Qatar buying Greece
Qatar royal reportedly purchases Greek island of Oxia
A member of the Qatar royal family has reportedly purchased the private Greek island of Oxia for a bargain price of less than five million euros.
Ripe for development, the Ionian island of Oxia was for sale for 6.9 million euros, but the advent of increased property taxes resulted in a much reduced sale price. According to Ekathimerini the sale of private Greek islands has been stagnant for three years, but the introduction of higher taxes has resulted in a sudden upsurge of interest as owners are prepared to lower prices in order to off-load their tax liabilities.
According to Vladi Private Islands the uninhabited island of Oxia is very accessible and ideal for development on some of its 1,236 acres. Although a large part of the island is protected as part of the Natura 2000 ecological network, sources revealed to Ekathimerini that it is likely some of the island will be developed.
It has not been revealed if the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, personally bought the Greek island, or if it was a family member. In February Digital Journal reported that the Emir's daughter, Sheikha Al Mayassa Bint Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, purchased a Cézanne painting for the record breaking price of $2.5 million. Ironically, The Card Players, the purchased painting, previously belonged to Greek shipping magnate George Embiricos.
Qatar was named as the world's richest country in this years Forbes list, whilst Greece is mired in debt and committed to selling off Greek assets in order to satisfy demands made by the Troika.
I wonder what is next on the shopping list of the world's richest country . . .
So now Greeks can be given all the low paying jobs here?
I don't know about anyone else, but this thread is hilarious. It's confirmed everything I've believed about how people really think.
Love it!
*popcorn mode*
Ok MN u r calling ingenrio racist when you just called all Pakistani violent.
NM, OK.. No more reply to him.. No more fights, we were just discussing with each other..
Ok, this thread is not Marco Nandoz against ingeniero or vice versa.
If you guys want to fight, start your own thread.
This is about Qatar buying an island in Greece.
LOL, Did my comment made you angry? Carry on, i am listening,
Color doesn't matter, I am superior, because of my Nationality :)
See you know my forefathers died for a noble cause, not like yours, who spent their times in some old filthy huts trying catching mosquitoes.. (:
Your Turn, Yalla... QL want to know more about you
Which color again? Loool
I’m pretty much confident and comfortable with who I’m Rengo. Now are you?
LOl I can’t believe u think white means superior! Such a Shame you are to the sub-continent Rengo! This is not what your forefathers died for!
And you so right Grengo I’m a lil tiny zero In front of your big headedness and cheer stupidly:
'n one more thing. My profile is my own business :D so quit stickin ur nose where it shouldn't be :D
Not back in my head, Just checked your profile and trusted on it, didn't knew that your are Lair/Cheater too
Inna Lillah... Don't assume much.. From your first comment till now you are acting like a racist, and than simply blaming me. i am lame and racist, but you're a fu***ing genius and mannered guy, Happy Now??
and you will educate me? YOU? Huh? kidding me right?
You are just a zero in front of me? How can you even imagine that..
All are like black sheeps so doesn't matter whether you are local or not? You're not so lucky to have that color
Violence and non tolerance!! again just assuming, come outta that little hole, and see the world. We are still best then whole Middle East and Africa.
Spit on yourself Son.. and enjoy your God-damn life..
(: Hmm your true Pakistani colors of violence and non-tolerance is starting to surface now.
And I assume back in your head I must be a local
U think I can’t be classified as an Expat coz I’m not racially white? Lol
Has it ever accrued to you Ingeniero, that there are scores of British Asians/ Arab/ Americans and French North Africans working in Doha? Why am I even wasting my time trying to educate u? lol You’re so lame and racist ingeniero against ur kind color :P
Do you lick their shoes/ or do brown nosing??
ingeniero: Now I’m a local B-ich LOl you assume too much. 1 word I got for u “Pathetic”!
Ohh.. I was thinking you are Qatari.. Sorry my bad :-/
and that's only you think they are low rank, else if possible for you, try to look inside, then we can talk..
and i hate talking to ppl who do brown nosing and licking the shoes of these people,
Two words for them, Local's B***h
BTW is it Blush or Ploosh? :P
My country Oh waits a minute! ingeniero! Please don't tell me you too think that I’m a Qatari LOL! :D
Yes lotta Pathan and Blush ppl in the Qatari low ranking police staff. You can find them as security gauds traffic police burning in the heat of the desert or special escorts and drivers of the rich and mighty.
So good for you ingeniero. Keep working inviting more of ‘em to fill out these law ranks while your country sinks even deeper into all sorts of violence.
then your own national*
Discussing Sectarian violence/floods and famine torn home country will divert the topic completely.. we will discuss it some other time,
But lemme tell you Behind Maximum evils in the world is Arab..
We are working for the peace in your country, as you can see, more people of my country are present in your Army/Police/E.Guards that your own.
ingeniero: don’t worry about Qatar It should be fine with or without you
Now‘d suggest such a genius expat like your self should never leave his sectarian violence / floods and famine torn home country.
Stay there and with your extreme intelligence help make peace.(:
Marco, Want to raise the level of Qatar also :p
ingeniero: (: then what you doing here?
Fubar: (: I don’t get worked up about anything, I just hate the double-standard in some of ppl on here and like to point the ridiculously biased hypocrisy in their arguments.
Knight, Hmmm... Ok.. Welcome again :)
Knight, yes, of course it is an investment..for THEM.
nomerci, some people out here were talking about investments...i thought in those lines.
ingeniero, mods blocked the ID for some unknown reason. i tried to contact them but didn't get any response.
Knight, why should it help anybody?
Somebody had the money to buy it and bought it. They have their reasons...why do they have to tell anybody?
Knight Returns, what happened to your previous ID??
about the topic, i don't think so, may be its individual not Govt. of Qatar,
Even My Country is 30 positions better than Qatar :)
Thanks LP... :D
Will this island be owned by Qatar or by the individual in the royal family who purchased it?
How is it going to help Qatar's economy? Just curious. I mean, is it going to help in Qatar's tourism or the agricultural sector?
I'm not whining. I get private health insurance here so I can stay away from Hamad.
I'm not really sure which of my posts above are 'whining'. I'm merely observing that there is a huge wealth gap in this country, and that many (perhaps most?) people living here are poor.
I don't know why you get all worked up about this stuff Marco.
And as nomerci rightly points out, when you have money for yourself, you can say screw you to everyone else, and ain't that true enough in Qatar!
Marco, what I find funny is's always the people with less power, less money who have ideas what the rich should do with theirs...preferably make those with less and no chance of getting more, profit. As if!
If you don't have any, get off your arse and make some!
Qatar is progressively getting richer and richer! tax, yes please!!
fubar : why the hell do u even care? First you whine about how things in this country weren't going your way and you wanted to tell 'em how they should run their country and now What you wanna tell 'em how they should spend their own fking money now? loooool that's frikin ridiculous!
NM: U just hit right on the spot! like u always do :D
Well, here is the thing.
1. Money rules. Fact (particularly obvious to those living in Qatar)
2.Those who have money can and will do with it what they want.
3. You can criticize, explain, ask...makes not difference.
4. Money is power.
And more money is more power.
I used to think Rumaillah hospital was the site of an old, disused facility. I only learned recently that it is still actually a hospital. The vet my pets go to looks newer and in better condition than Rumaillah!!
Yeah, Hamad and Rumaillah are getting a little run down and dirty, aren't they?
Marco..You dont need to worry about our shyte .. we didnt claim we are the richest.
we are not talking about the well off expats and locals..but rest of the lot which are the majority in here.
Wipe your tears and look at the GDP of those countries listed. I mean the trillion economies!!!
You are right, Marco. I haven't seen poverty in other countries I've lived in, although I have no doubt that it exists.
It's just that those other countries don't spend $250,000,000 on a single painting and boast endlessly about being the 'richest country in the world'.
How much better would Hamad Hospital be if that money had been spent there, instead of on a single canvas.
1- I believe we are not talking about the Non-Qatari population on here.
2-The Non-Qatari Expats like you for example enjoys more lavish lifestyle than some of the local-Qataris so quit whining.
3-The Non-Qatari poor population is something I have always spoken out against strongly and I hope the govt of Qatar will do something about it in the long run.
4-and all the above is coming from a Non-Qatari Expat who loves Qatar so all ya haters go hog wild :D
fubar : oh really /: You just haven't been the immigrants slums in France or the tomato fields in States.
See proverty in Qatar AWW poor child she is shivering in the rain.
Because many people find living in a country with so much poverty confronting. We aren't used to seeing people living in shipping containers, sleeping with 12 people in a single room, and surviving on next to no salary.
We thought we were moving to a rich country.
You don't get out much, do you, MN, like to the Industrial area, the labor camps and the maid's rooms of many houses? Yes, desperately poor. Qatar has an expat population of 1.5 million. Are more than 20% of them receiving a "minimum" wage? And granted, I'm not comparing our expats to those starving in India and Africa, I'm comparing them to the residents of other developed and affluent countries. After all, isn't Qatar developed and affluent?
omg!! Guys what has Qatar done to you to hate it so much?
This is not even jealousy Olympics this is just pure evil disgusting vicious hate.
Desperately poor? Lol like with boney faces and mouths full of flies?
Then I must be living in a different Qatar.
Well, goodness, yes, most of Qatar's population is actually desperately poor! It's just a trick of statistics that divides Qatar's GDP among a tiny fraction of those who live in Qatar.
fubar: thx for the copy-paste job.
AWWW Arien cry me a river now (:
How abt you fix the shyt in ur home country first and then come on here and give us windy lectures on what's wrong with Qatar ^_* ye?
I'm quoting the Forbes article about Qatar from Abdul Rahman's link.
"much of the population is actually very poor" which population are you talking about? Senegal?
Really? Must be reading a different set of economics to the rest of us.... some good, some bad and some very strange from an investment point of view
Yes, and investments have been excellent so far.
Interesting link Abdul Rahman.
The Forbes article says:
“In Qatar, for example, the way it’s distributed is very unequal, and much of the population is actually very poor. The GDP is high because of oil revenues. And, if I were to use the GDP as an indicator of how well a country will do in the future, in Qatar what will matter is how well they actually invest it.”
Please check this links
Buying one island off the coast of Greece is not buying Greece. its like saying buying an apartment on the Pearl means you own Qatar.... good for the Greeks that the Qataris are investing. They need all the help they can get at the moment
and we will all be indebted to Qatar. :)
2020 there is absolutely nothing to be jealous on friend. Nothing!!!
Oh yeah , are you trying to compare a 1.2 billion country with the 250,000 ??
And after all those googled figures of still stands at no.4 in the line up of world economies. check the link LP pasted.
He speaks from jealousy only.
with estimated third of the world's poor.
A population with 55% of it's citizens convicited of first-hand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done and a good ranking of 95 on the Transparency International charts. Atien you got nerves to talk :D
The jealousy never ends.
LP , ok sir. Richest with maximum number of poor laborers in the world.
What is the capital of Greece? About 10 QR.....
Stop 'bashing' Qatar, Arien!
Wish they can buy and manage some poor african countries
250 million $ for Sezanne's card player not 2.5 !!
Lol LP so true.. Apple worth $506 billion !!!
abeer_my : Yes viva Qatar!
Speaking on behalf of someone else is considered not only rude but makes the other look like he has no brains to defend his thoughts and actions. Not a good thing to do, unless you have a blanket approval to speak on his behalf or are his appointed attorney.
it is richest in the world per capita.meaning per person income per year is highest in qatar ,not by asset value.cheers for qatar.
It’s figurative
Title on the link is alright, but here??? There seems to be large diff. in buying Greece and a Greek island, No.
The "richest" countries are here:
Bachus--Forbes magazine says so.
Microsoft and Apple, each one of them, are richer than Qatar.
Since they bought off Harrods
Since when was Qatar "the world's richest country"?