Punishment for not respecting fasting

قانون العقوبات (رقم: 11 / 2004) >> الكتاب الثانى >> الباب السابع >> الفصل الأول >> المادة 267
يعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تجاوز ثلاثة أشهر، و بالغرامة التي لا تزيد على ثلاثة آلاف ريال، أو بإحدى هاتين العقوبتين، كل من جاهر في مكان عام بتناول الأطعمة أو المشروبات أو غير ذلك من المواد المفطرة في نهار رمضان.
Article No 267(Qatar punishment law):
Up to 3 months in prison and/or up to 3000QR fine for any one drink,eat or smoke during the fasting hours of Ramadan
lets just give or respect to Ramadan season..
i wished it was more then 3 months in prison and more then Qrs.3000/- fine ? :(
in tat way, atleast you will learn to respect other cultures ?
To be honest it doesn't really bother me that much and it is easy to do, however I do have a problem with forcing people to obey such a rule with such heavy punishment.
Killing someone on the road by dangerous driving means your licence gets suspended, eating in public can be 3 months in prison!
moza, if u really wanna eat in PUBLIC during the holy month of Ramadaan then go ahead - do it ! ...no one is forcin you for anything, but make sure u r ready to pay the fine as well.
No hard and fast rule buddy ! U break the rule u pay the fine...tats a UNIVERSAL rule !
Now u r mature enough to decide wat u wanna do !
من جاهر
this apply to the one that BOAST and make sure other see him, for the sole purpose of defying and provoquing people around him/her.
not for anyone.
in practice, if law enforcement officer see u eating on ramadan during fasting hours, he will very kindly ask u to stop eating, or just eat somewhere not very visible. it happened to me and to many friends i know.
many places have private corners for people to eat "not in public", while they are in a public place.
Yes this thread really serves no purpose. Muslims want to enforce their way of life on non-muslims and non-muslims want to do the same.... cést la vie
enforcement of these laws is the key
I understand that a car is a private place!
I was just told this the other day and I understand why but I think the punishment is too severe. The idea is to demand that people not fasting show respect to those that are by not eating or drinking in public.
There is no such law in Egypt and non Muslims do not eat or drink in public on their own accord.
I thought Ramadan was a holy month of good thoughts and deeds to fellow humans. I would like to respect that. I do not want to see Ramadan as a month of punishment and retribution.
So you are telling me it is not possible for you to fast if you see other people eating? is your will power that weak?
The Government is telling you!!
Please call ALAADED 44947888 if you fined any one not respecting Ramadan and they will take care of him/her.
So you are telling me it is not possible for you to fast if you see other people eating? is your will power that weak?
What do you mean by public?
This is the law so please respect it or face the punishment.
No one is forcing any one to fast, you can drink and eat BUT NOT in public places.
Hope it is clear!!!
3 months in prison? Does ramadan fall on april 1st this year.
So being in a muslim country pople should respect the holy month.
So what?
Is THAT true ??
This is wrong on many levels, punishing all non-fasting, even Muslims with an excuse for fasting, based on no sound reasoning....(u_u)