Qatar Cooled Bike Path

I heard about this project a while back... it was supposed to be built in 2007, and was wondering if anyone in qatar knew if it had been completed? It's a 30-35km cooled bike path that runs through Doha. Here's the link the the video:
A summary of the project:
Capable of lowering temperatures from 50 degrees to 32 degrees
Cooled by convective heat tranfer - cooled water runs through pipes along the path, lowering ambient temperature
Solar panels line the roof of the path, powering the pumps
Length: 30-35 km long
Managed by Rand Corporation
Open to environment (not totally enclosed)
Completely seperated from roadway traffic
Minimum width: 5m, Maximum: 7m
Commissioned by Qatar Public Works Authority, supported by the Emir
Expected completion: end of 2007
yeah i figured that from what i heard about those crazy qatari drivers
"Pain is weakness leaving the body." USMC
Good routes............
I bought a bicycle and rode it for 2 days. Now it is resting in peace. Too dangerous to ride on main roads. No one gives way.
it looks like i will have come and left qatar before its built. *sigh*...i really looked foward to it....
anyone know if there is a good cycling culture in qatar or if there are any good routes?
"Pain is weakness leaving the body." USMC
there was a lot of back drama about the person who developed the idea and the people who were supposed to build it. No one agreed on least that is what I heard. The result? It still is not done!
I am very excited for it though :D
tra la la
Me had done a story for the magazine i work with regarding this. Three stories in all, actually. One was on the plan itself, and two updates, six months gap each.
The project has been kept on the backburner. It was the Emir who sanctioned the project. But right now, there is the Corniche beautification programme going on. Hence, they will not be starting work on it anytime soon. The last i heard, they would start work in 2009.
Also, they are no longer planning the mist cooled thingie (if i remember right) because on a hot day, when you pump in cooled water particles, it becomes all the more misty and humid. they thought of airconditioning the whole thing, but then had to give up coz it was logistically impossible to cool 35km of cycling path that way.
They had plans to cover some area of the track and lay canopies that would merge with the surroundings on the Corniche area. But then again, all this is subject to a lot of other things. ASHGHAL is in charge of the actual construction, but last i heard, they were busy with Corniche beautification.
My guess as to the completion date? 2012, at least!
Thanks, mate. I am writing so much in the forum after such a long time...
be another of the projects put on the back burner
filling those survey forms, question was raised how will I ride a bike with abaya lol