed it. I hope you like India.
timebadit, i am a permanent resident...otherwise i would have gone mental a long time ago! Ignorance is bliss! :)
Yep, that imaginary world of yours is so peaceful.... hope more can relate to it and join in there...:)
Come and join me in it if you like, it's great here ;)
timebandit, you and your imaginary world! :)
I quite fancy a spell working in India as it happens :P
I am British through and through, and yes I hate people abusing the system, but I am not against legitimate immigration in any way. I enjoy multi culturalism. And Britain was made great by running around the world gate crashing everyone else's party for quite some time.
As long as anyone coming to the UK is not going to get offended when we celebrate Christmas, or try and use their cultural differences to side step the law, then they are very welcome as far as I am concerned. And I will be very happy to learn about them and where they come from. As long as they are there legitimately.
my brother not breaking the law, he did it all with lagally and is very happy, his kids loving the school there also.
I am just saying also it is easy to do others ways, and people so friendly. He went to interview at council and they help him to fill form and he get more money. he has jobs also, but for cash, he drives taxi and can visit our family at home more than my family can, so this is why I also want to go. I will one day.
and what do U think, that all immigrants are getting warm welcome, and they need not to work?
look at ur education system, how much they are earning from these immigrants.
Can they afford a complete ban even on students visa's???
dont be a nut case by using foul language on main forum, however if i'm not mistaken, issue of banning of immigrant to ur lovely country has been discussed many times by U, and i'm damn sure, that the authorities dealing with this Qatari, are way more better then U.
I didn't miss a silly boy running around trying to get attention by acting like an arse and writing nonsense. Let the grownups talk now, cryspy. We are discussing the financial impact of immigration on a nation and since no one wants to immigrate to your country, you can run along now ;)
and then we complain about Indians chit chaters :P
ya, well, that's how that goes.....
except by now we have let so many people immigrate that we'd be overrun with all their extended families.
a smart a55 who found loopholes in country system.
ex ex...imagine ..every single one wanting to come in, needing to have an ENGLISH sponsor...oh the joy! ;)
Qatar takes measures to protect themselves from being ripped off. I wish we would, too.
I wonder how many Brits have come over here and ripped Qatari's off? One or two me thinks. It doesn't matter what the country of origin, there are always those who are both greedy and too lazy earn their money legitimately.
Presumably one of India's educated elite and you are encouraging people to break the law in MY country and cause the taxpayers thousands to support low lifes like you and reysaj. I'd be happy if we stopped immigration altogether and made visas very difficult for people coming from poor countries who want to skim off us or from countries that export terrorism to us.
And then people wonder why the right wing parties are gaining strength....
thousands have, and never looked back. Just get a foot in the country, on the soil, money will be thrown at you. If you don't qualify, the legal processes takes sometimes 7 yrs, paid for by the British of course, so free for you. If it look like you might lose, just disappear, you will have plenty of friends by then, so dont waste time, network. Don't worry after that, no ID required, they cannot catch you. My brother there, one day I am going also.
political prisoners, Genesis. I'm not surprised our PC border agency was taken in by this wanker. We're our own worst enemies :(
i can't understand in what ground did they grant him asylum. Unlike other neighboring countries, there is no opposition movement. He 's not from the Shiite minority and actually comes from an elite wealthy Qatari family which originally from the same tribe of the ruling family.
The only known political prisoners in Qatar, are those of the 1996 failed coup.
A rolling stone gathers no mose
I really wanted to study and live in the UK. And knowing i don't have financial capacity to make it. I am looking for an alternatives maybe seeking a support from the UK government. Now I know there's the UK Border Agency maybe can help me. I'm serious!
giving asylum to a Qatari unless that person was a political prisoner here in Qatar (which of course doesn't happen since Qatar is so ideal a place to live)??? Only my foolish Britain would do such a stupid thing and be taken advantage of by this twat.
I couldn't hardly believe it that a man with all the wealth in its possession defrauding the UK government just to get support or subsidy for his study.
Every rose has its thongs
read gulf times only as an appetizer and not as a main course.
was he capable of doin all that thrill... courageous man ;b
that a Conservative Government would do something about it. But I guess their intent will be counter acted by the Liberals. Not sure of the politics in that country, but I believe it goes something like that.
your comment had no foundation and thats why i questioned you. The uk at the moment is a terrible mess, dont confuse peoples patrionism with being smart arse.
LIS, You too. Sorry dude.
Just saying that how easily your people got cheated while blaming other nationalities about their inabilities.
An Al Sulaiti with no money??? a simple check of the family name at the beginning would have prevented this.
Such incompetence.
Crime does pay in the UK even if caught!!! sad sad sad...
another benefit in UK, might as well try all you can to cheat the system cos the law is so lenient on those getting caught.
say that james?
just pretend for a minute that the boot was on the other foot? A british person was caught defrauding the Qatar gov! they would be in DEEP trouble, but in the UK all is ok, even if caught. He will probably be given 6 minutes community service and a 3 pound fine!!! what would the sentence be here??!!??
And where is Britexpat and UKeng ? They always think they are the smartest a**es in the world
a quarter of a million pounds over 5 years!!!!
And there is no tax to pay on that; 50k a year, plus when you add the tax the rest of the UK pays, this guy was on triple the average UK salary!!!!
That money needs to be clawed back and serious jail time given -so I guess the UK has not lost out financially and the only loser is this 'Asylum' seeker.
Turns out he was not too bright after all.
or is there a special link to these people?
Bunnyhug, If you request that to MODs, they can help.
Crimes are everywhere and comparatively lesser in Qatar.
I was just surprising that a country with no crime from it's people was doing it somewhere else. I know all crime here is expat related.
Can I change the title somehow?
The title is just sensationalising the issue. An action of an individual cannot be blamed on an entire nation.
Do you remember the case of this woman with 10 kids? she was put into some kind of mansion....ah well, it pays to be a refugee!
the government of Uk is easy to rob, and as you say, he must be clever (except getting caught). I wonder how he will be treated on returning to Qatar by the government here? That is if the UK government don't throw more money at him in aid of his seeking Asylum LOL (Asylum from what I wonder?)
oh for god's sake....there must be so many people defrauding the system...nothing special at all...well, except for this one getting caught...;)
Well it takes two hands to clap...i'm not justifying this guy's actions here but he worked the system because it has loopholes the size of craters in it...i mean,he just said he doesn't have money & the UK Govt. believed him??? without verifying his identity??? i mean,even THE MOST basic check would've shown this guy to be a Qatari national & the country with the highest GDP on the planet is highly unlikely to have one of it's own citizens living in the UK with his wife & 6 kids with no money,now is it?
Furthermore,he got into a MEDICAL SCHOOL???, as a POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH student??? with fake documents???...quite frankly,the fraud notwithstanding,this shows the UK in a very poor light rather than focus on a Qatari's crime...the system was there to work,this guy was smart enough to work it...