qatar gives $500,000 per year to each citizen

I just heard about it. Is it true?
Do they give the money in cash or how? Just very curious about it.
If its true, holy hell, 500 grand per ear for free Smile amazing
EDIT: For more on Qatar Culture, we recommend checking some our videos over the years, there's a lot you can find about life in Qatar.
yes, amnesia, you have to graduate from High school at least. Mabruk.
If only expat babies born in Qatar also got a few benefits. That might persuade me to stick around a while!
expat bnota - no-ones denying that we don't all benefit from the richness of the state, and expat salaries vs home salaries are quite often discussed on QL. But we're also interested to know about Qatar and Qataris.
@MD, not everyone gets a plot of land, we don't automatically get assigned one and you need to have a certain level of education before being able to apply for the land.
I also know royal family members who are bachelors and get an allowance so it is not limited to marital status.
Additionally the second loan is conditionally based and not guaranteed.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
expat bnota, thanks :)
It never ceizes to amaze me the interest people have in the other people's free stuff.
I never see anybody here mentioning the sallaries they get that are 200-400% more than they would get home, though many are here because they can get nothing at home. It's a rich state, we are all benefiting from it. It's only normal that the locals should too. In my opinion they do not get enough
Facts, not fiction: Qataris can get an interestfree loan of QR 600.000. They have to pay back 75 %. They can applly for a second loan of 600.000 with 1 % fees (not interest, which is haram). They get assigned a plot of land. If they already own land they will get an amount of money as compensation. Al Thanis get money for male kids only. They also get money if they are married. Bachelors don't.
my pleasure bro.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Interesting info. Thanks amnesia.
@tallg, the loan has rules.
#1 takes up to 2 years to get it. (can be a few months of course)
#2 you have to be married
#3 you have to be accepted (not guaranteed)
Royal family members of all gulf countries get an allowance. It's not as high as many think. I know someone who gets 2k p/m which is still better than nothing.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Thanks all for the confirmation.
In Alaska each citizen recieves a portion of the oil profit. Between $700 and $2000 a person depending on profits.
But keep this in mind, in the winter in Alaska a tomato can cost $5 and an apple can cost $2. The trees are very small so all building material is imported and housing is super expensive. In addition there is a sales tax in many municipalities.
So the profit is given back to the gov't by tax or for expensive food.
Not the same as the money given in Qatar... Not even close.
I too am happy that a gov't can give so much to its citizens! It must be great to be a Qatari!
tallg: the loan used to be interest-free 600k (when that used to build a house), now it's 1%/year "administrative fees" on 600k, and much more "fees" on a possible second 600k. An average house costs between 2.5 and 5 million to build.
This is public information, available if you read the Arabic newspapers, and the law.
tallg, I know positively that Al Thanis get monthly payment for their children!
the building allowance was QR600,000 repayable but I don't know what it is now. The "Royal" allowance was not massive and I am not prepared to say openly what it was in the 90's.
I was told by a reliable source that al thanis get a monthly amount paid into their accounts. Is that not the case amnesia?
And qataris get an interest free loan to build a house on their plot of land?
just in case there are any people naive enough to think it's true.
No Qatari's do not get ANY money.
Education in government schools are FREE.
Water and Electricity is free, but hopefully that'll change and there will be set caps.
People are given free land depending on their education. you get a random plot of land if you graduate. Even then it takes up to 5 years for you to 'maybe' get accepted.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
That's ok. I stand to be corrected. :)
How do you see this cohesiveness being maintained in the future? In a world where Qatar must have a larger permanent population to progress? More Citizens need to be created - some ex-pats are 3rd generation already. They will need to have access to political influence and power yet do not have the close kinship connections.
Truely interested in your thoughts.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
They told about it on TV here that each qatarian receives 500k$ each year.
I asked about it if it was true, guess not :(
adey, you don't seem to understand the dynamics of the Qataris, we're basically 3 big groups.
We are all related by blood, and by marriage, and it's much more cohesive than you think - it's usually between 2 and 5 degrees of separation between any 2 Qataris. I am related at less than 3 degrees of separation to almost any Qatari.
A county's main assest and economy being a family concern - and just not any family but one that governs, makes laws and is under no compitition.
It can't last, I am sure they know that a transition to a constitutional monarchy is tha way to go unless they want to go the way of the Shah at some future point.
But the appeal to authority is very strong in this culture, be it politics, family or religion, so I could be wrong.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
500 thousand dollars?
where did hear that?!
it is so not true...
sure Qatar is rich!
but seriously...come on!
not THAT rich:(
Brit - and to a government that doesn't impose taxes on anyone. We all benefit, not just the Qataris.
Government companies are giving them money for marriage and after expenses, but not this much.It is limited grand .
Hats off to any government that can "give" more to its citizens than takes.
I wasn't speculating about how much they get, and I couldn't care to be honest. I was just pointing out that they do get it as others were dismissing it as not true.
tallg, and everybody else, let's not go into the Al-Thani salaries, the amount differ from person to person, and it's none of our business (It's a very sensitive matter and I'm not sharing any details here).
that we can find interesting topics on QL is it true?
I wonder where you heard this bs.
Qataries receive a plot of land and some funds towards construction.
Kids go free of charge to school as long as it is a state school. (dont most countries offer this too?)
Al Thani's receive some money per month as part of their share in the family business (Oil & Gas)
Free water & electricity.
In Alaska, each citizen receives around $1100.00 or more depending on how much revenue the state makes. Each person in the family receives $$$$ Boys and girls get equal amounts there! :D
The money isn't for every citizen bleu, just the al-thanis.
I would love to get that $500k/yr, tell me where to go with my ID card :)
Let me clear-up the confusion, we get a piece of land and a low-interest loan paid directly to the contractor (in small phased chunks as the building progresses, and we have to pay an almost equal sum to finish the house), as well as free electricity and water for the house we live in. We get free education in PUBLIC schools (no allowance as some people seem to think). As well as free medical at HMC after paying QR50 for a health card.
Al Thanis get money if they have children. More for boys than for girls, though! And this is not a lie!
Ye, All Althani citizens getz som % of profit of the petrol.
rMs.. !!
Well yes and no Docjay. Obviously it's nice to have the free stuff and money (and I can kind of understand why the government does it given the financial situation they find themselves in) but it doesn't exactly encourage them to try hard, does it?
I'm not saying there aren't hard working Qataris out there (I'm fully aware there are many) but think what they could achieve if they didn't have some things handed to them on a plate.
it is nice to be one of them..
As I understand it all Qataris get free stuff (land, utlities, schooling etc), and al-thanis get a monthly sum of cash. No idea how much though.
nobody...but i know few that would be willing to take them. please add me on the list
hear say only
free electricity and water everyday...
i dont think so..
Yeah that is why so many Qataris are in debt.....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
All general statements are false, including this one.
:-) just because the question itself is etremelly funny. No state in this world gives money to it's people...just like that with no reason. Not to talk about half million dollars.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
it's true, but not $500000. They give around 500 000 reals. It used to be 200 000, but life got expensive
Of course not!