Pregnant woman was Having shisha!!!

yesterday,i was in souq waqef,which i didn't do for a long time but i had to invite some people there showing them the beauty of qatar.
a pregnant woman was sitting in the next table almost in her 7 or 8 month and she was having shisha.
and her F husband was next to her.
i know this is not my business,that is why i said no word.
but i have couple of questions about that.
was it good or bad what they were doing?
do you think this could be a crime against the baby.
Is there any law can put these stupid people in prison??
i am just exaggerating.
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Hema Malini....Her first daughter esha deol was born right after two months of her marriage to Dharmendra...
and the one inside the womb.
As bad as letting the kid/baby sit on one's lap while the mom/dad is driving.
Or letting their kids bounce up and all over inside their car (not using seat belts)...
I've been here in Qatar for 6 years (and counting) and I've seen a lot of stupidities done by parents...and I got immuned already and have a sackful of "I told you so's"...
i was going to guess rakhi sawant
I know who Lucy is talking about..It's Phoolan Devi.
this is disgusting......How can a mother do this to her own baby???????
r u talking abt PROTIMA BEDI
7 years is young for you,,,and are you asking us to guess the lady ..;)
In India I was very young can say around 7 years..I saw one leading film Heroine having cigarettes and cigarettes one after one in a very good Bombay restaurant although she was wearing a long gown type with heavy beads necklace...As I can understand now..She got married a week later and only after two months of marriage she gave birth to a daughter...She is a leading politician and dancer now in India..Her daughter is famous for her tantrums and hyperactive behavior too......she was in affair and prior to marriage she was pregnant too..she must be in deep depression that time.. :(
In India I was very young can say around 7 years..I saw one leading film Heroine having cigarettes and cigarettes one after one in a very good Bombay restaurant although she was wearing a long gown type with heavy beads necklace...As I can understand now..She got married a week later and only after two months of marriage she gave birth to a daughter...She is a leading politician and dancer now in India..Her daughter is famous for her tantrums and hyperactive behavior too......she was in affair and prior to marriage she was pregnant too..she must be in deep depression that time.. :(
How can a male be pregnant,,, your profile says you are male
They'll realize that it is really harmful for babies after the mother's delivery. I hope she/he will be as healthy as mine.
The moment I knew that I was pregnant, I quit smoking immediately because of her (my baby), i also would rather stay inside the room than have "talks" with people in our house who loved to smoke while having conversation.
It is not for yourselves, it is for the baby's health.
They'll realize that it is really harmful for babies after the mother's delivery. I hope she/he will be as healthy as mine.
The moment I knew that I was pregnant, I quit smoking immediately because of her (my baby), i also would rather stay inside the room than have "talks" with people in our house who loved to smoke while having conversation.
It is not for yourselves, it is for the baby's health.
I am a smoker, but I would NEVER and NEVER have smoked around pregnant women, children or in closed spaces where there are non smokers present.
I do not understand people who do in the malls in Qatar, for example.
Pregnant women smoking or being around smokers, BIG NO.
How many of you know husbands or other family members who smoke around pregnant wives or small children? Do you say anything to them about the dangers of second hand smoke?
I'm not condoning what this woman was doing but I do wonder if you consider second hand smoke just as dangerous? The medical profession and research does.
LOL @ edifis
The baby will be smoke proof.
Shocking, what sort of parents will these people be? Can't you abstain for just 9 months....
yes, I've seen this many times.. here in Qatar and in many middle eastern countries..I also so some woman smoking cigarettes in the U.S. She was next to me in one of my classes.. and then went out for a smoke.. she told me that she smoked a pack a day...and she could never quit!
sadly, law can never do anything about this.. law doesn't even prohibit pregnant ladies from drinking alcohol, let alone smoking! Even though I think that if those ladies can't take care of their babies while in their womb.. then they can't take care of the baby when he/she's out!! period..
It certainly boils my blood to see such ignorance and/or carelessness in people. Seriously! I mean you want to endanger your own life, fine, whatever..but you want to endanger the life and health of an innocent who by God's will is depending on you? Now thats criminal!And how do they live with themselves if, God forbid, due to their gross negligences a child with severe disabilities is born out of such pregnancies?How would they feel seeing the pain they have inflicted on their own blood for the sake of a few minutes of pleasure? wouldn't they be wrecked with guilt? Maybe not..sadly though its not a crime in the sense such people can be legally stopped =(
It can be bad for the child... but crime, I don't think so...
Jervis little babies need to be fed. You know that.
Give the baby a break! 7 months in a damp and dark room...he deserves a smoke!
i agree to jervis