plzzz Help me to get the job

By Hajira Hani •
i have experince of 5 yrs . i have worked in qatar foundation for temporary now plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz anyone help me to get permanent job in qatar rail plzzzzzzzzzzz. i wil be very thanful if any qatari help me.
I have done engineering in computer science.
its ok send me ur cv on the mail below..
[email protected]
oh by the way, hikman is here to help everyone - specially the ladies - Check Here ! :)
be VERY CAREFUL in calling any strangers mobile....Just a humble advice to Hajira !
You may forward the CV to the email address but not share your personal contact numbers in Public.
@hajira: hmmmm okae anyways Best of luck :)
hajira 30101787 tasali call me
yasir i had experience in india so i was not counting it.
Thx alot shayaan can i getur email address nd phone number.
if you could send me your CV i can forward it to the concern dept in Qatar Rail...
sorry wait a min before 3 years you have no experience as you posted something before 3 Years.
now you have 5 years Experience :O
any ways inshaAllah You will get good job as on QL there are some kind recruiters.. Best of Luck they will reply on your Post soon..
with 5 years xperience in QF, u wil get job easily in other MNC's or some gud companies for sure,,,,,Start sending ur CV's to such companies & wait for their replies :)
ya i already left as it was tempoary
u r leaving QF ??? y ?? For me, QF will be always b a royal company 2 work with :)