Qatar accident

By invincible •
see this links and u will see the really accident in Qatar it's really frightened's crazy driving
i hope every body try not 2 drive like this carzy driving....
it's horrible thing 2 die by ur self,u r right shreeya there's a play that make these ppl die they play it on the Sleen mountain and it's name "cock & chicken" the move in opposite way and with high speed and who move away he called chicken and who still move in his way he called cock,but what will be done if the 2 person still in their way with high speed they will crash and this horrible speed make them die and the 2 called cock,but what the NICKNAME do if they r dead....and also in raining many ppl drive in high speed and don't think i they want to stop right now and the road was full of water....I'm sure that the car will be slide...
Don't worry .. i just like to wath it .. but i guess i won't be risking with my life for such a game .. i have a family
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
Never do drifting ever......Play safe always!!!!
i just seen it ... in sky news. Horrible ...
looks like a police chase and the ones being pursued went the wrong way down a motor way and hit another car. 5 dead. Pictures on TV are horrendous!
When i was thinking about learning how to drift ... my elder brother send me the same links and showed me how a game can be a disaster ...
sometimes i still think about it .. but when i see these accidents i get this idea out of my mind ..
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
Yes ... ppl still drive like maniac during the rain ... you can see them skidding on 2 wheels.
yes it's true .. they play it to determine who is the coward .. sometimes none of them will go off road and here goes the disaster .. one or both of them will die and lose his life for just playing a silly game ..
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
for the rain to arrive..............then you will see accidents.
"waiting is an art, timing is everyting"
I heard they play it like a game here. Like on sand dunes two 4X4 will speed towards each other for head on collision and the one who goes off the track first is the looser. My friend was telling that many daredevil youngsters has lost their lives this way. Is it true? Hard to believe but!!
Guys here r really crazy carless drivers ..
Sometimes i'm one of them ;)
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
this morning i drive down the C ring road. From Subway traffic light to Muntaza Traffic light ... there were 3 accidents on that shorts distance of road.
Amazing eh?