Public Humiliation For Kid's Punishment
These videos wherein a (single)mother of three kids had her kids hold (humiliating) signs while standing by the free/high way.
The other video was about a stepdad monitoring in the background while his stepson holding a "I stole from my parents" sign stands in a corner/intersection.
As a parent, I still believe in disciplining the kids doesn't have to involve these kinds of harsh methods. That reasoning with your kids, pointing out what's wrong or right. I know also that sometimes, as parents, there are times we spank them for misbehaving.
But resorting to public humiliation? Isn't it if your kids/children gets embarrassed/humiliated, the parent also suffers the same?
Ok i wasnt going to say anything about this... but now i will because i see people saying its humiliation and abuse and stupid stuff... i mean.. yeah sure the kid might be embarrassed by it but hey THATS the point!! so he wont do whatever he did over and over again!!
I mean really.... whats more humiliating.... you kid standing with a sign... or people knowing ur kid steals and u cant control it?? really??
i mean i dont agree with the whole thing these days especially in the west where basically the kids are doing whatever they want and the parents cant do anything.... its the parents fault it got that bad.... but look at the world today... its not like its helping.... kids arent what they used to be these days... its sad : (
if it works.. . then good for the parent/s,
If it comes back to bite them in the asz then...
the parent/s asked for it.
I am quite positive that this type of act would work, but is it a very good act? No.
I am against it. It's very low to humiliate someone; it shows that you have no other method of punishment.
Humiliation is a type of abuse because it is bullying.
Talk to my crown......
and somehow, that affected our relationship with him (our father).
Me and my younger siblings all agreed that if we have kids of our own, we wouldn't do the same to our kids. I could say, we broke that "vicious cycle" of "your father beat you, you beat us", and we may beat our kids as well."
I do agree that children nowadays are kind of outspoken....
Horrible moms!
There is no perfect way of parenting. We all do the best we can..
I have no problem with the methods used by these parents. It seemed to work for the second case..
almost habitually. Azilana, did you and your siblings turn out crooked? Was the spanking a trauma? I don't believe kids should be spanked all the damn time, and they should definitely not be after they enter their teens or before they're old enough to understand punishment (no point in spanking a baby!). Humiliation, as a spychological punishment, is IMHO much more likely to cause serious trauma and problems later on in life than any mild physical punishment.
I don't think the kids got humiliated at all, Everyone would have thought what kind of parents will do this to a child, so they were the only ones getting humiliated. They shouldn't have kids if this is how they going to treat them.
As for spanking, once in a while is alright I guess, We got spanked so many times as kids and everytime we deserved it. I turned out fine without any mental "scars". Kids these days are too pampered.
"Hurricanes are like women : when they come, they're wet and wild, but when they leave they take your house and car."
but they do tell me that they get some from their grandparents which makes me mad at my parents.
You see, me and my siblings did pass those militaristic method of parenting from my father who believes in spanking as form of discipline. Well, it was how my father's parents disciplined them when they were kids so we (the next generation got the taste of this too). So, I said, my kids won't experience that...and they never did.
But this topic is PUBLIC HUMILIATION which would definitely destroy a child's self-esteem and confidence. The more the kid would tend to be rebellious just to get back at the parent....tsk tsk tsk...
Personally I would never do that....
Alumnar, I agree with should never strike a child.
That is just BARBARIC. But I understand, you could get CPS called in over paddling, however this is MUCH worse. Some people should not have kids. Just like some morons should not own guns.
does that single parent ever thought that they are her kids... what makes a BAD KID is a BAD PARENT. who is now more humiliated for the action?
... can be very traumatising for a child. I had a friend (yes, HAD) who did that to her 6 year old son on a party we had, told him off and put him in a corner in front of all our guests. How embarassing that was, and how sad it seemed to all of us.
Dialogue and patience are always the best, eventually it will get through to the child.
personally, i wouldn't resort to that...
Not a technique I would ever use... I think this will stay with the kids into adulthood and will cause more pain then anything else.. what child wants to remember his parents humiliating him in public...
it doesnt matter from which family, culture or nation they are coming from... it is an emotional torture for the kids. they might have done wrong but putting this kids into humiliation doesnt make it right.
we still need to know the background information on these families and why this action was considered at the moment of punishment for the kids.
I wouldn't do that to my son but for sure he'll be grounded for a while and with no access to toys and videogames.
After that for sure he would have understood the lesson.
Once again every family has different rules and living conciditions and before judging that; we should be able to see/read/understad the whole history.
Don't you guys think so??
Personally I feel that public humiliation is not the acceptable way of bringing the children back on track or preventing them from performing undesired activities. It is not done overnight, it's part of upbringing in a methodical manner right from the early stage. Children need to be disciplined when they commit mistakes. The prime objective as a parent is to make them understand that they are wrong and guide them to the correct way of doing things. Negligence from parents will allow more tolerance for children to commit much more serious mistakes and eventually parents will end up with such harsh punishments. If such punishments are repeated, I strongly believe that, it will have adverse effect on children's behaviour and moulding their individuality in society.
I personally wouldn't use that technique of behaviour modification.