Political Correctness Taken Too Far ?

I'm all for respect and caring for the sensitivities of others, but TO ME , this is making a mountain out of a molehill..
PC gone mad.. What say you ?
Adidas cancelled plans for trainers with a shackle-like ankle cuff after some critics said it too closely resembled a symbol of slavery.
Story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9340704/Adida...
that's right. So I guess ultimately they didn't even lose much by their decision..good for them!
They aren't even recalling Fathima. The shoes were set to be released at the end of the summer, my guess is they haven't even started manufacturing them yet.
And as a renowned company they will rather recall their products rather than risk losing consumers over it. After all as students in marketing we were taught that one always needs to market a product that will have a demand and in a sociably responsible manner.
Doesn't seem like a few Brit. Barrage is hardly used to describe a couple of comments.
My guess is Adidas knew exactly what it was doing. I would say that there was debate amongst those who make the decisions on what does or does not sell on whether these shoes were going to sell, so in order to avoid a major flop they previewed them on Facebook to see what the reaction was. When the reaction was negative, they spun it this way so that they look bullied and blameless well revving up some hype for the other shoes that will be released by this designer.
Pretty see through in my opinion.
It seems that few can make a big noise
No one's banned them Brit. Adias chose to cancel their production after the reviews of them on their facebook page weren't favourable.
Why bring out something that people aren't going to buy?
in the modern age! Lol!
You may not like them, but is it right to ban them because "some people" suggest that they evoke memories of slavery ?
These just don't look right. Downright depressing in fact and only brings to mind all those sad and even ghoulish images of imprisonment, slavery, torture etc.
LOL Brit, I'm not telling you what I got up to on my honeymoon! ;)
This is a public forum, but you are a lady of this world. You must have "dabbled".. Handcuffs, Whips, Leather and the odd Shakle :O)
I'd cancel them because they were ugly.
I mean, come on though, since when were ankle shackles associated with anything nice?
However the GCC leaders quickly bought Addidas and have started to issue these trainers to all laborers with immediate effect......
Sometimes saying GFYS seems to be a good solution to such problems which would also put such people (critics) in there place.